5 Bleaning of healthy life with chickpeas

In light of the National Chickpeas Day, here are some of your favorite guilty pleasures do sound.

Do you know what day we are? It's the very firstNational Chick Peas Day and in honor of the new holidays, we wanted to introduce some of the deliciousSnacks of chickpeas Available on the market right now.

Believe it or not, for one of your favorite junk food, there is a snack based on chickpeas that reflect it in flavor, but is particularly higher in nutritional value. OfCheetos to doritosHere are five blessing food that are standing in better health when the focal ingredient is chickpea.


Puffs of cheese

cheetos hippeas

Just when you thought that Cheetos's puffs were absolutely incomparable, Hippeas entered the scene of the snack and disturbed the kingdom of cheese snacks forever (and for the better). Here's why. A portion of cheetos puffs - which are made from enriched corn, contains160 calories,1O Grams of total fat,1.5 grams of saturated fat,270 milligrams of sodium, and just2 grams of protein.

On the contrary, a portion of Hippeas Nacho Vibes mainly made of chickpeas flour costs only 130 calories, 5 grams of total fat, 0 grams of saturated fat, 125 milligrams of sodium and 4 grams of protein. The difference in nutritional value could not be clearer. The hosparies offer more proteins, for less fat, calories and sodium.

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Crunchy chocolate candies

m&ms chickpeas

ApartPop corn, one of the best snacks to accompany your home cinema day is a crunchy chocolate candy such as Bretzel M & MS. However, a portion (or 17 pieces) of these candy clocks to180 calories,3.5 grams of saturated fat,1 gram of fiber,20 grams of sugar, and2 grams of protein.

Chickpeas covered with good bean chocolate, on the other hand, are a slightly better choice. For the same number of candy bumps, it will only cost you 130 calories, 2.5 grams saturated fats and 12 grams of sugar, while providing 2 grams of fibers and 3 grams of protein.


Salty caramel chips

caramel rice crisps chickpeas

To be clear, Quaker Caramel rice chips are not frightful for you by any way, because it's a better snack compared tomany otherswho are on the market. Nevertheless, the crunchy chickpeas of the Saffron road are a little more nutritionally healthy,Benefiting four times the amount of protein for less than half of sodium. Do not mention, caramel chips do not provide any fiber, while chickpeas boast2 grams.


Flavored Chips in Ranch

doritos hippeas

A portion of doritos (28 grams or 12 chips) do only one gram of fiber and are charged with artificial ingredients and colors such thatCorn andRed 40,Blue 1, andYellow 5. As a comparison, the Rockin 'Ranch Tortilla hippin chips contain a fraction of the ingredients, almost all biological. Some of these ingredients include chickpeas flour, sunflower oil, pea fiber and onion powder. When it comes to quality, Hippeas is the clear winner.


Flavored chips in Chile

Last but not least, with the border taste of Tajín, chips from Chile and lime are considerably less healthy than Chickbeens chips from the road to the road of Saffron. For example, 11 on the chips of the borders, it cost you150 calories,9 grams of total fat,310 milligrams of sodium, and contains only2 grams of protein andNo fiber. But you can have 15 chips from the nuggets for only 120 calories, 4 grams of total fat, 270 milligrams of sodium, 4 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber.

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