Recipe of Quinoa Pilaf and Moroccan inspired salmon

With all these omega-3s, this filling and tasty dish is going to be your new round trip meal.

The Moroccan pantry is one of the most beautiful on the planet, overflowing with powerful spices, condiments that criticizing and healthy whole grains. It is the ideal source for a healthy and delicious food inspiration, but also few restaurants - great or small indices of this North African culinary power plant. We will not make the same mistake. This sweet and savory combination of spices could be rubbed on chicken or pork, but it is important for the pregnancy (healthy) of theSalmon. Thequinoa Pilaf is a healthy, complex and textured grain that gives this recipe a copious and filling sensation. This could become your new appearance of favorite salmon!

Nutrition:310 calories, 13 g of grease (2 g saturated), 780 mg of sodium

Serve 4

You will need

1 cup quinoa
1 1/4 cup of chicken broth or more if necessary
1/2 cup fresh parsley, minced
1/4 cup of dry grapes (preferably gold), plumented in hot water for a few minutes
2 c pine subcontasants, grilled in a saucepan or oven for a few minutes
1 C. TSP salt
1/2 c. Trette pepper black
1/4 c. Cumin
1/8 c. Cinnamon
1/8 c. TSP Cayenne
4 skinless salmon fillets (4-6 oz each)

How to do it

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 ° F.
  2. Prepare the quinoa according to the packaging instructions, using chicken broth instead of water.
  3. Stir in parsley, dry grapes and pines. Cover and keep warm.
  4. Combine salt, black pepper, cumin, cinnamon and cayenne and rub on salmon fillets.
  5. Place on a pastry plate and cook until the fish slips with a slight pressure of your finger, 10 to 12 minutes, depending on the thickness of the salmon.
  6. Serve each salmon fillet on a generous spoon of Quinoa Pilaf.


OKAY,omega-3s There is no longer so secret, not with the crowds of researchers around the country that attesting to their potential capacity to pay cancer and heart disease and strengthen cerebral power. Despite mixed reports on how omega-3 essential are essential in your diet, the foods that contain them tend to be enormously in good health in all respects, so eat. Here are some of the main sources of omega-3, based on portions of 200 calories:

  • FLAXEED = 8.543 mg
  • Wild Atlantic salmon = 2,843 mg
  • Walnuts = 2 776 mg
  • Mackerel = 2,142 mg
  • Raw oysters = 1,977 mg
  • Bass striped = 1,586 mg

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