20 best healthy foods to buy in bulk

Load on these healthy staples at your next Walmart or Costco race.

Pandemic coronavirus begins to feel like a long cooking lesson. Recruits and pros have become more adventurous in their culinary businesses,whip their own coffee andbake their own bread. Generally, we all sharpened our cooking skills. Partially out of necessity, yes, but partially because it feels good to feed and our loved ones in a certain way.

And with more cooking and trying to minimize our exposure to others in grocery stores, the importance of a well-stocked pantry has become more apparent than ever. Efficiencygrocery list And meal planning can help a lot to ensure that our pantry always contains something we can turn into dinner. The purchase of bulk things has also become important - investing in bulk staples with long life can make a difference between weekly or monthly visits of the grocery store. The following foods are easily stored and usable that you should buy in bulk on your next Walmart or Costco race.




Bays like blueberry, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are responsible for all kinds of health benefits. They are packed with polyphenols, natural chemicals with powerful properties, such as the ability to stop grease to form. Anyone who has already had a strawberry knows of first retention that she is in their summer the richest, the sweetest and the most obvious since she is season. However, when fresh berries are out of season, they will be more expensive and lower of quality. During the rest of the year, frozen berries constitute an excellent alternative because they are generally frozen at maximum maturity.

How to store them: If the berries are in season, buy in bulk and gelez everything you can not eat right away. You will have a huge sweet cache, good for your fruits by hand whenever a need for envy. In winter, opt for frozen bays, which you can also buy wholesale at better prices.



various nuts

You can think that nuts are a food to eat sparingly because they are full of fat, but many walnuts found in the average supermarket, like thesenutty, are perfect for weight loss because of nutrients and healthy fats they contain. Omega-3 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fats, for example, are found in many shaft nuts and activate genes that enhance insulin metabolism and actually reduce the overall fat from your body stores.

How to store them: In addition to being good for you, nuts are often much cheaper to buy bulk than in small quantities. If you let them out at room temperature, they tend to go from the rance after a moment, but they will easily keep weeks (or months) and keep their delicious flavor and excellent nutritional properties when stored in the Refrigerator or freezer.


Brown rice

brown rice

This healthy staple has a much better nutritional profile than its white counterpart and continues almost indefinitely on the shelf. And there are several reasons why it is such a taste among healthy eaters and dianangers: it is responsible for vitamins B, a natural source of sustainable energy; It has essential micronutrients such as manganese, phosphorus, selenium and magnesium; And packs a lot of fiber, which can keep your blood glucose in the verification and desires of junk food at the bay.

How to store it: Be sure to store brown rice in a hermetic container to keep it free from dust, insects, and other contaminants that can operate in your dry products if it is not properly sealed.




Gluten free, full of soluble fiber and low-market, wholeover is an item you should have around the house all the time. Use them for cooking as healthier filling for meat or crab cakes, or for oatmeal of the night. However, you put them to use, they will do their incredible work to keep your heart healthy, reduce your risk of diabetes and reduce blood pressure - that's why we have named them one of our 7 dishes healthier on the planet. In addition to being a superstar of global health, whole oats is an excellent food in any healthy weight loss diet because they have also been demonstrated to increase hormones in the body that help control L 'appetite.

How to store them: Oats will last for years when it is stored on your pantry shelf at room temperature. Simply make sure to keep them in a hermetic container to keep all bugs, dust or other unwanted contaminants.




Although cooked and used as a grain, quinoa is a very a seed - a super seed, one of the only plants of all essential amino acids. Use it as a side dish for meat meats and vegetables, in soups or cold salads instead of pasta, or as part of a main dish as an excellent vegetarian source of protein. A cup of quinoa cooked has about 8 grams of protein - around the same thing as in a small piece of roasted Turkey! The complete protein found in this miracle seed will keep you full and satisfied longer, letting you less likely to give the desire to snack or to eat too much throughout the day.

How to store it: As rice, the uncooked quinoa lasts the months on the shelf as long as kept in a dry place in a hermetic container, making it a great article to buy in bulk, especially if you try to reduce.


Dried beans

kidney beans

Beans must be an essential element in the custody of any person concerned about health. And while the canned version can be loaded with additional sodium additives and other additives, dried beans have none of these undesirable unwanted, but all the fibers and nutrients you need. Dried black beans make our list of the8 foods you should eat every day, mainly because they are so full of antioxidant compounds called anthocyanas, which have been demonstrated to improve cerebral function. And that you prefer the black beans or the kidneys, the favas, the limas or the lenses, you will make a good choice since all the beans are raised in protein and fiber and fat and saturated calories.

How to store them: Keep your favorite varieties in the pantry at any time and buy in bulk to save even more money, this last age, when he is kept sealed and in a cool and dry place.


Olive oil

olive oil

An extra-virgin olive oil, extra-virgin oil can be used for cooking as well as fresh dishes such as salads. Its versatility makes it an ideal health food; It's easy to reap the benefits when you can use it in almost every dish. And the health benefits of Evoo are numerous: it is built for its large quantities of monounsaturated fats and its ability to protect the body against debilitating diseases such as breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease, among other super powers.

How to store it: Olive oil is also often sold in large bulk sizes. Therefore, if it is your cooking oil, it's worth buying in large quantities - you will save up large dollars. Stash a big drum in your pantry and keep a small bottle near the stove for easy access; Simply recharge the small bottle every time it works.


Coconut oil

coconut oil

Like olive oil, its tropical cousin is sometimes sold in large sizes that can save you money. If you take advantage of its multitude of uses - it can be used just about anything, except deep fry, including moisturizing, you absolutely need to buy in bulk. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, a type of fat that converts more easily into energy than many other types of grease, which means that your body will burn it rather than storing it around your size.

How to store it: This oil is a stable shelf - it will melt and become liquid at about 76 degrees. But in its liquid and solid states, it can last up to 2 years, provided it is held in direct sunlight. Some people choose to refrigerate coconut oil, and that's good too. If you want to be very careful about your cooking oil, we recommend that you transfer it to a declining plastic container to avoid the possibility of any labeled undesirable chemical compound in the oil over time.


Migratory meats

chicken breast

In many markets and butchers, some cups will be on sale for fantastically low prices - but only if you buy in bulk. Less fat meat cuts like boneless and skinless chicken breasts are often more expensive than their stronger counterparts, like bone chicken thighs, buying these healthier loose meats can save you money saving you money .

How to store them: Of course, you will not eat bulk amounts of meat during one or two meals. So, once you buy, do only the meat you plan to cook immediately (within 24 to 36 hours) in the refrigerator. Everything else must be stored in the freezer. To prevent fresh meat and freezer burn as long as possible, wrap individual parts in a plastic film, then place portions wrapped in plastic bags with a sealed joint, such as a slide top.


Entire spices


Spices before the earth lose their flavor and freshness after about 6 months to a year - and you know that the nutmeg is sitting in your pantry for at least these long but entire spices have a longer life . They also stimulate the flavor of your food without adding fat, calories, sugars or salt.

How to store them:Buy whole spices in bulk, invest in a spice grinder (you can get a quality model that will last you for a $ 20 sentence) and create spices if needed to save money and add big flavors to your favorite foods. To keep the spices fresh, make sure to store them in hermetic containers and keep them in a cool and dry place.



Black lentils red lentils puy lentils

Like dry beans, the lentil storage is a great way to make sure you still have a high protein option at your fingertips in your pantry. Lentils of all red stripes, yellow, brown, puy,black Eyed PeasAlso filled with fibers, iron and minerals, and they are a great way for plants to get these nutrients in their diet. Buy them in bulk make sense because they have a long service life, while buying small packets of lentils that can add significantly.

How to store them:The dry lenses will last up to a year, as long as you store them in hermetic containers in a cool, dry place, such as your pantry.



Pasta are generally considered Namese of a healthy diet, but reputation can beuncertainly. Of course, whole wheat pastes are better for you than its white counterpart because they always contain nutrients without white pasta during treatment (like the Bran and Germ). But the white pasta are also enriched with vitamins and minerals, so you eat it in moderation, it will not necessarily derail your health goals.

How to store it:Whatever the pasta you choose, the bulk buying it means that you can reduce expenses up to 50%. Another advantage of buying pasta to buy in a bigger package and decant it in an hermetic container is that you do not necessarily feel as if you need to boil an entire book every time you cook. An amount of 1 cup is a totally reasonable amount to satisfy your pasta desires, but always offers you the possibility to charge your meal with objects other than carbohydrates.


Chia seeds

bulk foods chia seeds on yogurt

The tiny seeds are considered a superfail as they are dense with nutrients that give you sustainable energy. They can stabilize blood glucose, increaseweightloss, keep hungry at the bay and even help keep your body hydrated throughout the day. They contain only 138 calories and less than 9 grams of fat, a size of 10 grams of fibers and 5 grams of protein per ounce. We like to add them toNight oats andsmoothies, especially after training.

How to store them: The superpower of the seeds of Chia is reflected in their price, resulting in a discount when buying in bulk, it is a smart movement for those who like to enjoy the seeds of Chia daily. Store them in a hermetic container in the pantry and will last between 2 and 4 years.


Walnut butter

bulk foods nevada peanut butter

Walnut butters likepeanut and almond butter, and eventahini, are perfect bulk foods when you need to add a little healthy fat or plants to your meals.Smoothies andBreakfast Oats Benefit from their creamosity, but you will also reach them when cooking desserts or just wanting a PB & J sandwich. The more you can think of using them, the better for you to buy them in bulk .

How to store them:Look for brands of natural black butter, as they are less transformed and therefore healthier than highly commercial marks. You can find large bathtubs (several large books) of natural nuts on Amazon. Unopened, they will last about 12 months in the refrigerator, and once you open them, keep them refrigerated and finish at less than 2 to 3 months.


Superfew powders

bulk foods superfood powders

If superfewed powders like Hemp, Matcha, Goji Berry or Moringa are part of your wellness plan, you know that buying them in small packets makes no sense. "Superfew powders" is a wide term for any healthy complement in the form of powder made from a dense nutritious ingredient consumed for its health benefits. And in order to see benefits about the health of superfoods, they must be consumed regularly for a significant period of time. If you do not use them yet, give them a health goal that you would like to work and find theGood super food powder for you.

How to store them:If you use super food powders in your smoothies and protein shakes, buying a large package can significantly reduce costs. After you open them, keep your powders super-powered in the refrigerator for optimum quality up to 2 years.



apples bunch sliced apple seeds showing

When it comes to nibbling healthy, it's hard to beat a good old apple. Scientists from the University of Western Australia have found that women who ate a little apple per day had longer life expectancy than those who eat less than 15 apples a year. In addition, powerful antioxidants in apples protect against certain cancers and heart disease, strengthen the function of the immune system and improve the symptoms of asthma and overall pulmonary health.

How to store them: Make sure you do not wash your apples before storing or not speeding up the disintegration process. As a rule, apples will last in a cool and dark place for a few weeks if not month, depending on the climate and variety. You can also make apple compote or butter and store it in the freezer for many months.



bulk foods grated cheese

The shredded cheese is a delicious way to group sauces, breakers and burrito bowls with extra fat and flavor. If you use a lot of Mozzarella or Cheddar Shredded Skim or Cheddar, buy them in bulk save money and will improve dinner with things you have aware. And do dinner at home always take away beats.

How to store it:Keep unopened packets of shredded cheese in the freezer for 12 months maximum.


Frozen vegetables

bulk foods separated frozen vegetables in bags

The vegetables are the most crucial food group for a healthy diet and adding it to each meal that you eat should be one of your well-being goals (yes, breakfast too). However, they are also better when they are fresh and start to decline soon in your refrigerator if it is unused. That's why, just like with frozen bays, frozen vegetables are an excellent alternative. They are usually frozen at maximum maturity, when all their best qualities can be preserved.

How to store it:Buy frozen vegetables in bulk is obvious. Frozen peas and carrots can be used in soups, pasta and objects such as Shepherd pie, frozen spinach or cabbages can be added to populate everything that requires more greens, while frochin , zucchini or butternut squash can serve as a quick side when thawing. On a saucepan with butter. They will last up to 12 months in the freezer.


Canned tuna

bulk foods Canned tuna

Bulk cans will always be useful when you try to save money. A good can always have on the hand for a healthy diet is tuna. Try to find tuna in olive oil, which will preserve its freshness and justice. Add it to salads or wraps for a low carbohydrate fast meal.

How to store it: An unopened tuna bobbin will last up to five years in the pantry.


Protein powder

bulk foods Different types of protein powder plant animal whey

Protein powders, if used, are used regularly. This means that your breakfast shake probably gets a scoop from it every day. But high quality protein powders can be expensive and to compensate for some of these expenses, buy bulk packets such as lactose or pea protein powder is a great idea.

How to store it: Keep your protein powder in a cool and dry place, such as your pantry. Most will last from 8 to 18 months will last 8 to 18 months. If you have had your protein powder for a moment and you're not sure if it's always good to use, get our tips forIdentify expired protein powder.

RELATED: The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.

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