More than 60 years? Early signs that you have caught coronavirus

You risk serious diseases. Here are the warning signs.

It is scary to read the titles: those over 65, exclaims that the CDC is more risky than serious coronavirus disease (COVID-19) if they have underlying conditions. Here's what it's like you get it at this age. Know what to expect can help survival. Pass this story to someone who needs to hear it.


If you have a lower immune system ...

Intensive care caucasian doctor examines intubated critical stance patient writing notes to case report in intensive care department

"Those with multiple comorbidities or weak immune systems have a much more difficult period that combat coronavirus," says Dr. Tehrani. "That's why the mortality rate among this population is so bigger."

"If you have pre-existing conditions, you risk more needed medical intervention such as a fan," saysDr. Pam Middleton. "Contact your doctor if you encounter uncontrolled symptoms of any pre-existing medical condition."


Watch these symptoms

Elderly woman having cold during lie down on couch while Senior man checking temperature of his wife with digital thermometer in house

According to the CDC: "People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported - ranging from light symptoms to serious illness.

These symptoms may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Chills
  • Repeated jerks with chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Irritated throat
  • New loss of taste or smell. "

If you have a strong immune system ...

Senior Man Suffering With Neck Pain Sitting On Side Of Bed At Home

"For those with a strong immune system and not a lot of comorbidities", two chronic diseases - "their bodies can fight much better with less numerous and milder symptoms," said Dr. Michael Tehrani, certified by the Board administration and internal in geriatrics and internal drug.

"Recognizing that the symptoms of this more vulnerable group may differ from those most commonly mentioned are of paramount importance," says Dr. Lafarra Young, mentioning that people of all ages have been told to expect a fever, at cough And at shortness of breath, but if you have more than 60 years: "the" fever "typical 100.4 degrees can not be seen."


Your light symptoms could be amplified

senior man with winter seasonal illness fever cold problems

"For people over 60 years old, a dry cough can become a piral cough, fever could dwell longer and shortness of breath can be as pronounced as suffering is impossible, which is a very frightening experience" , declares Dr. Tehrani.


You have more risk factors

Doctor measuring obese man waist body fat. Obesity and weight to loose.

"The main risk factors seem to be hypertension and heart disease, which is higher among the elderly," explainsDr. David Hanscom."However, if someone in the quarantine is overweight with medical problems, their risk is higher than someone who is 60 and healthy."


You can have a cytokine storm

group of doctor and nurse wear protection mask checking and takecare infection people from covid-19

"Cytokines are proteins that serve as signals between cells and are used for communication. A cytokine storm is an excessive reaction of the immune system to triggers such as viruses," explainsDr. Leann Poston, a licensed doctor. "When these cytokines are overloaded, severe inflammation, high fever and organ failure may result. In Covid-19, this excessive inflammatory reaction damages the pulmonary tissue leading to acute respiratory distress. "


You have weakened organs

Medical team speaking of a X-ray in an operating theatre

"As you get older, the reserve capacity of organs decreases and the immune system becomes less effective, especially after the age of 75 to 80," said Poston. " This increases the mortality rate or the likelihood of dying of the virus once infected. "


You can have more serious symptoms

Woman suffering from chest pain

"People over 65 are more likely to develop serious symptoms," saysDr. Shirin PetersPrimary care physician at the Bethany Medical Clinic in New York. "These serious symptoms may include: persistent pain or pressure in the chest; new confusion or difficulty to wake up, bluish or face lips."

"The older you are older, the more unpredictable it is," saysDr. Dimitar Marinov.


When to ask a doctor

Upset older man touching chest, calling emergency, talking on phone, unhappy mature male having heart attack

Reports the CDC: "If you have any of these emergency warning signs * for COVID-19, immediately get medical attention:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion or incapacity to arouse
  • Blueish or face lips

* This list is not all inclusive. Please consult your drug provider for any other serious symptoms.

Call 911 if you have a medical emergency: inform the operator you have, or think you may have, Covid-19. If possible, put a face in cloth covering before medical help arrives. "


You do not have to give up hope!

Doctor and senior man wearing facemasks during coronavirus and flu outbreak

Dr. Hanscom is 67 and tested positive for coronavirus. "I'm in good health and I had a low quality fever, muscle pain and fatigue for four days," he says. "It took me about a week to get my strength back and will soon be back to my exercise routine." If you feel one of the symptoms mentioned in this story, call your medical provider immediately. And to avoid getting sick at all, take the isolation of self seriously. Your grandchildren could miss you now, but they want you in the future - and too.

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 30 Other coronavirus errors after 60 years .

Categories: Health
By: josh-sens
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