15 common habits that give you coronavirus

Do not catch the disease that mortally proves. Start by reading this list.

All our lives have been uprooted because of the coronavirus and our normal schedules are a thing of the past. With the stress of the contraction of this scary virus on your spirit and your routine jumped from the window, you can count on common daily habits to make at least a part of your life feel familiar.

But some common habits must be rejected with your sense of normality because they could put you greater risk of contracting the coronavirus. Discover these 15 common habits that can put you at risk ofCOVID-19 [Feminine and make changes to stay healthyand to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You rub your eyes

African girl in glasses rubs her eyes, suffering from tired eyes

If you are tired or get a small particle in your eye, it's a natural reaction to rub your eyes with your hands. But at the age of Covid-19, it's time to stop touching your eyes. Your hands may have touched surfaces that had sprouts of germs, including those that can spread the virus. When you touch your eyes, you can easily be infected.

RX: Avoid your eyes at all costs, especially if you are in public. According toDr. SONAL S. TULIFrom the University of Florida, "Consider wearing glasses more often, especially if you tend to touch your eyes a lot when your contacts are integrated. Suttering glasses for lentils can reduce irritation and require you to make a pause before touching you. " If you do not wear glasses, put sunglasses when you are outside to avoid wind blowing dust or dirt particles in your eyes.


You are visiting your family and friends

Family talking over dinner.

In recent weeks, theCDC andDr. Fauci Having been warned that most transmissions occur in small gatherings of friends and family. Obviously, the other inhabitants will never be "will close", but they can be as dangerous for a COVID-19 infection as a bar or a disco - if not more. Why? You are more likely to leave your guard in these types of places, removing your mask and neglect the social distance.


You choose your nose

Beautiful emotional businessman on a gray background. Silly look. Picking his nose.

It's a habit we are all guilty of: pick your nose. But with COVID-19 running, pick your nose is not only frosted, it's also dangerous. If you are in public, grocery buttons, elevator buttons or credit card machines, you can have germs on your fingers, including those that could propagate CVIV-19.

Put your finger in your nose allows your sinuses to absorb these germs, to infect you with the virus. According toWorld Health Organization (WHO), Coronavirus attacks your lungs and giving access to your nose, you bill you get easy to start wreaking havoc on your body.

RX: Keep your fingers out of your nose. If you really can not break the habit of choosing your nose, make sure your hands have been completely washed before starting to dig gold.


You share food and drinks with dear beings

Young woman sharing her food with her husband or friend

Before Covid-19 started spreading around the world like a forest fire, you would not have thought twice before sharing a milkshake with your friend or take a bite of a hot dog of a to be expensive. According toDr. Isaac BogochFrom the University of Toronto, "If people share food, the virus can contaminate the food they ate or on the fork or knife they shared. And it's an ideal way to transmit it to D 'other people."

Your loved one can be asymptomatic and not even know that they are infected. Sharing food or beverages can transmit the virus. And you could feel more serious symptoms or you could transmit the virus on a high-risk person who undergoes complications threatening life.

RX: Keep your food on your plate and stop sharing, especially with those who do not live at home. If you want to share food, do it only at home and divide the meal into two separate plates before anyone takes the first bite.


You talk too closely

elderly father and grown up adult son sitting on sofa talking

If you are usually a close talkative who likes to start some arms during the conversation, these social distancing instructions will be difficult. But it is important to break these habits for now and be sure you give space to people. TheWorld Health Organization (WHO)Recommends staying at least six feet from other people, especially if they cough or sneeze.

Coronavirus is transported in the droplets of an infected person of the person or sneeze and that these droplets are estimated to fly to a maximum of six feet from the mouth or nose of someone. So, if you speak closely, you put yourself and the other person in danger.

RX:Standing away from neighbors or friends while you discuss annoyingly and impersonal, but it is essential to stop the propagation of the virus. If you simply can not break this habit, consider communicating with your loved ones via a video chat or text messaging.


You touch your face

Beautiful dark skinned businesswoman with casual hairstyle working on her laptop, looking at screen with concentrated face and touching chin with hand

As soon as Covid-19 began to become a global health issue, one of the first councils published by experts was to stop touching your face. If you have germs that broadcast the virus on your fingers or faces and you touch it, these germs can go in your mouth, your nose or your eyes and make you infect. Ato studypublished in theAmerican newspaper for infection control I found that we touched our faces an average of 23 times per hour and 44% of these face keys involved contact with a mucous membrane.

RX: You can touch your face involuntarily without even thinking about it. If you are in public, be aware of where your hands are and keep them away from your face at any time. At home, you can touch your face if you know your hands have just been completely washed.

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You eat an unhealthy diet

Beautiful dark skinned businesswoman with casual hairstyle working on her laptop, looking at screen with concentrated face and touching chin with hand

Being stuck at home and stressed by the unknown of this virus can make you breathe comforting foods. The ice cream, pizza, chips and chocolate are foods you are attracted when you are stressed because you can think that you could make you feel at these treats you feel better. But maintaining healthy diet is important during a health crisis like COVID-19.

If you eat healthy, your immune system continues to work properly, so if you are infected, your body has a better chance of fighting the virus without having any complications. According toA study published inNutrients, "Adequate and appropriate nutrition is necessary for all cells to operate optimally and that this includes the cells of the immune system."

RX: Maintaining a diet comprising many fruits, vegetables and proteins, and it's low fat help your body work properly. With the appropriate nutrients, your immune system remains strong and can help you fight the coronavirus if you are exposed.


You do not wash hands long enough

man checking pressure and temperature washing hands

If your handwashing habits simply involve your hands under water, then grasp the nearest towel, it's time to make changes. These washing habits by hand will simply cut it now that coronavirus circulates. TheCDCRecommends that you eat your hands for at least 20 seconds with antibacterial soap. Soap traps the germs that were in your hands and the water wash them.

RX: Take the CDC advice and eat your wet hands with soap for a complete interpretation of the song "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY". Rinse well and dry them with a clean towel.


You dorce your nails

Young nervous woman looking at smartphone and biting her fingernails at home.

You already know that biting your nails is a bad habit you should probably work, but now it is considered dangerous. If you died without identifying your nails and your fingers host germs that can diffuse the virus, you give it a way to enter your body and infect you.

According toDr. Elie MurrayFrom the Boston University Public Health School, the virus only needs access to the mucosa of your mouth to spread. She says, "All you do to help help the virus get from the outside world in these wet parts of your face will increase your risk of catching the virus." This includes biting your nails.

RX: It's time to implement a strategy to stop biting your nails. On ato studypublished in theIranian Journal of Medical SciencesYou can use your own self-control interventions, try the inversion of the habit or try to keep your hands busy. Try to hold a small ball, chewing gum or get your fingers with a writing utensil.


You do not wash your hands but wipe everything

Woman doing housework.

Dr. Anthony Fauci revealed that even if it does not hurt to wipe all grocery stores or other objects, it is not necessary. "When people start thinking that they need to wipe several times several times, there is nothing wrong with that. You may want to have wipes and put on the handle handle or something Like that, "he said.

"But to believe in a compulsive way as if you can not touch something unless you do not wage, would probably create more stress than it would be a real protection."

RX: Instead of focusing on disinfectant objects, he suggests transferring your energy to yourself. "What we tend to do is tell people to really wash your hands as often as possible," he said. "... and wear a mask."

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You do not wash your hands quite often

Woman Washing Hands In Kitchen Sink

In the past, you may have jumped on the handwashing ritual before eating or once you went to the bathroom. But now, washing hands is one of your best lines of defense against coronavirus and should be taken seriously. Whenever you have been on shared common or affected surfaces, it is important to complete a thorough hand wash before touching anything in your home, your face or family members.

RX: With the threat of Covid-19, you simply can not wash your hands sufficiently. In addition to washing your hands at any time, you are in public, the CDC also recommends washing your hands:

  • Before, during and after preparing food.
  • Before and after taking care of a sick being.
  • Before and after dealing with an injury.
  • After coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.
  • After using the bathroom.
  • After handling pet food or touching pet foods.
  • After touching garbage or changing layers.

You go too many "essential" trips

Woman in medical protective mask panic buying wine

Being stuck at home is not fun and if you are used to running in the city all day, it's a hard habit of breaking. But it is important to remember more people than you enter into contact with, the more your chances of contracting the contraction of COVID-19. When you venture to shops or other public places that are open and manage races that are not really essential, you increase your risks and that these areas are clogged, which increases the risks of others for coronaviruses.

RX: Follow the rules in your area and leave your home only essential races. When you run essential races, do your best to get quickly and safely what you need and recurs at home.

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You leave the surfaces of your home dirty


Fuci said that washing hands are more efficient than wiping all surfaces. But you still want to keep your home clean and without viruses.

RX: TheCDCRecommends that you regularly clean highly affected surfaces, including tables, portfolios, light switches, counters, handles, offices, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets and sinks. "Then use a household disinfectant or diluted whitening to kill germs on these surfaces.


You do not cover your mouth when you darllaz or sneeze

Man coughing covering mouth with a tissue

Now more than ever, omitting to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze is a very bad habit. Although it can affect if you are infected or not, it directly affects people around you. If you are infected with the virus but not showing symptoms, sneeze or cough droplets can infect other people and they can not be so lucky with the result.

RX: TheWHORecommends sneezing or coughing in your arm if you are in a public place. If you are at home, sneezing or size in a handkerchief and you throw it quickly instead of placing it on a table or other surface at home.


You drag in congested places

young woman wearing a hygiene protective mask over her face while walking at the crowded place

It may be impossible for you to avoid crowded grocery stores or a trip to the pharmacy, but it is also important to pay attention to other congested places. Your daily habits may have included a walk on your local path or sitting at the edge of the lake and meditating every morning. But if these places are now cluttered with people who are also trying to enjoy fresh air, they are habits you may need to break. The more people you are, the more your risk of contracting the virus is high.

RX: You will need a needal places where you usually attend near you if they are so cluttered that you can not observe the six-foot social distancing rule. If you really enjoy these spots, consider going for less time for the day, as early in the morning. You can also take this time to explore your neighborhood and find other hidden gems, such as a different walking path that is not as crowded.

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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