15 worst things you can do when you catch Covid

Read until the end to make sure you do not put your life on the line.

You have heard there is no cure for the coronavirus, but the expertscan Tell you how to take care of you responsible if you get it. Discover the 15 worst things you can do as a coronavirus patient so you can quickly get healthy and keep your friends and family healthy.Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


You are not a medical treatment for severe symptoms

woman feeling sick and seasonal flu symptoms

Even if you are not a person who is at high risk of complications with COVID-19, it is important to pay attention to your symptoms. TheCDCWarrant that you should consult a doctor immediately if you feel one or more of the following:

  • Pain or pressure in the chest.
  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
  • Sudden confusion.
  • The inability to move.
  • bluish face or lips.

These could be signs you need help to keep breathe or encounter other complications with the virus.

RX: If you start feeling one of these symptoms or other serious symptoms, dial 911 immediately. Inform the operator that you have coronavirus and equip yourself with afacial mask before the emergency staff arrive.


You continue to shop

Young woman with face mask walking through grocery store during COVID-19 pandemic.

If you need Gatorade, try to make it delivered. Whether your area is under "safe refuge", "stay at home", or simply "social distance" orders, it's not a good time for things to remove your task list that involve public places. Indeed, coronavirus is much more contagious than influenza or other diseases in the air. "On the basis of most estimates, each infected person is the infection between two and three additional persons," saysDr S Ranu Dhillon, MD, From Harvard Medical School.

RX: Before leaving your home, ask yourself if it is essential now right. Appointment or doctor's pharmacy visits are understandable. But it is important to eliminate your time in public so as not to transmit the virus. Leave us your running run when you are completely rid of COVID-19.


You do not stay hydrated

healthy beautiful young woman holding glass of water

According toThe Mayo Clinic, Colds, grippes and other diseases cause dehydration. Adequate water intake maintains your body works properly and gives more ammunition to fight the virus as quickly as possible.

Hydration through water and other liquids is also essential to cancel some of the unpleasant symptoms associated with coronavirus. According toA study published inNutrition Reviews, Dehydration can cause confusion and headaches. These are also symptoms of Covid-19, thus increasing your water consumption can help you feel better through the ups and downs of the virus.

RX: Good hydration helps renal function and increases the health of your immune system. The Mayo Clinic suggests that average man drinks at least 15.5 cups of fluids and the average woman drinks 11.5 cups of liquid per day. If you are sick with coronavirus, increase every day if you feel well hydrated these levels.


You are not enough rest

Sick young man sleep concept

Rest is an important factor for better, beating the virus without experiencing risk complications. Since coronavirus attacks your lungs, it can feel like a huge effort to simply walk from your room to the kitchen. Do not force yourself too hard if you feel bad and be sure you are not just resting, but also get enough sleep.

RX: According toNational Sleep Foundation, The average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep every night for optimal operation. If you have COVID-19, the work of your body overtime to try to fight the virus. You may need much more sleep every night and you can find you naps or breaks need rest throughout the day.


You venture without protection

Basic protective measures against new coronavirus. Wash hands, use medical mask and gloves. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Maintain social distancing. Wash your hands frequently

If you have tested positive for Covid-19, you should not be in public at all. Even if you are careful about a grocery output, you can still easily expand the virus. However, if you have to consult your doctor or there is another race that is simply impossible to avoid, make sure you wear the protection. Wear a facial mask and continue to keep you away from everyone around you.

RX: Before leaving your home, thoroughly wash your hands and put on your mask and gloves, if possible. Stay away from people you are in public and keep your mask throughout the trip.


You are in contact with publicly public surfaces

woman paying by credit card at juice bar. Focus on woman hands entering security pin in credit card reader

If you are for the appointment of a doctor, be careful about materials and touch surfaces. According toNational Institutes of Health (NIH), COVID-19 is detectable for "up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic steel and stainless steel." If you get your own sneezing or bowling droplets on these items, you can broadcast the virus to another misunderstanding.

RX: It is impossible to completely eliminate the need to touch the surfaces when you are outside and it is important to minimize what you touch as much as possible. Make sure your hands are clean before leaving the house and not wiping your nose or put your fingers in your mouth before touching a surface in public.


You are visiting your friends and family

Middle Aged Couple Meeting Friends Around Table In Coffee Shop

TheDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC)Not warned that after exposure to the virus, it can take two to 14 days before a person can start feeling symptoms, if they do it at all. If you spend time with friends or family members, you could transmit the virus and they will not know it for days, allowing it to continue to spread.

RX: If you were surprised and finally starting to feel better, do not think it's sure to go out with other people. Try video cats or teleconferences to keep in touch with loved ones instead so you may not diffuse the virus on them.


You expose yourself to large crowds

crowded checkout

The more you expose yourself to people in a large crowd, whether in a park or grocery store, the higher your risk of covid-19 propagation. Whether you fall into the "high risk" category or not, your adherence to social distancing techniques is crucial for stopping the spread of the virus.

RX: Avoid leaving your home but if you have to implement social distancing techniques, including avoiding large crowds. The more people in contact with people, the more likely you are to broadcast the virus.


You come together with your neighbors

woman traveler wearing face protection in the prevention of coronavirus.

To be cooperated in your home for weeks becomes boring, especially if you lack quarantine snacks. But you'd better think twice before you hit you desperately on your neighbor's door with a bottle of wine for indispensable social interaction. Do not assume it's good to go out with them because you feel better. Your symptoms can improve, but you could always be contagious and pass the virus in the street to your neighbors.

RX: Although isolation socially made long and boring days, it's important to stay at home until you get the "all clear" from your doctor. If you miss your neighbors, get out of the sidewalk chalk and write yourself. Call on each other of your porches or exchange numbers and stay in touch with text messaging.


You drink colloidal silver

Dropper and bottle

Some manufacturers market colloidal money as an independent product that helps strengthen your immune system while fighting bacteria and viruses. However,The Mayo Clinicwarns that this statement is just not true. Colloidal money is the same material used to make jewelry and there are no scientific studies that confirm that it helps the immune function or offers other positive results after ingestion.

RX:Do not fall for false affirmations that ingesting a colloidal silver supplement will help your body fight coronavirus. If you really want to increase your immune system, eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water, good sleep and keep stress at the bay.

RELATED:All that Mr. Fauci said about Coronavirus


You do not wash your hands properly

scrubbing soapy hand against washbasin

Wash your hands frequently is one of the best ways to prevent the diffusion of the virus to others. It is even more important to wash your hands thoroughly after coughing, sneezing, before and after eating or having spent time in a public place. If you are in a hurry or you do not have the right items for a washing of the appropriate hands, you do not do much. Fast rinse in the water does not kill the virus or other germs that can be in your hands.

RX: TheWorld Health Organization (WHO)Board that you use a hand-based rubbish or soap based on alcohol and water and often wash your hands. TheCDCRecommends rubbing your hands with soap, preferably antibacterial, for at least 20 seconds, at least 20 seconds, rubbing thoroughly between the fingers, on the back of the hands, and under the nails, before rinsing at the running water.


You do not take your medicine

hand throwing pills away

If you usually take a daily supplement for vitamin deficiency or another type of prescription drug, such as blood pressure medicine, consult your doctor after receiving your CVIV-19 diagnosis. In most cases, you will be advised to continue taking these medications or supplements as you were before your diagnosis. It is important to keep your health and your body on track with the medications you need so you can fight the virus.

RX: If you feel groggy, tired and weak coronavirus, it can be difficult to remind you of taking your medications. If your doctor advises you to continue your MED schedule, try to define daily alarms to remind you when taking your medicine. Leave it easily accessible, so you do not need to go for prescription bottles when your alarm goes out.


You use public transport

woman with protective mask on her face commuting by bus during virus epidemic.

In most areas, public transport, including bus and train systems, are always open to the general public. This can be the only way to go to your doctor's appointment or fill another essential race. But these modes of transport have put you more risk of propagation of the virus. According toCDC, "Crowded travel settings, like airports, can increase the chances of becoming COVID-19, if there are other travelers with coronavirus infection."

RX: If you have the virus, it is important to avoid contact with other people as much as possible. If you have other transport methods available to access your appointment of your doctor, such as your own car, your bike or walking, choose these modes instead of a public transit. The decrease in the amount of contact you have with others also decreases your risk of propagation of COVID-19.


You miss you of junk food

Hands holding fresh delicious burgers with french fries, sauce and beer on the wooden table top view.

As your body tries to fight against the virus, which you give it to the fuel is of utmost importance. According toThe Cleveland Clinic, If you feel nauseated, do not force food and leave the feeling pass until you start eating. However, "your immune system needs nutrients, so if you are able to eat (and you want to eat), you should get calories in your body." Give your body that good foods allow you to keep it strong so that you can quickly recover from the virus.

RX: While it is tempting to turn to comforting foods like chips and sweets when you do not feel good, fruits, vegetables and lean proteins are really what will help. When you are hungry, consider eases to digest, such as soups. Try to stick with healthy foods that have nutrients that your body needs.


You leave the house too early

Man in a face mask sits on a bench and looks at the street

Your symptoms are gone! You can finally walk without feeling of course, your headache is gone, your fever broke and the cough criteria stopped. But just because you feel better than you mean you are clear to get out or go to the grocery store. You can always be contagious and you could still spread the virus to others that you enter into contact with, including your household members, if you are not careful.

RX: According toCDCYou can only stop isolation at home if you receive two negative tests from your doctor who have been taken 24 hours a day, your fever has naturally dissipated and your other symptoms have visibly improved.

If you can not pass a test, you can not be cleaned to leave your home if your fever has naturally dissipated for at least 72 consecutive hours, your other symptoms have visibly improved, and it's been at least seven days since your First symptoms appeared. . And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Categories: Health
By: max-frye
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