7 things to avoid grocery store

Stay safe during your purchases by following these tips.

So, you try to practice safe social distancing and stay at home as much as you can. But you probably have stillGrocery store At least once a week to restore your refrigerator. Shops and workers do their part to keep things as safe as possible, but there are also steps you can take to minimize your risk of catching thecoronavirus (or other diseases that can spread from person to person).

The main steps, of course, must follow the guidelines of the CDC and WHO and to stay at least six feet other customers and store workers. And a face covering, even if it's just a scarf or bandana, can help prevent the spread of the virus to others, in case you are an asymptomatic support. Beyond that, it's never a bad idea to wear a disinfectant of the hands and disinfect wipes with you when shopping. Here are some touching objects at the grocery store you want to look for.


The other people

family shopping in a supermarket

While high touch items can be dangerous, the biggest thing to watch when shopping is other people. Keeping your distance is essential, even if it means your grocery trip will take longer. And if you are able, buy yourself yourself and not with others from your household.

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Cart full of groceries in a grocery store

Grocery workers are probably cleanning the basket handles frequently. But if you are worried, you can wear gloves or bring a wipe to run on the handle and inside your cart before moving in the store.

TheCoronavirus could stay on surfaces for daysSo, it's worth wiping your basket up to your cart.

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Woman holding loaf of fresh bread

Once again, these are probably frequently cleaned in your local grocery store. But the virus can prosper on any surface as long as several days, try to touch only the products you need and not the shelves themselves.

RELATED:Click here for any our last coronavirus cover.



oranges grocery store

Does your grocery store sell things like apples and bananas by weight? These ladders are probably qualified as high-touch items and respiratory droplets of people without masks could also fall on them. Try using a production bag before weighing your items or wipe the scale with a disinfectant wipe.


Freezer door handles

Freezer aisle

Does your grocery store keep jelled objects in individual cases that you need to open? Wear grocery gloves if you touch these handles or disinfect your hands after touching them.

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Refrigerator bumper

Woman reaching on shelf to pick up item at grocery store

A Joe's trader employee told us that these bumpers, found at the bottom of the refrigerator grocery sections, qualifying high contact items and are regularly disinfected at their store. If you tend to lean when shopping, try not touching these bumper with your shoes or pants to minimize contact with everything that could be on the surface.


Bin bin bulk

Bulk bins

Another affected area to watch on the store is the bucket section in bulk. Whether you are emphashed with oats or sweets, the handles will pass on many hands throughout the day. You do not know how many times your store cleans these handles? It never hurts gloves or use a disinfectant wipe.

And if all this worries you from buying your food, here are some things to the grocery store that you should not worry too much.

Cash registers and belts

woman at the supermarket doing daily shoppings standing at cashier checkout counter putting milk on conveyor belt

These are some of the easiest spaces for grocery agents to disinfect between guests, so it's unlikely that everything that tumbles too long. Do not worry too much to put your food at the belt - it is likely that the cashiers clean them frequently.

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Fresh food

zucchini grocery store

Yes, it's always good toHave stable food shelf foods at home, especially if it means you will need to go to the store less often. But if you choose to buy products or meat because of the virus, do not worry.

There is no evidence that coronavirus can be transferred through food, So go ahead and load your basket with favorite fruits and vegetables. Carefully cook your food will kill something that dragged itself. And if you snack on your favorite raw fruits and vegetables,Here's how to wash the right way.

As for packaged foods,Coronavirus being transferred via food packaging is unlikely, too much. As long as you wash your hands when you come home and cook your food thoroughly, it should not be too concerned.


grocery bags sitting in back of car

If you bring a reusable grocery bag to the store (always a victory!), You can disinfect it at home after each use, either by hand or by throwing it into the washing machine. And if you get plastic or paper bags from the store, you probably do not have to worry about surfaces. The bags will probably have spent enough time in transit so that something to the surface is dead and most of your food will not touch the bag directly.

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprintYou must know and the means to help yousupport those who need. We will continue to update these new information that develops.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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