Gotu Kola: What to know about the superherb

Try this grass this former powerful to improve cognitive function and mental health care.

Unless you are a naturopath or herbalist yourself, chances you have not heard of Gotu Kola.

But according to the health coach based on Summer Sanders plants, author ofRaw and radiant and founder ofLocal judge In Arizona, it's time to change. "Not only has it been used by Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese practitioners for thousands of years as a health strengthening, it is now scientifically studied and the results are encouraging," she says.

So, what is exactly about Kola and what makes it so special? To know, we talked to Sanders; A traditional Chinese practitioner, Irina Logman owner ofAdvanced holistic center At New York; and registered dietitianEdwina Clark, MS, RD, APD (AUS), CSSD.

What is Gotu Kola?

Gotu Kola goes through several different names: Penny Marsh, Indian Pennywort, Tiger Grass, Longevity Grass, Centella Asiatica and Ji Xue Sao Brahmi. If you have seen this grass of several names in your kitchen, you probably suppose it was parsley. The small fencent plant is traditionally grown in India, Indonesia and Asia and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine andAyurvedic medicine For thousands of years, according to Sanders.

While the grass can be used as a garnish (just like parsley), Gotu Kola is usually consumed for its health benefits as dyeing, tea, extract, powder or capsule.

What are the health benefits of Gotu Kola?

Among the nutritionists and plant-centered health practitioners, it is believed that Butu Kola has benefits improving memory, anti-anxiety, antidepressant and anti-aging.

It's good for your brain

"Gotu Kola has been used for a long time to help the memory function and improve brain health," says Sanders.

InA 2016 study Published in the magazine medicine complementary and alternative based on evidence, the researchers split participants into three groups: those who received 1,000 milligrams a day, those who received 750 milligrams from Gotu Kola and those who take 3 milligrams of Folic acid, which is a nutrient well-inspected for its advantages in brain reinforcement. After six weeks, the three groups showed a boost in cognitive function - suggesting that grass can be as effective as folic acid to improve cognitive functioning. But only the group taking Gotu Kola showed an improved memory, which suggests that the grass is powerful to support the overall health of the brain.

Sanders adds that because of his ability to help memory, Gotu Kola is being studied as a treatment of Alzheimer's disease. "The onlyResearch study On the subject so far made on animals, but the results are promising, "she says.

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This can improve mental health

If there was a plant that could reduce the signs of anxiety and depression, you would probably take it, right? Well, according to the Logman, this plant could be Uttu Kola.

"The grass is supposed to have anti-anxiety and antidepressant qualities," she says. That's what researchers found in a2016 study published in the Malaysian newspaper of medical sciencesWhen they gave people with widespread anxiety disorders of Butu Kola for sixty days. In the end, each individual reported reduced symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.

Although promising, if you encounter symptoms of mental constraint, contact a mental health care provider before adding Gotu Kola to your wellness stack, especially if you are currently taking anxiety medications. Gotu Kola can interfere with its effectiveness.

It can reduce signs of aging and stretch marks

Things like pollution, cigarette smoke, alcohol and radiation expose our bodies to things called free radicals, which have been shown toAccelerate aging and cause a disease. But antioxidants - that Gotu Kola contains to Spades - we think to help neutralize the risk. "The antioxidant properties of Gotu Kola help us fight signs of aging," says Sanders, who adds that it can even be used forReduce the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks.

This can improve traffic

Whether you have varicose veins or you feel a swelling of the ankle after a flight, you will be happy to learn that Gotu Kola has thought of reducing the swelling of the ankle. InA 2001 studyThe researchers acquired half of the participants in taking Got Kola before, during and after a flight, and found that those who experienced a reduction in reduced ankle compared to those who did not take it.

Potential side effects of Gotu Kola

According to Clark, Centella is generally well tolerated when it is taken daily for six weeks at a time. But it recommends checking with your business ahead of time, as it can interfere with the effectiveness of certain prescribed medications, and is generally not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

The most popular effects are vertigo, stomach ache, or headaches, but starting with low dose and dosage gradually increases more than a month can help reduce the risk of side effects, she says.

How to start using Centella

Good news: You should not jump into a plane to Asia to get some of this superaliments. "It is in most natural food stores in different shapes such as tea, dyes, dried herbs, capsules and extracts," Sanders said.

When buying Centella, it is best to make sure that it has been tested by a third party so that the product is high quality and does not contain heavy metals or other pollutants that can enter the factory by contaminated soil.

Sander's favorite Kola Kola products areGotu Capsules Kola by Organic India andThe Mind Brain Tonic by Anima Mundis, Which is a powder mix of several known adapter herbs to promote brain health. CLARK RECOMMENDSSage Centrella Capsules by Cent. Other companies likeNature's response andGaia Herbs Sell ​​Gotu Kola supplements in liquid form, too.

"The scientific community has not reached a consensus on the optimum dose of Centella," says Clark, but 60 milligrams at 180 milligrams of extract appear Gotu to be sure, she says.

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