11 ways of the food store consciously

If you want to look for the health of the planet and animals and plants that live there - you can do it in purchases for products with these food certifications.

In partnership with Gomacro

Years ago, the only thing that took into account if you decided to put an article in your cart was thenutrition label. If it seemed healthy, it made the cup. Now, with all types of trustworthy certifications available, the digitization of these packages is more important than ever - not only for your well-being, but also for the well-being of animals and the future of the planet.

With the state, the world is currently shopping, it's a must. And the easiest way to do it is to spend a little more time during your grocery shopping looking for labels that take a product of good at large levels.

Many companies, likeGomacro, have made their mission to increase significantly by winning certifications that show what is important to them. For some, it takes the appropriate measures to reduce their carbon footprint, and for others, it ensures that each ingredient they use is of the highest quality. There are also companies looking for farm animals following strict guidelines that give them a better quality of life.

Whether you are vegan who cares about animal practices, want to support companies that do their part to save the environment or simply want to fill your body with the healthiest options available (perhaps all the above). Best certifications to search for your food labels. Because how you spend your money, and the power you have when it makes it more impact than you think.

Food certifications consciously search for shopping


Certified vegan

certified vegan.org certification

If a label has theCertified vegan logoYou can make sure that no animal has been injured in the manufacture of the product in any way. The approval process is not taken lightly. To refuel the logo, a product must not contain meat, fish, poultry, animal by-products, eggs and dairy products of all types, honey or honey bees, insects and Insect products (such as silk and dyes), gelatin, or filtered sugar of bone charcuterie. The products must also not involve any screening of animals or GMOs of animal origin. Another plus: as many factories produce a wide variety of different products, this logo also means that companies also take the necessary measures to clean and disinfect everything that is used between vegan and nonpozhal production to minimize any cross-contamination .


Sustainable Food Association Partner

sustainable food trade association

When a company is a partner of theSustainable food associationThis means that they are dedicated to helping the transition from biological food exchanges to more sustainable environmental practices. This means not only strategies on how to be more ecological and then work on these goals, but also to defend change within their own business and biological food to improve the entire food industry.


PARTNER carbononte

carbon free partner certification

When a company has a nonprofit carbon certificationCarbonfund.org On their packaging, it means that they have taken appropriate steps to calculate, reduce and compensate for their carbon footprint, fight climate change and help make the transition to a clean energy future possible. After calculating their carbon footprint, the company - no matter if it has some employees or thousands, selecting one of the three types of projects to compensate, who are all third-party certified to the highest standards: forestry, energy efficiency or renewable energy.


Certified C.L.E.A.N./CERTIFIED R.A.W

certified clean raw certification

When you spot one of these logos on your packaged food products or supplements, you know it's as pure as possible. The twoTO CLEAN. and R.A.W. certificationsConcentrate on the entire supply chain, making sure what you bring to your home is the best possible quality for your health and well-being. To be certified clean, the product must be conscious or safe, transformed to a minimum, treated with the majority of its organic ingredients, 100% of non-GMO ingredients and fabricated ethically, have a large amount of biosult enzymes (which are tested. Using cytosolve technology), and must be nourishing (something determined by Andi score, which indicates the density of nutrients of food). To be RAW certified, the product must be 100% security, non-GMOs and especially organic, the ingredients must have large quantities of bio-available enzymes, and it must be treated at least with a high nutrient score. .


Green partner

epa green power partner

TheGreen PartnershipFrom the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a goal: to contribute to the construction of the green energy sector to protect human health and the environment. Companies that are part of the program receive expert advice, technical support, tools and resources, and in return, they commit to using green power for all of their annual electricity consumption.


Verified non-GMO project

non gmo project verified

When it comes to avoiding genetically modified GMOS-AKA organisms, the most reliable label available in North America is through theNon-GMO project. At present, there are more than 50,000 products and cash that carry the logo, which are all necessary to have systems in place that ensure that they respect their standards, which includes the tests in progress. 'Risk ingredients, as well as traceability and segregation practices to ensure that the finished product is also trustworthy.


Certified fair trade

Fair trade certification seal

Fair trade Is a social movement that ensures farmers, workers, fishermen and craftsmen are paid a habitable salary for their hard work. In addition to this, equitable business standards allow workers to have a voice in their workplaces and communities, help invest funds in local communities and promote sustainable environmental practices.


Rainforest Certified Alliance

Rainforest alliance certified seal

Non-profit international, theRAINFORES ALLIANCE, shares an unfortunate statistic that humans have destroyed 80% of the world's forests. Their mission is to preserve biodiversity and to guarantee sustainable livelihoods for those who work to do the same. The Rainforest Alliance Certified Seal is awarded to farm farms, forests and businesses that meet rigorous environmental and social standards that ultimately protect forests, retain wildlife and support communities around the world.


Welcome certified animals approved

animal welfare approved agw certification

While labels like freedom of range, pastures and without cage can be quite open, theWelcome certified animals approved (AWA) is the only label that guarantees animals raised for foods spend their lives outside on a grazing or range on farms that use sustainable agricultural practices and factor in the well-being of their animals. This includes the sequence of specific guidelines for all stages of animal life: when they are on the farm, are transported and slaughtered. These guidelines are much more stringent than other animal protection programs that, while helping, are not so strict to ensure that animals have time outdoors, which gives them space and allowing them to engage in their natural behaviors.


1% for the planet

1 percent for the planet certification

Members of the organization1% for the planet-What includes both companies and individuals - contribute at least one percent of their annual benefits to environmental non-profits to improve the planet. After joining and hiring donations, they are associated with a non-profit goal that shares its same values ​​and aligns with their brand. The funds then go directly to these chosen non-profit, and 1% for planet criticism and confirms sales and annual donations. Currently, more than 1,800 members in more than 45 different countries are part of the program.


Certified transition

certified transitional certification

When farmers are moving from conventional agriculture to become Biological USDA certified - which takes three years - they can use the certified transition label. The program of theInternational quality assurance (QAI) is particularly useful for small and medium-sized farms: the costs of living fully organic can be very high, and if they are able to use this label on their packaging (which checks the products are manufactured with at least 51 %. Certified transition content), they can still receive premium prices. This helps support farmers and lets you know you bring back to home a product on the right track to become an organic certified.


Non-profit joints

gomacro macrobar protein replenishment peanut butter farm sanctuary give back bar

Sometimes a company will give some of the products they make of a specific product towards a darling cause. Check the labels for seals or a line describing how a business will give the product. For example, Gomacro has designated three of their bars like "Renounce bars." One of them, "Replenishment of protein, "Displays a seal during the month of May who says" Farm sanctuary "and" 10% rear bar ". This seal shows that 10% of the Gomacro net product of this bar during the month of May either directly toFarm Shrine. This non-profit goal sensitizes to the cruelty of factory animals and the fight against these abuses through rescue, education and advocacy efforts. Scenes like this on your food products and you will know that while filling your basket, part of your purchase will help improve the world around you.

What Conscious Food Labels Gomacro has

From the beginning, Gomacro has made its mission to produce herbal products that benefit the health of those who eat them sustainably, environmentally friendly and supports farmers.

While many companies have impressive certifications for their products, it's hard to beatThe Gomacro Certification List. In their quest to provide clean products with natural ingredients, all bars are certified organic, vegan, gluten-free, kosher, non-GMO, c.e.e.a.n. and R.A.W. To minimize their environmental impacts, they also constitute local ingredients and promote small producers as much as possible, and are Carronicfree, a sustainable food business association partner and a green energy partner.

To qualify as an EPA ecological energy partner, companies must check 3%, 5%, 10% or 20% annual energy used are renewable. Gomacro goes far beyond the requirement for 100% renewable energies. Solar energy belonging to Gomacro provides the majority of needs and the rest is completed by the purchase of wind energy.

In addition, they are determined to reduce food waste during production by giving remnants to local farms to be used as feed, efforts to be energy efficient with LED lighting, using labels. and packing materials from 100% post-consumption recycled packaging materials and FSC certified paper products and an internal team responsible for measuring and monitoring their natural resource consumption to ensure that they remain as green as possible. In this way, while Gomacro creates the delicious products that people know and love, they also give back.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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