Your search for the snack of your child's lunch box from your child ends here

Difficult eaters are searching for the snack box from the perfect lunch box more difficult. Luckybar has a solution to this problem.

In partnership with Luckybar.

Everyone knows how difficult children can be with food. For a moment, my mother struggled to make me eat anything but chicken offers and onion rings. For a snack? I would have tortilla chips and salsa. Everyday. Was it the most nourishing thing I could eat? Maybe not. But it was food and I liked that, so I ate it.

When your child finds a snack she loves, you let her paste with her because you know it's better than nothing (which is most often than not the alternative).

Although there are more snacks from noon hatred than ever, finding the one that your spicy child will really appreciate is a completely different beast. But now, there is a snack that will end your search for something to send them to school. We will even have a starting point for this: This snack is so perfect, your little person will leave the house in the morning and ask if you are sure to pack it for lunch.

Presentation: Luckybar. Children will not love this crisis covered with chocolateprotein barBut they will also continue to ask.

Why luckybar will be the favorite snack of your favorite child of your child.

Unlike your typical bar of children who are often narrowed from their predecessors made for adults, Luckybar has been specially formulated with children in mind. Why is it important? Consider that even if you could enjoy your protein bar on the date (even if it is stuck in your teeth), the kids do not really think about crossing a bar just because they know how many protein they go go out .

Children want something that tastes well and is easy to eat. Luckybar meets the criteria.

How did they accomplish this feat? It all started with a mother and his son. Luckybar was founded by a mother of two boys, one of whom was a difficult eatery. After his little way to make their way through a forty period a lucky day, this mother knew she had to jump on this opportunity to feed her son and son.

She joined a doctor to study how children have eaten to develop a specifically product for children.

Luckybar is for picky eaters fits easily in kids hands
Kristin Forbes

Lucky are formed in a thick square so that they can easily integrate with tiny hands. Made of inflated rice, they are easy to shoot in pieces in pieces of size because children like to play with their food!

They are fun to eat, but how do they taste?

LuckyBars come into five fantastic flavors to use a variety of unique palaces of children:

  • Pirate peanut butter chocolate
  • Chocolate campfire
  • Cosmic Chocolate Caramel Almond
  • Coconut
  • Strawberry hourglass

They basically taste like a krispie rice treating coated in a chocolate or a strawberry yogurt coating.

Things "for parents": What health are they lucky?

Luckybar is for kids of all ages held by two preteen girls on swingset
Kristin Forbes

Now that you know that your children will fall in love with these protein bars, it's time for you to have learned how healthy they are.

Lucky are high in protein.

Every chance has more protein than two eggs! With 13 grams per bar, Luckybar is a higher protein alternative to Bar Kids Bar competitors (spoiler alert: they do not even get closer). Most bargain bars have less than 3 grams of protein per serving:CLIF ZBAR (2 grams protein),Quaker Chewy Bar (1 gram of protein),Nutri-Grain Kids Cocks (1 gram of protein), andNature Valley Oats' N Honey Granola Bar (3 grams protein).

Although children are not concerned about protein for the same reasons for adult muscle building, it is still important to make sure they eat enough macronutrient. Boys and girls aged 1 to 8 years fall into the lower third of the recommended consumer protein range, according toCDC data. Statistics are worse for boys and girls aged 9 to 13: on average, these children get the recommended recommended protein consumption.

Discarding a lucky in your little lunch box will give children over four years of 25% of their recommended daily intake of protein.

luckybar pirate peanut butter chocolate protein bar

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Luckybar is also low in sugar.

Not only is lucky is full of more ingredients whose children need, like protein, but it is also lower in the ingredients that your children should not have: like sugar.

With only 5 to 6 grams of sugar per bar, each chance is lower in the sugar that Clif Zbar (10 grams sugar), bar of Nature Valley oats (11 grams) and children of Larabar (10 grams sugar).

Children need sugars to feed their active lifestyles, but it is important to make sure they do not exceed it.

Where to buy luckybar

Whether you launch a bar in a lunch box, catching a large packaging to bring to a football game or make a snack for yourself, you will want to keep the babars of your pantry at any time. It is a no-obvious way of feeding your children with the nutrients they need.

Hang a box at your local Walmart or order some online packages to . Luckybar is also available at Heb, Meijer, Sam, Kings / Balducci and more local grocery stores.

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