What if you burn yourself during cooking

Here's all you need to know how to identify the burns you have, as well as how to treat it.

There are times when we are rushed to cook (and eat)having dinner Because we have too many things reserved for the evening and we know it, swaping movements can lead to negligent mistakes. Let's say you stir a jackpot of spicy paella in yourcast ironBut when you go to touch the handle, you instantly remember that you have forgotten to protect your hand with an oven glove, or wrap a towel around the hot handle of the piping. This intense, intense and sudden sudden pain means a burn, and it is now time to take steps so that your skin can start healing. So, how do you treat a burn you get in the kitchen, the right way?

Burn a specialistThe University of Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, Amalia Cochran, MD, recentlywritten an article On this subject and shared some insightful tips on how to treat a burn that you could be a victim of cooking.

What should you do immediately after your burn on a hot pan?

In the article, Cochran says that the first thing you should do after you have burned in the kitchen is to run cold water on the burn. You never want to cool the skin recently burned with ice, as could damage the fabric. You will also want to remove all the clothes from the affected area.

Now it's time to try to see how bad engraving is.

How can you tell if your burn is minor or severe?

Here's how Cochran describes each severity of the burn:

  • First degree burns: These burns are fundamentally like asunburn Where the skin turns red and it hurts, but it does not blister or peel.
  • Second degree burns: This type of burning blinder and can sometimes even come off from its own pink and juicy skin. They are more painful than first degree burns.
  • Third degree burns: These burns can blister and peel, but the skin under the white and dry air. These burns can be very painful, but if the nerve is damaged, they may not hurt at all.

How do you treat a minor burning? What about treating a more severe burn?

In his article, Cochran says that first degree burns can be treated at home. She says to take an anti-inflammatory too inflammatory such that ibuprofen is such an option if you find the pain to be troublesome. Another option would be to apply aloe vera to the affected area. A second degree burn, on the other hand, can be much more serious, as if you accidentally ventilate boiling hot water on your leg or foot.

RELATED: Your guide on theanti-inflammatory regime This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.

"If the second degree burn involves more than 20% of the body in adult or more than 10% of the body in children or the elderly, you will certainly want to seek medical care," said Cochran in the article.

It is important to disinfect the resulting bulbs if it also happens. Remember that this type of burn, your skin will probably blame. An antibiotic ointment must be applied to the zone and covered with loose and sterile bandage. Cochran says that these types of burns end up healing themselves, but others can be candidates for the grafting of the skin, which would be determined by a doctor. A third degree burn is the worst of them and must always be seen by burn center specialists, as these often require a roof of the skin.

"With third degree burns, we will almost always cicar. The severity of the scar will vary from one person to another. The two things that affect the scar are of the amount of inflammation associated with the Wound, which is linked to the duration of its open duration and the other thing is genetics, "said Cochran in the article.

Slow down during cooking so you can prevent a painful burning.

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