10 things that doctors do to protect themselves from coronavirus

They know better - so fly these insider tips to save you.

They are on the fronts - but are human, just like you, and nobody wants to catch the coronavirus. Here's how health professionals in the country remain healthy enough to fight her. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Like them, you should do shopping with caution

Man wearing disposable medical face mask wipes the shopping cart handle with a disinfecting cloth in supermarket

"For grocery stores, carrying gloves or sanitizing hands repeatedly, and do not touch the face, helps reduce the contact of the germs," ​​explains Dr. Delia Weiss, an internist who practices medicine at Boynton Beach, Florida . "Wiping or spray disinfectant on the grocery's cart and the starting counter are also useful. For grocery, gas and bank keyboards, the equipment can be sprayed or wiped before touching. "


Do yourself a "contamination zone"

Woman cleaning and polishing the kitchen worktop with a spray detergent, housekeeping and hygiene

"When I go home, I charge all my groceries on a designated area of ​​my kitchen. I treat everything from the outside as if it were potentially contaminated with the virus," saysDr. Jessica Nouhavandi, the main pharmacist, founder and CEO of Honeybee Health. "I'm trying everything with a lysol wipe (with fresh fruit and vegetables, as far as possible, I wash them with soap and water) before removing the grocery store. Finally, I drop The counter where I start all the grocery bags initially. "


Change your clothes and remove your shoes

Pairs Of Shoes On A Welcome Mat

"Before leaving the hospital, I change scrubs and shoes from the hospital in clothing and street shoes," saysDr. Michelle Lee, a plastic surgeon certified by the Board of Directors of Harvard, California. "After home, the first thing I do is a shower. No outdoor shoes are allowed in the house."


Get intelligently their empire

Carton pizza box left at the door, pizza delivery

"I let them leave it outside the door (I shoot extra online), wait 10 minutes, then take it and then wipe it with a clorox wipe (the bag and boxes)" , saysDr. Yuna Rapoport, "I always stay and do not use the Tupperware included."


They wear paper towels around

cleaning car handle with paper towel and disifectant

"When I go out of my apartment, I take a paper towel to open all buttons buttons / elevators on my path and another paper towel on my way," says Dr. Rapoport. "When I go home, I'll wash my hands first, then Clorox wipe my keys / wallet / phone, then wash my hands again."


They keep their distance

woman in mask focus on stretched hand as symbol of keep distance avoid communication

"As it has been said, avoiding social interactions that are not necessary. When you see patients, I keep my distances," says Dr. Lugo, "Personal hygiene is in overdrive".


They live a balanced life

Woman with fruit in kitchen

"Eat a lot of fruit and drink a lot of water," says Dr. Lugo, "Spend time in the open doors, taking fresh air, observing the mandate of social distance." You should also exercise some of your routine.


They curl their faces

A mature Caucasian man in a clinical setting being swabbed by a healthcare worker in protective garb to determine if he has contracted the coronavirus or COVID-19.

"A face shield offers a lot better protection (then just a mask alone) while interacting with patients because there is a chance they literally coughing in your face," saysDr. Dimitar Marinov, MD, Ph.D. and help. Professor in the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Varna Medical University, Bulgaria. "It's important to protect all the face because the virus can also enter the eye mucous membrane."


They stay calm

Female doctor meditating at her office

"Since stress can reduce immune defenses, immunodynamic practices are important," says Dr. Weiss, "Immune Stimulation Includes Relaxation, Constraint Reduction, Rest and Hydration Adequate, Good Nutrition Consumption , a breakdown of the house and the workspace, like that. As opening a window or a door, so that the exposure charge to the germ can be reduced. "" I try to stay well rested ", saidDr. Rafael Lugo.


They work for you. You stay at home for them.

Contemplating Asian aged woman looking out of the window

"Please give national efforts an opportunity to work," said Negin Blattman, MD, Professor Clinical Assistant at the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix and specialist in infectious diseases, self-effort -same. "If you are honest, 99% of what you're going out to do it can wait. I'm getting every day for my patient. We, like the medical community, ask yourself to stay at home for us." And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus .

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