18 worst things to do if you have a hangover

After a long night of alcohol, you will want to avoid pulling your hangover. Here's what not to do.

Many people like to drink alcohol, but nobody likeshangover. A hangover arrives when you indulge in too much alcohol and usually the next morning, your body dehydrates. Categorized by super unpleasant symptoms such as vomiting, fatigue and weakness, excessive thirst, dryness of mouth, headache, muscle pain, bad sleep or interrupted, increased sensitivity to light and sound, tremors, mood disorders, lack of concentration and fast heart rate, theMAYO Clinic says the more you drink, the more likely you are to develop a hangover the next day. And there is a chance that you are most likely to do things to cure like magic, your hangover that are just you feel worse.

Fortunately, the symptoms of the hangover go from themselves. If they always lasted, no one would probably never drink. (Eh, perhaps.) And while many myths out there cite wonders that solutions such as coffee and showers and sleep can work, most often, the only things that really fight a hangover are water, electrolytes, and time.

Do not want to feel the inconvenience that is a hangover ever? It is important to knowWhat you can do to help mitigate (or prevent!) A hangover And also know what actions exacerbate the hangover. You know, so you can avoid them at all costs.

Continue reading for 18 of the worst things to do if you have a hangover.



tylenol extra strength pills spilled on table

Wait What?! But the first thing you do when you wake up after a night of madness on the city is worn for the bottle of pills, right? It's good as long as it's not acetaminophen.

«Do not take Tylenol when you're hangover," says Michael Betancourt, Owner, Operator and Hydration Manager Therapy CompanyVida-Flo In Hoboken, New Jersey. "Acetaminophen and alcohol do not do well together. [There is an increased risk of liver lesions and slows down the metabolism process, which will prolong the effects of overindulgence alcohol. »

In short, only count on Tylenol if you want to feel more hangover. And nobody wants to do it, right?


Cup of coffee

Iced coffee drink

Nope. Do not have a cup of coffee. In fact, avoid all caffeine-rich drinks, as this could cause symptoms associated with hangover aggravate and even increase the symptoms ofmental illness such as anxiety, depression and mood disorders.

"Stay away from caffeine," says Betancourt. "Nausea and nervousness are common side effects associated with hangover, and caffeine will only increase that. »


Skip breakfast

Displeased young woman doesn't want to eat her breakfast

"Breakfast is really the most important meal of the day, especially when you have a hangover," says Holistic Nutritionist Kyria Marie, Ma, North Carolina, CHD, Ryt, founder ofKyria Health. "Eating a full breakfast of healthy greases and protein helps stabilize the blood sugar level. »

Believe it or not, skipping breakfast can make you feel more sick more, especially because food and nutrients absorb alcohol.

"Consider a breakfast that includes eggs, small amounts of high quality sausages or bacon, fruit and vegetables," she says. "Although alcohol depletes the body of vitamins and minerals, to eat a well-balanced breakfast allows you to add more nutrients to the body, thus helping to reduce the negative effects of alcohol consumption. »


Fun in Hair of the Dog

mimosa cocktails in glasses with orange slice on rim

Another myth of hangover is to leave you a little dog hair. You know, a mimosa early in the morning with a brunch or what is known with love like The Next Day Vodka Soda. Many people believe that a little more alcohol will actually cause symptoms of relief, but it is a hangover no-no.

"Do not have a drink after no longer you hang on," says Betancourt. "You confuse your body and have the potential to introduce larger amounts of formaldehyde a highly toxic substance converted from methanol, which is in the darkness of alcohol to your liver and obviously, prolonging the process of Relief of the hangover. »


Hit the gym

woman with painful face expression doing hard difficult plank fitness exercise or push press ups feeling pain in muscles at diverse group training class in gym

"You have to exercise to sweat all these Margarita toxins! Do you have a friend who always says? Do not listen and do not sign for this early morning class bar with it. She does not look for your interest.

"Do not try to" sweat, "Betancourt said. "Alcohol acts like a diuretic, forcing you to urinate more often, and reducing the amount of liquid retained in your body. »

It may not seem like a big deal, but exercise during your hangover can actually aggravate dehydration.

"ThisCauses dehydration, who75 percent of Americans In any case suffer, trying to sweat will simply aggravate dehydration and make you feel even worse, "says Betancourt.

RELATED: Your anti-inflammatory regime guideThis heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.


Laying on the couch all day

Young woman sleeping passed out on couch after watching tv with a food coma

Entrust us, sleep is excellent but lying on the couch all day, will not really help you feel better.

"Do not rest and do not feel sorry for yourself," said the coach and certified health and well-being nutritionistLynell Ross. "If you can, drink water, drink water, plain or foam with Fizz, eat something light, then go out and take a walk in fresh air. Just ask. There can make you feel worse. Move can help your blood circulation and help your body burns alcohol with your blood glucose. "

Take this "moving" with a grain of salt however. "Moving" could mean something as simple as a walk outside. You do not want to intensify your dehydration symptoms.


Stay until you are sober

Portrait of young man felling depressed and desperate crying alone in sofa home suffering emotional pain and unhappiness

Fight sleep while you are drunk is a sure way to induce a hangover the next day. No, staying in place will not cause you sober faster, and it will certainly not deviate symptoms of hangover. In fact, it can make the hangover still worse.

"Do not try to stay awake. This will exacerbate fatigue and disability," says Betantourt. "Although REM sleep is significantly affected by alcohol and agitation will take place, sleep is nevertheless an important step in crossing a hangover."


Rely sole on the water


Drinking water is an effective way to combat the symptoms of dehydration when you are Hippover, but Betancourt recommends searching for other fluids that are rich in electrolytes.

"Remember that alcohol is a diuretic, which makes you urinate frequently. You lose more than water," says Betancourt. "Electrolytes are lost in the urination process, [also], and so it is extremely important to reconstitute them using drinks containing electrolytes!"

But this recommendation also comes with a warning: some high electrolyte drinks can also have high levels of added sugar. Be wary of these, as the sugar does not directly affect yourBlood alcohol levelBut this can aggravate your symptoms by causing stomach pain and a sugar rush that later leads to an accident.


Eating a hamburger, fries, grilled cheese and milkshake

Burger and fries

In addition to the negative effects that add sugar can have on your hangover, using fatty foods to exceed your hangover is not a good idea around.

"Get away from fat food," says Betancourt. "These types of foods are traditionally your stomach anyway, so if your stomach is already upset, you have come to compose both!"

Two best alternatives to fat foods are crackers and toasts. Alcohol reduces your blood glucose and sleep only reduces sugar levels in the blood, so that food faders like grilled bread and crackers can actually help increase your levels to feel better faster.

"Low blood glucose is frequently associated with hangover and low energy," says Mary. "In addition, weak symptoms of blood sugar feel very similar to a hangover such as fatigue, nausea, lightness, mood swings, weakness, dizziness and confusion."

In addition, toast and crackers can help you with nausea that you might encounter.


Do not eat at all

man not eating

While fatty foods may not be the way forward, it does not mean that you should not eat anything. Before drinking, while drinking, and after drinking, you should eat intermittently or nibble something nutritious. Drinking on a full stomach can help you rebound faster.

"Although there are many precautions to take with [who] the food to eat or not to eat while drinking, eated nevertheless will help reduce the absorption rate of alcohol," said Bethantourt. "Although you may not be well and may not want to eat, eat will give your body a substance to replace alcohol."


Drink energizing drinks

Energy drinks

Caffeine is not just present in the cafe, it is also in many energizing drinks.

"High energy drinks are charged with caffeine and other unwanted," says Ross. "If you have a hangover, you must be hydrated with pure water, or drinks with electrolytes orCoconut water, not things that dehydrates you dehydrate you and make you embarrassing. "


Take a "healing of promotional hangover"

Woman holding pill and glass of fresh water, taking medicine

We have all seen them on Instagram ads or heard about them beforewooden healing Are everywhere, in the form of pills, supplements or even beverage mixtures.

"Do not try to take a kind of" healing of hangover "orally," says Betantourt. "These are all not supported by research and can introduce unsuspected side effects."

What you can do is to make a vitamin B6 before drinking or the next morning if your head is painful. Vitamin B6 has beenlinked tosoften the symptoms of the hangover. If you do not have a B6, it cannaturally be found In poultry, fish, liver, potatoes and non-citrus fruits.

Nothing can beat a combination of electrolytes, water and time. Oh, and a fade food!



sitting in silence

Yes really. Although the hangover can make you hyper sensitive to light and sound, sitting in silence may not be also beneficial for people with hangover to listen to music. In fact, listen to a "nice music" that you like personally has been shownhas been shown To relieve the pain associated with a hangover more effectively.

According to a study in theJournal of Acoustical Society of America, "favorite" music of an auditor can also help lighten nausea.

If you are not sure the playlist to make your hangover, classical music is always a sure bet.


Eating high sodium foods


Gras is not the only kind of food to avoid. Sodium-rich foods can also aggravate the symptoms of a hangover and quickly.

"Snacks like pretzels, chips, olives, pickles and ham are rich in sodium, so unless you do not plan to drink plenty of water to correct all the fluid imbalance, it is better to dive salty snacks Until you feel better, "says Ross, who is also the founder ofZivadream.




You already know that acetaminophen is a great no-no when you are Hippover because of the way it reacts with alcohol. But taking other medicines that are not approved by the doctor might also be detrimental to your hangover.

"Do not take medicine without consulting your doctor or read the warning labels," says Betantourt. "Some medications have harmful effects when mixed with alcohol, and the last thing to do is increase your symptoms."

Some drugs that can causenegative effects When mixed with alcohol include antidepressants, antibiotics, painkillers, adhesive drugs, diabetes medications, cold treatments and flu, etc.


Eat or drink something high in citrus fruits

Peeling and unrolling an orange easily on a cutting board.

"Stay away from lemons lemons, limes, oranges," says Betancourt. "Citrus fruits irritate the lining of the stomach and alcohol irritates the lining of the stomach ... Get it?"


Count on ice cream to heal with hangover

vanilla ice cream scoop

Uh, what? Yes, some believe thatIce cream in Korea Has been specially designed to heal hangover, thanks to the "miracle" ingredient of the Horiza Dulcis-aka of Oriental Oriental fruit juice.

While the Eastern tree fruit juice has been used as acure for hangover For centuries, especially in the traditional practices of eastern medicine, it is interesting to note that ice cream is flavored with grapefruit.

As mentioned above, citrus fruits can be notoriously bad to treat hangover. However, ice-hanging cream, called Gyeondyo-Bar - relies on the power of a small amount of Hovenia Dulcis to get the chipper from the hierarchical person.

Our grip? If you get the opportunity, make sure, try it. If it works, great, but we do not recommend relying on grapefruit ice to heal your painful hanging symptoms on the REG.


Driving or operating machines

Driving in car

We know, we know, but you have to drive your car home from the place of your friend where you slept last night. But Marie does not recommend driving or operating machines if you are hippover of the night before.

"Although the alcohol is typically out of your system about 12 hours after consumption of wood, the effects of hangover [can] last much longer than that. In fact, some of the symptoms such as headaches. And fatigue reach their maximum after 24 hours, "explains Marie. "A hangover can feel disoriented, uncoordinated, confused, anxious, fatigue and nauseating."

None of them are perfect for operating heavy machines.

"In addition, studies also prove that the Hangovers inhibit your reaction time, even with a zero or close blood alcohol content," says Mary. "If you have somewhere to drive the next day, be aware of not drinking too much the night before."

In addition, there is always Uber or Lyft.

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