Add spices with this marinated jalapeños recipe

Try them on sandwiches, hamburgers, pizzas, even grilled bread.

Do not limit these delicious spicy Jalapeños toMexican food alone, the sky is really the limit with these delicious peppers, especially when they have beenMarine, as the taste becomes more complex and versatile. Go ahead and try them on sandwiches andhamburgers, traffic-fries, pizzas, even on toast or anything that would benefit from a sharp, spicy and sweet hybrid kick. In addition, the basic pickling technique described in this simple recipe can be applied to a variety of many types of vegetables and fruits. Go ahead, try anything you would like! Sliced ​​red onions to the woodedgreen beans Sweet guys of Cantaloupe and Watermelon. You will be surprised how much use you can get out of a marinated goods because they are easy and easy to do, keep it in the refrigerator and can add an exciting and surprising flamet to all kinds of surprising things you will have More than probably starting to discover once you start experimenting in your kitchen. Do not worry, we have some more suggestions for you in our eaten this tip below. Now, go to the scout!

Is about 2 cups

You will need

8-10 Jalapeños
1 cup of rice wine or cider vinegar
1 cup of water
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon of sugar

How to do it

  1. Cut the Jalapeños with thin slices.
  2. If you like your hot peppers, cut to the stem; For a softer lot, stop a 1/2 inch before.
  3. Combine vinegar, water, salt and sugar in a saucepan and heat enough to dissuade salt and sugar.
  4. Leave the liquid cool briefly.
  5. Place the Jalapeños in a sterilized pot or a small mixing bowl.
  6. Pour the liquid on them, then cover them, soak them for at least 10 minutes before using.
  7. Will remain for a week covered in the refrigerator.



Well, hello again. So we promised you some extra tips on how best to make the best shot for your money with your marinated treats and surprising! We already have a party already planned for you to throw you. The pickling brings out a great and sour (or sometimes spicy) in the fruits or vegetables you choose to corroge. What better way to engage in such contrasts than melted? Start a party with melted cheese and chocolate and divide your marinated treats between the two courses. This could surprise you (and your guests) who are best with which ...

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