15 best protein bars that you can buy at the target

There is a lot of time to choose on your next buying trip, according to a registered dietitian.

Whether you are looking for a snack on the plan or tide on these days, you simply do not have time for lunch,protein bars are there for you. Although they look like sweet treats with flavors such as chocolate peanut butter and glazing donut, protein bars are not just "healthy" candy bars. A good protein bar should be sufficient to satisfy you, whether with the sweet batter you dug or with enough livelihood to protect you. In addition, it's easy to find solids in a store a lot of us frequent:Target.

"You should search for more than 10 grams of high quality protein from a less transformed source (" Pois protein "vs' soy isolated, for example)," says Beth Warren, RDN, founder ofBeth Warren Nutrition and author ofSecrets of a kosher girl. It also suggests less than 10 grams of sugar, ideally from a natural source.

Fortunately, you can get many large protein bars to your local target. Below we gathered 15 protein bars that you can find on your next purchase trip.


RXBAR chocolate sea salt protein bar

rx bar chocolate sea salt protein bar
Courtesy of rx bars

210 calories, 9 g of grease (2 g saturated grease), 260 mg of sodium, 23 g of carbohydrates (5 g of fiber, 13 g of sugar), 12 g protein

The Rxbars are approved by the nutritionist. Warren loves that these bars have a high quality protein source from whole and sweet food ingredients with natural sugars. This flavor is made with egg whites, almonds, cashew nuts and dates, as well as a rich chocolate wall and a hint of sea salt and is 12 grams of protein per bar.


Nice breakfast protein peanut butter banana dark chocolate

kind protein breakfast bar in box

220 calories, 11 g of grease (2 g saturated grease), 135 mg of sodium, 25 g of carbohydrates (4 g of fibers, 9 g sugar), 8 g protein

Looking for a breakfast breakfast these kind protein bars are a good option. Although they are not very high in proteins that do not just 8 grams, Warren likes that they are not as transformed as other bars on the market. In addition, these bars have a taste of peanut butter, chocolate and banana that will remain satisfied to lunch.


Search protein chocolate chocolate chip chip

quest protein cookie chocolate chip

250 calories, 17 g of grease (10 g saturated grease), 220 mg of sodium, 19 g of carbohydrates (9 g of fiber, <1 g of sugar), 15 g protein

Who needs a protein bar when you can have a protein cookie? Quest Cookies is a tasty treatment with an extra kick of residence power through protein and fiber. Be careful. "They add sugar alcohols, which can cause bloating and stomach ache with some people," says Warren.


CLIF Builder Chocolate Mint Protein Bar

clif builders chocolate mint protein bar
Courtesy of CLIF
280 calories, 9 g of grease (6 g saturated grease), 200 mg of sodium, 31 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 17 g of sugar), 20 g protein

The cliff bars are a favorite among the protein bars - and it is because they simply have a great taste. The chocolate currency is a little rich in sodium arriving at 200 milligrams, says Warren, if you do not look at your salt or that you are too aware of the quantity you consume every day, it should not be a problem of Member one of them. This bar is also quite high calorie, she also said and then she loves a bar that uses more ingredients of whole food, for those who are cliffbar fans, these chocolate mint bars are worth the trouble trying in 20 grams of protein.


Gomacro peanut butter chocolate macrobar

gomacro peanut butter chocolate chip protein bar
Courtey of Gomacro

290 calories, 11 g of grease (3 g saturated grease), 40 mg of sodium, 37 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 14 g of sugar), 11 g protein

11 grams of protein for a bar that is also vegan and gluten free? Add it to your cart during your next cycle.


think! High protein lemon delight bars

think high protein bar lemon delight
Courtesy of thinking
230 calories, 9 g of grease (3.5 g saturated grease), 230 mg sodium, 24 g of carbohydrates (0 g of fiber, 0 g sugar), 20 g protein

Lemon sounds, good ... delicious. And these bars are certainly a tasty treatment with a big punch of 20 grams protein! And there is also zero gram of sugar in these treats.

RELATED: Learn how to dismiss your metabolism and lose weight in the intelligent way.


A Protein Bar Maple Enamelled Donut

one protein bar maple glazed donut
Courtesy of a brand

220 calories, 8 g of grease (6 g saturated grease), 95 mg of sodium, 23 g of carbohydrates (10 g of fibers, 1 g of sugar), 20 g of protein

A protein bar that tastes like a donut? What else would you want for breakfast? These protein bars encounter high Warren protein criteria, but are aimed at its desire for whole food ingredients. If you are looking to satisfy your sweet tooth and always get your protein solution, it's the bar for you. It's better than succumbing to eat a real donut, right?


think! High protein cream peanut butter butter bars

think protein bar peanut butter

210 Calories, 9 g of grease (2 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 260 mg sodium, 23 g of carbohydrates (5 g of fiber, 13 g of sugar), 12 g protein

Chocolate peanut butter is a mashup of the classic protein bar and these thoughts! The bars deliver with a solid portion of 12 grams of protein.


Epic chocolate cocoa performance bar

epic chocolate cocoa protein bar
Courtesy of the epic

210 calories, 8 g of grease (2 g saturated grease), 290 mg of sodium, 23 g of carbohydrates (4 g of fibers, 17 g of sugar), 12 g protein

EPIC is a brand that provides all Warren food ingredients together. These are made with egg whites, dates, almonds, unsweetened chocolate, cocoa and sea salt, this bar is a solid source of 12-gram protein.


A birthday cake

one bar birthday cake protein bar
Courtesy of a bar

210 calories, 7 g of grease (5 g of saturated grease), 140 mg of sodium, 22 g of carbohydrates (9 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar), 20 g protein

It is not forced to be your birthday to enjoy this bar. And while you might think that you eat a slice of cake, this bar is packed in 20 grams of whole proteins. It also contains polyunsature greases and monounaturates that can help reduce LDL's harmful cholesterol.


Perfect chocolate bar Brownie Brownie Bar

perfect bar chocolate walnut brownie protein
Graceful of the perfect bar

280 calories, 14 g of grease (3 g saturated grease), 30 mg of sodium, 29 g of carbohydrates (6 g of fiber, 20 g sugar), 10 g protein

With all the biological, whole whole and 10 grams of protein, this perfect bar seems really perfect. And he has the taste of a chocolate hazelnut brownie. Although a bit high in sugar,


Special chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate meal bar

special k chocolate peanut butter
Courtesy of k

180 calories, 6 g of grease (3.5 g saturated grease), 210 mg of sodium, 22 g of carbohydrates (5 g of fiber, 13 g sugar), 12 g protein

This bar is all the kindness of your favorite rice cereals packaged in a peanut butter hollow covered with chocolate. These special bars are high of protein (12 grams), but also made up of processed soy proteins, which Warren does not like completely, but if you eat it sparingly, they are always a solid option.



power crunch french vanilla creme
Courtesy of the power crunch
220 calories, 13 g of grease (7 g saturated grease), 100 mg of sodium, 11 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, sugar of 5 g), 14 g protein

French vanilla is a bit out of the usual wheelhouse for protein bars, but you will be happy to give it a test, especially that each bar has 13 grams of protein. The power crunch uses lactose protein, so beware if you arelactose intolerant!


Vega Snack Vegan Chocolate Bar Chocolate peanut butter

vega snack vegan bar
Graceful of Vega
290 calories, 10 g of grease (5 g of saturated grease), 290 mg of sodium, 27 g of carbohydrates (4 g of fiber, 18 g of sugar), 20 g protein

The vegans also deserve protein bars and Vega is a large brand approved by Vegan. It is a vegan on the classic chocolate peanut butter, using peanuts as the main ingredient, which gave it all the food loves that Warren loves with 10 grams of protein per bar.


Vega Protein Vegan Bar Almond Coconut Bar

vega snack coconut
Graceful of Vega
190 calories, 8 g of fat (4 g saturated grease), 80 mg sodium, 21 g of carbohydrates (4 g of fiber, 11 g sugar), 10 g protein

The coconut almond is another flavor of amusing Vega, with 10 grams of protein and 11 grams of sugar. This is mainly made mainly pea protein chips, so it is certainly more transformed than other bars but not the worst, according to Warren, so you can climb on it without guilt.

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