I am obsessed with this cooker egg

Prepare for the easiest meal to prepare with the quick cooktop.

I am a huge fan ofhard boiled eggs. They are one of the most versatile foods to add to your meal plan. They are a great protein on salad, delicious on a sandwich, and you can even make a lot for somestuffed eggs. However, while doing hard eggs as it is an easy process, I see that the use of an egg cooker allows a boiling lasts a lot of eggs even easier! The one I swear by? TheDash Rapid Egg Cooker.

Why buy an egg cooker?

While making eggs in a pot, it's easy to do, the eggs cooked to absolute perfection can take time to master. Nevertheless, with an egg stove, it's never a problem. The egg cooks help to regulate exactly how you want your eggs to be cooked to use a small measuring tool for water. You can make soft eggs with hard eggs, and even small omelets or poached eggs.

I never had to worry about my eggs that go out or overdose with this cooker egg - they are perfect every time.

How it works?

First of all, you have to decide how much you want your eggs to be. There is a small measuring cup that comes with the pressure cooker that shows you the amount of water to use for each egg style. Once the water is added to the machine, use the small tail (usually attached to the measuring cup) and sticken a hole on the eggs. Place each egg (lateral hole) on slot machines.

Once the lid is secured on the machine, you simply click on the button to turn on the stove and let it do its thing. You do not need to fly over a pot and wait for it to boil, or set a timer when the eggs are cooking. The cooker with eggs does everything for you. Once the eggs are complete, it will alert you to delete them.

In order to wellPeel the hard eggs, I like to run cold water on the eggs. Once they are completely cool, they are ready to peel! And believe me, the eggs that come from an egg cook are the easiest eggs I've ever peeled in my life.

How much does it cost?

Although there are many egg cooks, you can buy online, my favorite is theDash Rapid Egg Cooker for $ 18.57. Mine is in black and he holds six eggs at a time.

egg cooker from amazon
Courtesy of Amazon.com

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However, you can also buy theDeluxe Dash Quick Egg Cooker For $ 24.29, which cooked 12 eggs at a time!

deluxe egg cooker from amazon
Courtesy of Amazon.com

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Maybe it seems a bit for another device in your kitchen, especially when you can simply boil eggs in a free pot. But I promise you when you are looking for something easy to prepare for lunches next week, the egg stove is always helpful to have around you.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: eggs
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