The difference between white and brown sugar

Never question the differences between the two again with this useful explanitor.

That you cook a birthday or a birthdayholiday partyYou will need a little brown or white sugar by hand. The question then becomes brunette sugar vs white sugar - who do you use? The most notable difference is the color of the sugars, but have different different tastes? Which pastries work everyone best? Are they really interchangeable?

LeaderHello Fresh Claudia Sidoti answers all your questions below.

Brown sugar vs white sugar-How are they different?

"Brown sugar is simply sugar that has molasses, giving it brown color and flavor," says Sidoti.

The leader also adds that brown sugar intrinsically retains moisture, so it is preferable to incorporate bakery products such as cakes, muffins and sweetCakes with chocolate chips.

"Brown sugar cookies will be [wetter]," she says. "Brown sugar can be ideal for glazes and sauces, such as barbecue sauce."

There are also two different types of brown, light and dark sugar, which are both used in different recipes. Light brown sugar contains about3.5% molasses By weight, while dark molasses contains about 6.5%. Light brown sugar is what you usually find in most recipes, and dark brown sugar is what you would see in dishes and bakery products that have a more molasses flavor. Gingerbread and spicy and homemade cakesbaked beans Are all good examples of food with dark brown sugar.

The white sugar, on the other hand, is made with beet sugar or cane sugar and is often refined.

"White sugar is the best for bakery products that need to ride, like a foam or sulfered. It also gives a more neutral flavor, so it's ideal in fruit pastries, "says Sidoti.

Which one is healthier?

Sugar is sugar, so there are no significant differences between brown and white sugars. According toUSDAA brown sugar teaspoon contains about 17.5 calories and the same amount of white sugar presents about 16.3 calories.

While both are almost equivalent to nutrition, there is a marginal difference. Because brown sugar contains molasses, it is a little richer in three minerals: calcium, iron and potassium. However, it is not a good source of minerals because it includes such insignificant amounts of each.

RELATED: The easy guide toSugar is finally here.

If a recipe does not specify, if you use brown sugar or white sugar?

"If a recipe does not specify sugar to use, I think it's the best practice to use white sugar," says Sidoti. "However, during the exchange of white for brown, I also like to increase or add a splash of vanilla extract to give it a little more depth of flavor."

Hope this brings more clarity to the debate on brown sugar vs white sugar and what really puts both separations!

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: dessert / Sugar / tips
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