Quick advice to get rid of fruit flies

Sometimes prevention is the best healing, and sometimes you need a fruit fly trap.

Fruit flies are a nuisance and most of us do not seem to understand how to get rid of them. They will not hurt you, but they are seriously (sorry the word game) bother you. Fruit Fruit Fruit and Vegetable Fruit Flys, Fruit Flops also turn around the ceased garbage, garbage bins and compost bins in points, cooking can be a ground of Major fruit breeding.

But do not panic if your kitchen has become the hottest fruit hotel. There are some simple changes you can do to tell these flies to get lost.

1. Dump The Wrotille

First, move away from any fruit or vegetables too ripe on your kitchen counter and keep an eye on those who are about to turn. If the infestation is particularly intense, you may wantKeep most products in the fridge for the moment.

2. Clean spills

Fruit juice and alcoholic beverages, such as wine in particular, are major draws for fruit flies because of sugar. Do not leave behind spills that could attract.

3. Take care of your garbage

If you have a trash can, go regularly and clean it with white vinegar and soda bicarbonate. Then start taking out your cooking garbage bins at least once a day - like remnants of production are sitting at the trash, they start to ferment, which is a dream environment of the fruit fly.

4. Configure traps

Finally, install fruit fly traps in the areas of your kitchen where you can find creatures.

  1. Pour 1/4 cup of vinegar into a mason pot, the type that has a two-part lid flat and a flat metal cover and a detachable outer ring.
  2. Press a few small drops of dish soap in vinegar.
  3. The further next step: Cover the pot well with a plastic film and screw the outer ring of the mason. Drill small holes in the plastic film with a pair knife. Alternatively, you can try this: instead of a plastic wrap, screw throughout the jar lid into a mason and the outer ring, then use a nail and a hammer to drill three to four small holes in the lid.
  4. Place the pot in the area of ​​your kitchen where you found fruit flies. Once you have caught a number of flies, discard the contents of the trap and wash the pot.

RELATED: Your ultimate survival guide and supermarket is here!

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: How-To / tips
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