Beef and broccoli recipe

This surprisingly fast recipe of the vault pot will have you eating your favorite Chinese take-away food in no time!

Want toChinese Takeout? This beef and broccoli at home at home and broccoli will satisfy this desire for you faster than you think! While mostRecipes with a slow cooker Take more time to cook, this one is surprisingly short and sweet. In just 2 hours, you can have a delicious hot meal ready to serve for you and a crowd!

Serve the delicious beef and broccoli on a white rice bed (I like to useMinute of rice Because he cooking quickly). Be sure to highlight the extra juice of the beef and broccoli of friend crockery and mix with white rice.

If you like sesame seeds, sprinkle them too! It gives beef and broccoli a added flavor that will remind you of your favorite Chinese take-out dish.

Give 4-6 servings


1 16 oz. Flank steak, slim sliced
2 crowns of broccoli, cut in florets (about 4-5 cups)
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 tablespoon of rice vinegar
1 tablespoon brown sugar
2 grated ginger teaspoons
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 teaspoon Sriracha
1/2 Coffee Spoon of Chile Flakes
1 teaspoon of honey
1 beef stock cup
1 tablespoon of cornstarch

How to do it

  1. Add to the flank steak and broccoli jewels to the slow cooker.
  2. In a small bowl, whip the soy sauce together, rice vinegar, brown sugar, Sriracha, chili flakes, grated ginger, garlic and honey.
  3. Add to the slow cooker sauce, mix with steak and broccoli.
  4. Pour into the beef stock.
  5. Turn the slow cooler for 2 hours.
  6. Over the last 30 minutes, mix the cornstarch together with 1/4 cup of water to make a mud. Add the mixture to the pot-rider.
  7. Serve on rice and sprinkle sesame seeds, if you wish.

Eating this! advice

Gele this meal and save it later! Add the tight sauce mixture to a single sandwich bag, then add it to a larger freezer bag with gallon with beef and broccoli. Make sure to defrost the meal in the refrigerator 24 hours before putting it in the slow cooker. Mix ingredients together so that they are uniformly distributed before turning on the slow cooker. Pour the beef stock and follow the normal instructions from there.

RELATED: Easy, healthy,Recipe ideas of 350 calories You can do at home.

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