Things you should never do at the doctor's office, let's say to doctors

Hygiene issues with non-shows, here is what to avoid doing during a doctor's visit to get the best care.

Think about your happiest relationships, and there is a good chance that each requires open communication, honesty and trust. This applies to you and your doctor too. Lie from embarrassment and she can not treat you. Show yourself not ahead at a visit to the doctor and she will not want. Ghost it too often, and a break is inevitable.

Be a better partner and you will get better health care.

Discover what to do - and not to do - at the doctor's office,Eat this, not that! Health Spoken to the country's first documents to find things n ° 1 health professionals say you should avoid during a doctor visit.Read on and ensure your health and health of others,Do not miss theseSign that you had Covid and you did not know it.


Do not be a passive listener


Becoming an active listener, not passive, is the No. 1 way to be a better patient, tell the doctors Mikkael Sekeres and Timothy Gilligan from the Clinic of Cleveland. They revealedin theNew York Times Whether too much of their patients HOFR must mechanically say, without completely understanding the information relayed.

RX:Ask questions, asking the doctor to repeat something, take notes or bring a family member able to do the above can help you become an active partner in your own care.


Never appear with a self-diagnosis and tell your doctor what to do

patient is angry on doctor because of medical error

There is a thin line between an active listener and being a knowledge. Visit Google to self-educating, non-self-diagnosed, says Suzanne Koven, a primary care center in Massachusetts General Hospital. "I have tremendous respect for the autonomy and understanding of patients with their own organs, and to a certain extent doctors work with patients in collaboration"she saidAmerican scientist. "But to pretend that both parties bring the identical degree of information to the table, the table is treated. Once from time to time, someone will come and do that they need an MRI to exclude such a Or this medicine to treat such, etc. I will have to say: 'Whoa, slow down, let's talk about you and your symptoms. ""

RX: Do your search. Ask questions about everything you do not understand. But let your doctor diagnosis.



female holding fingers crossed behind her back

According to a survey conducted byZocdoc, near the quarter of people lie to their doctors. (Women were slightly more likely to love, at 30%, compared to 23% of men.) The embarrassment and fear of being tried were the most common reasons given. Stop it now! "Sugar coating The bad habits or symptoms of harassment Naggurigique does not help" advises David Longworth, MD, of theCleveland Clinic. "Your doctors are confidential partners for your care. They need all the information available to help you make smart decisions. This includes all of your habits to all the medications you are taking, including especially medications, herbal products, vitamins and supplements. If you do not systematically take medication, talk to your doctor why - including if you can not afford it. "

RX: Always be frank. Something less is a waste of time. Leave embarrassment and shame behind. Your doctor is there to improve your health, not you swim.



Man writing at the desk

According to the ZOCDOC survey, 64% of the elderly reported having avoided putting in place health problems with their doctor because they did not think the problem was as serious or valid. None of us wants to play a hypochondriaque solo on the doctor, but it's not the time of false modesty either.

RX: If you think you might have fired at the moment, write your symptoms or things you would like to chat with your doctor before your visit.


Ever be late

Doctor looking at his watch

Remember the last time you sat in a waiting room, do what the room was for for an hour? It's probably because people before you're late for their appointments, save all the queue. Reinforcing this little common sense is a doctor who posted reddit: "Each outpatient office has time set aside for sick visits and the time blocked for pre-programmed visits," wrote _pyramidhead_. "People will often call often when the office opens and ask for a sick visit to address their throat, no matter. More times I can not count on, the person will say," I can not not enter until 16:30, usually the last location of the day. It's good, but when they do not show, I'm bored. Especially if the last pre-programmed visit was also 3:15, and I have waited about an hour - just to have someone who does not show up. "

RX: Keep your appointments and be on time. Or call to let the doctor's office know what's going on.


Do not be a fool at office staff

Doctor wearing protection mask against covid taking notes during consultation with patient in medical clinic

Do not do a scene upon receipt of waiting times or the conviction of an accusation mandated by your insurance. "Complaining to the staff of the avant-garde of your Copay is useless; they have no control over that," wrote redditor _pyramidhead_.

RX: Be proactive: Call in advance to see if the desktop works behind if you need to stay informed of insurance features such as your franchise and Read No. 8 on this list.


Never appear unpleasant

man is taking shower in bathroom

Common sense (and common courtesy). Unfortunately, judging by medical staff publications on social media, this is too common occurrence. Remember when Mom asked if you wore clean underwear, in case you were in an accident and finished in the doctor's care? Mom was right.

RX: You do not have to prepare yourself as if it were a date, but be clean.

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I never know what your insurance covers

female practitioner or nurse with face protective mask working at clinic reception desk

It is close to the bottom of the list of the last things you want to do: spend time on the phone with the health insurance company. But if you have a procedure, need medical devices or are prescribed of new drugs, it is best to call in advance and record in advance than taking an invoice - and spend more time phone - after the fact. If you need a colonoscopy, the procedure could be covered, but not a particular installation or anesthetist.

RX: Call in advance to check. If you have any concerns, inform your doctor.


I never know what medicines you are on

patient with doctor

This is a common complaint expressed by doctors and other health professionals. If you see a new doctor who may not have access to your records, it will not bother you at all if you bring a cheat sheet with your drugs listed. This could prevent drug interactions and big problems in line.

RX: Note your medications and doses and bring the information to your visit to your doctor, or keep it on your phone.


Never ignore the medicine instructions

woman takes medicine capsules

Always take medications as prescribed. Failure to do so is one of the best professional complaints of voice medicine on social media. On Reddit, a doctor ranging from Astralresolve's nickname explained their frustration with a common scenario: "" I stopped taking the antibiotics because I started feeling better. Now I am still sick and antibiotics are not as effective. "Every time of freaking. We instructed, you do not know, bugs become stronger and more resistant."

Redditor Wallusude, a doctor, said non-compliance based on online searches was his main grape: "the right refusal to follow medical advice or accept a pill per day known to significantly improve the symptoms, all. May this mom's blog declared that this mom's blog is the best thing to do. Apple cider vinegar or because Webmd suggested cold showers. "Your doctor does not have any questions based on your research; just do not present them with something you read online as a fact that applies to your particular case.

RX: Follow the instructions on prescription and express any concern to your doctor.


Never conceal you have stopped taking your medications

hand throwing pills away

This is another frequent event, health professionals say. "People stop taking medications all the time, usually because they feel better or can not afford the cost. It's a chronic situation, especially since the Americans age," writes an expert at Aging Barbara Hannah Gruffermanon HuffPost. Remember that N ° 3 and N ° 4 on this list - a visit of the doctor is once for total honesty. Something less is counterproductive.

RX:Tell everything from your doctor. If finances are a problem, be blunt. (Your doctor or office staff can be able to help with co-pay cards or other solutions.)


Never get too many seconds opinions

woman Doctor in green uniform wear eyeglasses and surgical mask talking, consulting and giving advice to Elderly female patient at the hospital

A second opinion is great. A fifth, not so much. "I am a big fan of second opinions," Orly Avitzur, MD,to crushConsumer reports. "I encourage my own patients to look for them in a difficult diagnosis or decision, and I also provided them. But there is a limit. A recent patient has been paralyzed by indecision after looking for several medical advice (I was the number seven), all with slightly different recommendations. Medicine often involves calls for judgment, and earlier or later, you will need to trust one of them. "

RX: Know when to say when. More information is not always better.


Never bring parents who take the conversation

doctor wearing protective face mask while talking to her patients during an appointment

"Although I do not call anyone in my doctor's appointments, I accompany both at the same time my mother and mother-in-law," says Grufferman. "They are respectively 75 and 83, and a second set of ears and eyes is always a good thing, especially when the doctor discusses follow-up procedures, medicines and recommendations. In this case, I believe that doctors Welcoming my presence, as long as I do not completely take over. I always take notes and ask the doctor to repeat or examine something if I do not understand. "

RX: Ask for awareness parents who are aimed at your visit to your doctor to make more listening than talking.


Ever be a non-show

Missed call phone from someone via mobile smart phone while asian man sleeping on bed in late morning

"Not only does not show up only when we were expecting (and when we called, textographed, sent by e-mail and sometimes all three to remind you that you have a rendezvous appointment and entitled, it also tells me that My time is not precious and you think that you do not have to keep what you were essentially a contract that you made with me when you made an appointment, "writes the doctor of California Rebecca Levy-Gantt in a medium-term room titled"How to be a good patient".

RX: If you can not make your appointment, always inform the doctor's office.

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Never ask your doctor to lie

Medical doctor making negative sign for medicine by his finger. Doctor showing forbidden sign

It's a huge non-GO. "Sometimes patients will ask me to go back and coding the visit differently," says Levy-Gantt. "I will not change the test codes or codes of visit to welcome someone, because it does the fraud, and not an appropriate or legal thing for me to do. Sorry. I will also go to bat for A patient (and I) if I think a patient needs absolutely a particular test and that the insurance company denies. "

RX:Do not ask your doctor to deceive the system. It's contrary to ethics and do not you want a doctor who is honest at all times?


Never drink coffee in the waiting room

Young woman holding take out coffee cup in car

"Avoid drinking coffee in the waiting room or before the visit. This can raise your blood pressure and make the doctor difficult to determine if the patient suffers from high blood pressure or if it comes from the effects of coffee", Joshua Mansour ®, a hematologist and an oncologist certified by the board.

RX: "If you are programmed in the morning, bring your coffee by hand and drink it as a result of your blood pressure. Also if you are a person who frequently drinks coffee in the AM, try planning your doctors nominations In the afternoon. Another option is to record your blood pressure at home and bring a newspaper of them, "says Mansour.


Never forget to report on countertop drugs, vitamins and supplements

ginkgo biloba capsule

"For example, certain supplements such as garlic, ginger and Ginko are blood thinners and can cause excessive bleeding during surgeries. It is important for the doctor to know all that patients take in order to make recommendations. appropriate, "saysDr. Sharona Dayan, DDS, DMSC.

RX: "Before your appointment, you should write all your medications (including dosages) and countertop supplements so you have this practice for the doctor. In addition, it is wise to have the doctor's office send you Health questionnaires so that you can fill them at home where you have access to all the information and you do not rush to do everything quickly. This will save you time and it will take the element of conjecture, "says DAYAN.


I'm never prepared to ask questions you need to answer

Doctors in medical masks and gloves

"Trying to explain your concerns at the top of your head at a short habitual visit will surely let important questions you have to have responded and forgotten to ask when the opportunity was there," says "Amir G Nasseri, MD, Face Face, from Santa Ana, California.

RX: "Think long and difficult for your concerns in advance and write them, and modify them as you reconsider," recommend Nasseri.

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Never save the most important part for the last time

Ill young blond woman having fever and blowing her nose while having a blanket on her shoulders and sitting on the couch with her eyes closed and table with pills in front of her

"Patients sometimes start their doctors visits by saying to doctors of their minor nose symptoms that flow-counny, to beat - almost like throwing them a soft ball to warm them up. Then as the doctor envelops things and on the point. to leave the examination room, the patient finally informs the doc of his chest pain or a rapid involuntary weight loss. The doctor is rushed and less time to devote to what was actually the essential index of The case, "said Leslie Meerve, doctor doctor of MD Liège deCuri, Certified Board and NCMP, Newport Beach, approx.

RX:"It is best to enumerate all the symptoms and concerns that you meet at the beginning of the visit (or even better, replace the list to the DOC), then leave the doctor and determine which symptoms are the most important to handle right . Far, says Meerve.


Never appear with small children (unless the child is the patient)

medical professional with young child patient.

"It is very understandable that the organization of child care can be a challenge, but if you bring your little child with you at the doctor's office, you make a bad service. Fusing, crying and the general needs of A small child remove the crucial attention from the doctor as well as the patient. The child can be a distraction to you two and that the doctor may not be able to think like clearly during this crucial visit, and you will not be able to focus on and remember the instructions that the doctor gave you. Speaking of the experience, there were opportunities where I did not formulate my best plan for my patient because of his little child, because of His little child, who had a distraction and later, had to call him and change this plan. In addition, very often I find myself repeat my explanation to the patient because I can clearly see that she does not pay attention to what I say and I co Nectre instead of calming his child, "says Nasseri.

RX: "Please make yourself a favor and let your child at home when you visit your doctor," Recommend Nasseri.


Never eat before these laboratory tests

Woman eating yogurt

"If you have made laboratories at the visit, try to avoid eating before, as this could affect some laboratory tests such as cholesterol or glucose and can lead to high results that are not typical of the patient", declares Mansour.

RX: "Your laboratories do not necessarily need to be done the day of your visit in many cases. Try planning them so that it's an hour to fast, such as early in the morning. You can have them draw them early in In the morning and always see your doctor at PM a different day and not having to worry about reorganizing your lunch, "says Mansour.


Never play with the instruments on the wall

Equipment in a doctors office

"They are often difficult to replace and can delay care in other patients," says Mansour.

RX: "Although you may be interested in the instrument while you wait, try to avoid playing with them and ask your doctor about your interest. We are several times happy to show them to you and explain how They work. If you are someone who gets bored easily trying to bring a book to read or listen to music meanwhile, "says Mansour.

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Never say "I know my body"

Health visitor and a senior man during home visit

"If you tell a doctor," I know my body ", it will result in an inner eye roll of their part that could diminish your credibility. At one point, early enough in their careers, doctors have seen dozens of thousands of patient bodies and that you only have experience with this one, "says Jennifer A. O'Brien, MSOD, author ofThe widow of Dr. Hospice: a newspaper.

RX: "Say something like", "doctor, something does not feel right. Can you help?" "O'Brien advises.


Never come see the doctor with an already diagnosis in mind

doctors appointment

"Doctors are also people too and likely to seize biases. To suggest a diagnosis can sometimes deceive the doctor and predispose to fall into the same trap as you have done and misunderstand yourself. They have been a few opportunities that I almost fallen into this trap, because I pursued the same diagnosis as the patient was convinced that she had had a little back and examining the evidence in a more objective way that I was able to undo A bad diagnosis, "says Nasseri.

RX: "Tell the doctor about your concerns and your symptoms, not what you think you continue with you or what you think you have," Recommend Nasseri.


Never stay on your mobile phone when the doctor walks in the room

Man use mobile phone, blur image inside hospital

"Avoid talking on your mobile phone or have a ring at any time during the meeting - of the second that you walk in the door until the exit of the office. It's very frustrating and disruptive on a day of busy clinic when a doctor goes to a review room and their patient talk on the phone. The scenario becomes even more intolerable when they put their finger or hand to point out that they will only be one minute and a worst of All when the phone rings during the visit and they answer the call! " saidCraig Tifford, MD, an orthopedic surgeon of Yale medicine.

RX:"Whether you are on the phone, sending texts or send by email, put it away and give the doctor about your undivided attention. You took time away from your life, led to the office, paid your Copay for valuable information, but you are too busy. To listen to what the doctor has to say? Respect your time and respect the doctor. I had to go out on patients waiting for me to have finished finish their conversation. I have other patients waiting for me to continue, so I move, "said dermatologistDr. Peterson Pierre, from the Pierre Skin Institute Care of Mille Oaks, ca.


Never attempt to receive advice for someone who is not there

Family suffering from cold in bed at home

"The appointment time is set aside for you and your concerns. Do not waste trying to get medical advice to someone else: spouse, child, parent, brother, friend. No matter," Said Pierre.

RX: "Make the most of your time with the doctor. The best that the doctor can do is thinking about this other person anyway, if that, so why do you disturb?" Pierre recommends.

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Never try to get a free consultation for someone who has come to you with you

doctor patient

"The doctor has taken time aside to focus on you and your health. Why ask medical questions about the person who came with you when that person has not even appointment? He uses your time to make appointment -You, it's disrespectful of the physician's time that puts it in an uncomfortable position to provide medical advice with limited information and takes time for other patients who have programmed appointments, "says Pierre.

RX: "Do not do it!" Stresses Pierre. If you want to help someone else, make a separate appointment.


Never criticize another doctor

Coronavirus. Doctor visiting unhealthy woman. Doctor consults patient. They are using face mask and rubber gloves for prevention

"Never criticize another doctor - it will only put the current doctor on the defensive," says Dr. Laurence Gerlis Ma MB Bachir (CANTAB) MRCP (United Kingdom) DPM, CEO and Clinician Director toSamedayDoctor. That's not all: "If you are looking for a second review, never ask the doctor if the other doctor makes the" good "or" bad "thing. There are very few black and white medicine scenarios and the most conditions can be processed. In different ways, "adds Dr. Erin Nance deNanctic.

RX: "It would be reasonable to say that you have not had good working relationships with a previous doctor than to criticize them specifically," says Gerlis. "Doctors will present you treatment options, then you have to work together to choose the option best suited to you," says Nance. "Obtaining second opinions is a good way to increase your knowledge on a condition and hear about different ways to address a problem. Do not foster your doctors against each other and to have an open mind When you listen to their recommendations, "says Nance.


Never start with ancient history

Doctor and senior man wearing facemasks during coronavirus and flu outbreak

"Never tell the story chronologically, I do not start with what your symptoms were three weeks ago. Start with what your symptoms are now!" said Gerlis.

RX: Let the narration at Morgan Freeman. "Try to keep it simple and succinct. Start with your current problems, but try to indicate how long we are going for. Try to keep your problems with a two-minute dialogue rather than overwhelming the doctor with a careful exposure. , "Gerlis suggests.


Never start with a single symptom

Doctor and senior woman wearing facemasks

"Never start with a single symptom if you plan to present additional symptoms later during the consultation. Tell the Square doctor one who are all your symptoms. Nothing is more troublesome than the doctor spends 20 minutes from your nail Incarnate only to be informed about the breast bump at the end of the consultation, "says Gerlis.

RX: "It is reasonable to bring a short list of symptoms ideally not more than four or five beyond what it becomes overwhelming and that the doctor simply see you see as a problematic patient", advises Dr. Gerlis.


Do not let them say "my friend says ..."

You're Having a Poor Diet

"Do not tell them what your friend or neighbor or other non-medical person told you what's wrong with you!" said Gerlis.

RX: Your neighbor neighbor, you know a lot of plantar warts, but it's his warts, not yours. "Get on the opinions of registered medical practitioners and tell your doctor what they said. Other opinions are not valuable," says Gerlis.


Never talk about doctors that you have continued in the past

lawsuit form with attorney's hand and pen

"When a patient arrives and tells me how they pursued another doctor, it instantly puts me on the guard and puts myself uncomfortable. Of course, there are times when a doctor was negligent and cause. prejudice to a patient and that the patient could be capable. To receive a kind of remuneration for medical invoices, the inability to work, etc. But here in the United States, it's the wild, Wild West. Lawyers. Whenever you drive in the highway, you are bombed by advertising panels for advertising law offices specializing in professional malpractice doctor. Everyone is looking for money, let's face that, "saysCarissa Alinat, PhD, Aprn, Practitioner nurse certified by the board.

RX: Once again, keep your story with other doctors for yourself. "When a patient enters and told me about their experience, pursuing a doctor, I'm hesitant to become their, because you never know what kind of person you are dealing with," says Alinat.


Never come to your visit without your blood work done

Medical equipment. Blood test

"Sometimes the patients will follow a follow-up after starting a medicine without their work of blood is done first, as indicated to do. Without their blood work, I am unable to take appropriate follow-up and put them at the same time to reprogram their appointment. This is a loss, because another patient could have completed this appointment, as well as a waste of time to take free time and lead to see me, "says Alinat.

RX: When you asked to get your blood work, ask where and when; Usually, there is a place nearby. Try to hit him the same day. Many urgent care clinics can do it for you.


Never ask for cures you have seen on television

Man watching tv or streaming movie or series with smart tv at home

"Do not tell the doctor what medications you need, just because you've seen a television advertisement or read it on the Internet. I see that people saying that the celery juice will heal your cancer. Do not expect you that your doctor is favorable for a kind of thought, "says Elizabeth Landsverk, founder MD,Eurchconsult Gerériatric Medicine. It also goes for name brand medicines. "Patients should never go to the doctor's office and require the doctor to prescribe their drugs that they have seen on television" OkayPatel YERAL, MD, Newport Beach, California. "Pharmaceutical companies deliberately target consumers with advertisements that enumerate symptoms that could be attributed to any number of diseases - nevertheless, it does not mean that it's just for everyone or the patient even suffers from this condition Particular. We want patients to be educated and informed, but sometimes these advertisements cause induced concerns and alarms. "

RX: As we said before, do not influence the doctor's judgment and do not allow him to make a clean assessment. "Always search for evidence-based drugs," says Landsverk.


Never visit the doctor because you feel alone

mask looking through window. Important job and self isolation during coronavirus pandemic.

"Some people visit the doctor because they are alone. The social commitment is very important, but do not expect your doctor to fill this emptiness, "says Landsverk.

RX: "Volunteer or get involved in a group in your local church or community center. These locations are much better ways to connect with other people and feel needed," says Landsverk.


Never forget to bring your glasses / equipment

Optician, optometrist, oculist or eye doctor holding glasses and specs with new lenses

"A mistake Patients make patients when visiting their ophthalmologist, do not fail to bring / wear their current glasses or contact lenses. Patients often enter and say that" I hate my old glasses ", but they will not bring them. It's hard to solve the problem when we do not have the glasses. In addition, patients often come to contact the progress visits of the lens, specially designed to check how contact lenses are adapted and the vision with them, without their contact lenses that defeat the purpose of the examination, "says Dr. Amanda Chamberlin, therapeutic optometrist and optometric specialist of glaucoma,Vision at the edge of the lake and optics, Plano, TX.

RX: "Insert at least your last pair of glasses for your doctor. If there is a certain pair of glasses that you like more than one, even if it's not the newest, bring them too. This way , your doctor can give you the most accurate prescription and provide you with your best vision. If you see a new optometrist for the first time, make sure to write or bring your current contact lenses, even if you do not Do not like. I can usually tell what contact lenses with a patient wear by their description of the box, but it takes the Guess, "said Chamberlin.


Even when eye exams, be honest about your complete medical history

Doctor consulting male patient, working on diagnostic examination on

"The biggest mistake I consider that patients do not disclose their medical history and drugs they take," says Chamberlin. "Patients may think that it is not relevant to an optometrist which medicine they take. On the contrary, many conditions affect the eye that can change the way I diagnose or treats a patient. In addition, many drugs have ocular side effects, which can help explain a new symptom that a patient knows. This is particularly important for patients with diabetes. Diabetes can have major effects on the eyes and it is important to perform a Review of diabetic eyes Every year to check diabetic retinopathy. "

RX: "Always say to any doctor you see, whatever the reason you see, what medicines do you take and why you take them. It can feel embarrassing for some medications, but do not be shy! Are all health professionals and we do not judge! For example, drugs like Viagra can cause complications during cataract surgery. It is imperative the cataract surgeon knew it before the operation, so that 'It can be prepared. "Chamberlin advises.


Never discuss your health in the waiting room

Mature man with face mask sitting in a bright waiting room of a hospital or an office looking at smart phone

"Do not discuss your health in the waiting room. While all you're saying in a doctor's room is confidential, other waiting room customers are not considered as the same rules of confidentiality, "saysDr. Erin Nance.

RX: There are many perfectly acceptable topics that you can chat with other people in the waiting room. Ask your next about a TV show or a book - you can not go wrong with your baby Yoda, the oldest baby in the history of television. If you do not trust yourself, take a book or download a TV show on your mobile phone, but make sure to forget your helmet. "Record your complaints for your conversation with the doctor," says Nance.


Never bring a baby with a dirty layer


"Never bring a baby with a dirty layer in the consultation room. It is very uncomfortable to consult with the increasing aroma of a soiled layer and often a child of lamentations!" said Dr. Deborah LeeDr. Fox Online Pharmacy.

RX: "Change your baby's layer before entering, please!" underlines Dr. Lee.


Never show your doctor your holiday photos

Happy retired senior couple taking selfie at travel around the world

"It can be difficult not to confuse their friendly way with the fact that they are always professionals and are unable to become your best friend! It makes them feel uncomfortable because they do not know how to refuse and again he is wasting.The General Medical Council(GMC) issued advice on maintaining a professional relationship with your general practitioner, "says Lee.

RX: "I just do not do that! Keep your relationship on a professional level," says Lee.


Ever offer gifts

Doctor holding the red gift box in his hand

"Never take gifts to your doctor in the consultation room. Many practices have a policy that doctors are not allowed to receive patient gifts, though well. If in doubt, take a look at These tips ofThe American Medical AssociationAbout accepting patient gifts, "says Lee.

RX: "If you want to give a gift, you can donate through the head of the Practice Fund", advises Lee.


Never name drop

A mature man having a medical exam done in the doctors office.

"Never appoint or boast of how many other physicians or health professionals you know - this can be irritating. Many authorities considerName-depositing as a kind of cheat. No matter what you know - access to treatment should be the same after all, "says Lee.

RX: A publisher of the story you read once met Lady Gaga, but he did not say his proctologist. "Your doctor is top-notch and must stay there!" said Lee.


Never take pet company with you

walk dog

"Never take pets with you to see the doctor, apart from guidance dogs.The American Physician CooperativeFor example, only recommends service dogs or emotional support dogs are allowed in the consultation. Other dogs as pets should be left at home, "says Lee.

RX: Plan in advance. "You must organize your pet at home," says Lee.


Ever off

woman with oxygen mask at hospital

"Never miss to listen correctly in the consultation. The art oflisten is very different fromaudience Which is said.Listenis an essential communication skill learned in medicine, "says Lee.

RX: "Make a visual contact with the doctor and actively listen to what is said," says Lee. Most of the appointments are shorter than an episode ofModern family. Stay alert during this period - Your body will thank you.


Ever listen

Nurse wearing face mask against coronavirus taking notes on clipboard while talking with disabled senior woman in wheelchair

"You should refrain from listening to other patient conversations, especially when they talk to the doctor or medical personnel. Medical information is supposed to be strictly confidential. Doctors' offices take many precautions to maintain it as well, But accessory disclosures can occur. In common areas such as waiting room or reception, "saysDr. Velimir PetkovA certified board of the board with more than 13 years of professional experience by Clifton, NJ.

RX: "If you hear details on the details on the condition, symptoms or processing of another person, resist the desire to comment or offer your contribution. Your desire to provide help or advice could come from a good place. But many people can be sensitive when it comes to their health. Respect their privacy, "says Petkov.


Never spread infections

Man sneezing into his elbow.

"Never risk any of your own infections to other patients. Only one s laternes publishes 40,000 particles of droplets!Flu virusCan live for 24 hours on your hand, "says Lee.

RX: 40 000 !!! Imagine a full Yankee stadium with virus particles instead of Yankee fans all around you in a small waiting room! What are the chances of escaping one? "Take the fabrics and use them if you spit, sneeze or blow your nose. Make it a disinfectant for the hands before leaving and after your departure," says Lee.


Never call the doctor by first name

Portrait of a female doctor.

"Never call the doctor by his name, it's too familiar. This concerns the doctor-patient relationship and the maintenance of borders. Keep it simple and do not exceed the mark," says Lee.

RX: Always call the doctor, "Dr." They worked hard to win this title! Although they try to put you at your ease, they make a job and should be considered in their function.


Never wear hard clothes to remove

Woman putting on shoes

"Never wear clothes / shoes that are loyal or hard to remove. The speed is gasoline here. The doctor ends up giving you brackets and eyes by hand, zipping zips, fastening buttons and lace ! This for sure is not part of their medical contract! "Lee said.

RX: "Always wear clothes / shoes that you can drag quickly without too much fastening or laces," says Dr. Lee.


Never ride in the doctor's office in your PJS unless you have to

Shot of sleepy woman with messy brown hair, wearing glasses, feeling tired after night without sleep, yawning, covering opened mouth with palm

"Do not ride the bed and go to the doctor. You will attract the unwanted and negative attention. Worse still, it will not be useful to your care," says Dr. Margaret Aranda deYour doctors online.

RX: If you have an early appointment, set up a wake up the night before. If you are on OWL, install two. This will allow you to prepare and improve the quality of your visit. "To dress and be dressed professionally - gives the office of the doctor more atmosphere and a better reputation," advises Aranda.


Do never park in a disabled place when you are not disabled

Handicapped parking spot in motel or apartment, transportation infrastructure road markings

Maybe the two alarms we just mentioned are not gone and that you are late for your appointment. It's still not an excuse to park in a disabled location near the doctor's office when you are not disabled. "There are more tickerents near medical buildings and major intersections. No matter what state, fines and sanctions are substantial - there is no excuse," says Aranda. And once you've parked, have not shouted someone parked in a place of disability, simply because you have not seen disabilities. "There are many invisible and rare handicaps, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, dysualonomy and early diabetes," Aranda points.

RX: Check traffic and weather and add another 10 minutes before leaving and being nice with other people. "Being less judgment is good for your soul," says Aranda. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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