You can not buy these 15 foods in the United States in

Whether for ethical or safety reasons, these foods are not allowed to be sold in America.

TheFDA and USDA apply food laws and regulations so that consumers remain safe. Several legal foods in other countries are prohibited in the United States for this reason alone - they are supposed to pose a threat to health. However, there are other reasons why foods are prohibited specifically in the United States, particularly to protect endangered species or stop acts of animal cruelty.

Find out which 15 foods are prohibited in the United States, or at the very least banned in some states.


Very nice surprise eggs

kinder eggs suprise candy

TheFDA Banni The sale of all food products containing integrated and non-nutritive objects about 80 years ago and the surprise chocolate eggs in European securities, which contain anon-edible toy Inside, falls under this category. The hollow candy egg is a hit abroad and there have been several petitions and campaigns that advocate to legalize it to the US for several years.

For now, the product remains banned for sale because it is considered a choking hazard. However, this does not mean that it has not been attempt to import it. According to an article of theThe Wall Street newspaper, starting in 2018, the protection of customs and American borders had seized more than 160,000 eggs of surprise more than persons with passenger baggage and international mail shipments since 2011. Beginning in 2018, a different version of the chocolate calledJoy is available at the US.S. Because the packaging keeps the toy separated from the candy, on each side of the egg covered with a plastic wrap.



cooked sliced horse meat

To be clear, it is not illegal to eat horses in the United States, it is illegal to slaughter horses, and by default prohibits the consumption of it, or at least - makes it Extremely difficult.Trump President renewedThe prohibition to slaughter the horses For meat in March 2018. As is the case with other animals, it is not illegal (or taboo) to eat horses in other countries such as China, which presents a largest markets For horse meat.


Shark fins

shark fin soup

Believe it or not, shark fins are not entirely prohibited in the United States. Currently, only 12 states support aofficial prohibition on the sale of shark fins. However, the act of the end of the shark has been illegal in American waters since 2000. The shark finnage is prohibited because it is considered an act of cruelty of animals, as this implies the sharpness of the fins of live sharks just for throw them to the sea and support a horrible disappearance. Nevertheless, 10 of the 12 states that have prohibited the sale of Shark Fined always allow restaurants to serve meat. SEMARK End soup is actually considered a luxury dish in several Asian countries, especially China.


Japanese Swelling Fish

japanese puffer fish

This fancy fish really houses an extremely toxic toxin calledtetodotoxin In his skin and even in some organs. This toxin is known to cause paralysis and even death. In this spirit, you can ask yourself, why would anyone want to eat this dish? Apparently, it is considered a delicacy in the world of sushi where it is more widely known asfugu. Fish consumption is almost entirely prohibited in the United States, with the exception of some sellers authorized to have a license.

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cooked haggis dish

Haggis is a salty pudding consisting of a mixture of heart, lung and sheep liver, among the other ingredients such thatgroats, chopped onion, suet and stock. Pudding is usually presented and served at the stomach guests of sheep. Traditionally, it is consumed onBurn at night In Scotland, a Countrywide event that honors the Scottish poet, Robert Burns. However, those of the Scottish heritage living in the United States can not dine on Haggis because of the prohibition that the USDA has placed on the sale of sheep lung47 years ago. The prohibition has been fixed in light of the emergence of degenerative disease,tartar, which affects the central nervous system in sheep.


Ackee fruit

open ackee fruit

Ackee is the national fruit of Jamaica. However, when it is immourmed, the fruit contains high levels of the toxinhypoglycin has, whoInhibits the ability of the body to free blood glucose (blood glucose). This can bring people to fall into a state of hypoglycemia, a condition where glucose rates are too low, which can cause vomiting, ultimately providing dehydration and even cause death. The import of raw fruits was prohibited by the FDA in 1973, but you can always buy canned or frank fruits in the United States that have been erased to have a sufficiently low concentration of the toxin.


Caviar Beluga

beluga caviar

In 2005, fish services and American wildlife banned the importation of Caviar Beluga, as well as other Beluga products, which, according to oneNew York Times Article, formerly had a price tag of $ 200 an ounce. The caviar comes from the wildfish beluga and is the main reason why the fish has become endangered. The prohibition has been put in place in the hope of thwarting the extinction of the species.


Sassafra oil

sassafras plant

While theRacine bark From the Sassafras plant has always been used by Native Americans to treatment disease, including fever and rheumatism, Sassafra's oil gives a different result. It is a compound in the sassafra oil calledstew, Which is a known carcinogen. The FDA has put an Sassaffrass oil return ban in the1960. However, extracts from the roots of the plant are always legal as long as they do not contain safrole.


Casu Marzu

casu marzu cheese with sausage bread dish

Casu Marzu is often designated as rotten cheese because it is infested with live straps. Thepecorino, Which is made from unpasteurized sheep milk, contains the larvae of a particular fly. These magpies obviously facilitate the fermentation of cheese. Once the larvae hatch, they start eating through the cheese, which makes it softer. The cheese is then served with the asticots still deposited in it. Casu Marzu is a tradition in Sardinia, Itay, for many years. However, theEU And the United States prohibited cheese for health reasons.



absinthe on spoon with lime green liquid in glass

If you saw the shownewL, you probably already know the kind of powers prohibited absinthe holds. As long as the alcoholic beverage contains less100 parts per million thuyone-The toxic chemical that is found in the arpoise grass that is used to make alcohol, it is legal anicycore in the United States what is done by the illegal drink because of its supposed reputation as an addictive hallucinogen.



ortolan bird on branch

This little rare singer bird was a former French delicacy, having been used exclusively for royalty and rich gourmands. Sale of ortolan has become illegal in France in 1999, 20 years after theEU tried a protected species. In the United States also prohibited the sale and import of birds, which measures be the size of an inch, weighing less than an ounce.



queen conch

Thelamb Is described as a large marine mollusc that generally varies from six to nine inches in length. According toNoaa Fisheries"Commercial and recreational fishing is generally prohibited in US federal waters". The species is often consumed inTurks & CaicosEven if it is an endangered species.


Foie gras

slices spiced foie gras

foie gras can be a famous delicacy of French cuisine, but the way it is done is against ethics, which is why the city council inChicago A forbids the production and sale of the 2006-2008 dish. More recently, the state ofCalifornia officially prohibited The sale of the delicacy after previous attempts had been disputed in previous years.foie gras is the foie gras that comes from either ducks or geese. The liver is fattened by gavage of the animal with grain and grease until the bumps of the liver. As we could imagine, this is so uncomfortable for the birds they begin to tear off their feathers or even hurt another distress. A national prohibition has not been applied yet. However, it can be on the horizon with successful prohibition of California this year.



cooked chilean sea bass dish

From now on, in the United States allows the fishing boats of the Certified Chile Bass to harvest and sell the fish. In addition, theFDA regulates the number of fish Each boat is allowed to take. It is illegal to fish with no certification in the United States because it isoverexploit And consequently, the species is on the decline.


Sea turtles

sea turtle swimming underwater

The sea turtles are captured and killed for their meat. In 2007, theFish & Wildlife American Service Reported that protectors of the environment estimated that 35,000 sea turtles are consumed annually in Calfornia alone. Now, according toSea Conservation of Turtle, "Sea turtles are a legal protection in the United States and its waters under the Endangered Species Act, which lists the Hawksbill, Luths, Kemp Turtle and Green Turtle endangered, Cauganne is considered threatened. »

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: chocolate / Fish
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