12 worst cardio errors for weight loss

Be fit in less time avoiding these traps!

We get-do everything you can sweat every day. But just because you hit the pack every day,it does not mean that you are assured of losing weight. In fact, the variety may be just what your routine miss-along with a clearer concentration, a better plan, a shoe upgrade, andGood eating habits pre-training.

See, with most of the body (and not the correct kind ...) who tends to come with the holiday season, is now the time to make a good attack plan against fat. That's why we've reached advice and help fitness professionals for a preview of common cardio mistakes that could stagnate your progress. Find out if you are guilty of one of the habits below and make sure to try one of these21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Error: do too much steady state cardio

Man running in a gym on a treadmill concept for exercising, fitness and healthy lifestyle

Although there are days when it is allowed to participate less intense cardio as when you are super bad of a workout you conquered the day before days compatible with cardio equilibrium in which you do not challenge Not your cardiovascular health will probably not produce the desired results, says Celebrity TrainerKira Stokes. "Be creative," she says. "For example, try skipping a cardio machine every few minutes to work in the jump intervals to the rope to bring your heart rate up to 80 percent of you max. This will give you an important help of energy, will allow you to reduce the duration of the time you need to devote to cardio, and make sure and your body more efficient ".


Error: Do not eat before intense cardio

stack of protein bars

"People often feel it is better to do cardio on an empty stomach. However, this can make you the energy needed to question your body correctly, "says Stokes. This does not mean pre-training session is time to plan your steak and eggs, however. Stokes suggests having a little snack that does not weigh you, but rather stimulate your energy as aprotein bar or onebanana. "These will be advantageous for you and your cardio session enormously. Play with different foods to see how your body reacts better. »


Error: Do not focus


Stokes, like many high coaches, has a big black beast and pet that are people are not concentrated when they work on.

"Reading, verification of e-mail, drawing in the social media, the selfied gymnastics outlet, and so on can really harm your cardio sessions," said Stokes. "Essentially, if you can read while getting your sweat, you're probably not working hard enough. »

Even when your body challenge in a cardiovascular way, Stokes recommends doing what she calls body checks: a method where you ask questions like, "I work hard enough? And "can I push a little more? "It often invited to take your workout of a notch," she says. "Interrupt the flow of your workout by being consumed by your phone in the end you turn your wheels but not make the gains you are looking for. »


Error: Do not focus on intensity

man working out

"This is the intensity you train that increases your basal metabolic rate (BMR), not the type of exercise," says Edward Jackowski, Ph.D., and owner ofExude Fitness. Find a class or type of training that you like and push yourself to your maximum. Because even if you do something aerobic, your metabolism can slow down if you do not work hard enough.


Error: Think more medium cardio more food

dessert assortment on blue table

After finishing this spin class, donot Go straight for donuts!

"When you want to lose weight or get in better shape, the workload must exceed your entry into calories," saysMODELFIT TRAINER KEELY AHROLD. As long as your caloric intake is lower than the amount of calories you burn, you will be in good shape. And this is very difficult to do on a diet that is rich in sugar and fat, no matter how much you work session. It is also important to note that most people a lot overestimate how many calories they burn when they work outside and our body do not tend to operate optimally on a fatty sugar diet! (And for your information,This seven-day Smoothie diet help you lose these last books.)


Error: Being a creature of the habit


Gravitate to the same shape of cardio and work at the same time of the day can lead to trays. Stokes suggests trying to find a good mix of what you like to do to challenge your heart and what you have trouble like. "Chances are that the modality you encounter a difficult time embracing is the one you need to do the most. In addition, working on the same day of the day every day can lead to results slowed down. A couple [] times a week , Go ahead and shock your body by hitting the gym, road or pool at a non-conventional moment. The routine is the enemy for your body. "


Error: Wear bad clothing / sneakers

indoor cycling

"Knowing if you pronounce, supine or have a neutral approach is important when choosing the correct shoes to support you during your cardio session," says Stokes. This is particularly important if you do exercise intense because you do not want risk of hurting yourself. As for clothes, Stokes encourages its customers to wear clothes that they can see their bodies in (think of tank tops and fitted funds) as it found it can be an excellent motivator in Helping you to see how far you came (while also defining. new goals too).


Error: Do not have a plan

Bearded Sportive Man After Workout Session Checks Fitness Results Smartphone

Always be prepared! When you do not have a match plan, you may pass a piece of your wandering workout from the machine to the machine. "It's always better to have a plan and purpose for each sweat session," says Stokes. "Consider the duration of your choice in cardio, and then make a plan for how you can make every second account."


Error: Feeling as if you need to do cardio in the morning

Middle aged runner

There is a myth out there that is 20 minutes from cardio in the morning will skip your metabolism throughout the day. "It's purely physiological," says Ahrold. "This is a great way to start your day the right way for sure. But if you have made 20 minutes from cardio later in the day, you will always have only 20 minutes from cardio that day. Your Caloric output is pretty much the same. "So, do not drive crazy trying to tighten in the cardio of the Am. If you are not a morning person. In fact, like stokes mentioned, the switching of things is essential.


Error: think you hate the cardio

Cheerful female cyclist enjoying a bike ride

"It's important - especially if you're not a cardio fan to find a modality that resonates with you so you're committed to," Stokes said. "I'm preaching to find a good blend of amusing cardio training and those who are difficult. For example, if you are not in love to run, but you see excellent results from that, plan some races during the week - But, between the two, allow yourself from the dance cardio dance, if it is your cardio "fun". The attitude is everything; if you have a positive attitude towards your sweat session and that you can take a moment for Enjoy your ability to move and challenge your heart, you can actually start crumbling cardio! "


Error: Drinking water to sweat the weight of water

Black woman drinking bottled water

"In addition to being so flagrant false, you can make sure your biological systems get out of bullets", explains Ahrold. "You will become dehydrated, increase blood pressure and reduce cardiac production, which lowers the amount of oxygen to reach your muscles. Basically, your body - a very effective system - will become very ineffective." Drink water as needed, simple and simple.


Error: Choosing the bad type of cardio for your body type


All cardioforms, even if they are done at the same level of intensity, will not produce the same results. The way you move affects the aesthetic result. For example, if you are heavy and make a lot of spinning, you will certainly burn calories, but your legs and your lower legs can be larger. In this case, consider opting for a body weight cardio that has no concentration on the leg. "If you can not reduce your dependence to your local spin class, but I always want to lose weight and lose weight your legs, keep the resistance light during the spinning class and the faster pedal," says Jackowski. Now that you know cardio killers, check these 30 seconds removals To improve your gym even more!

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