6 ways to support local restaurants during the Covid-19 pandemic

You can do simple things about the comfort of your own home.

Although thecoronavirus brought scary and uncertain moments across the United States and around the world, he also reminded us thatEach of us can play an important role in our communities.

Social distancing, although directly beneficial for the individual, is even more crucial to prevent other widespread epidemics and deaths, especially for those who are older or have compromised immune systems.

Another way to help each other during this difficult time is to support food companies in our communities that will suffer a suffering due to social distance and mandated closures. Many local restaurants face a few difficult months that canPose a substantial threat to their livelihoods.

Many restaurants will need to rely on delivery and take away as its vertical primordial income. As consumers and fans of their product, or simply good Samaritans, we can find ways to gather together and keep them afloat.

That's someSimple means, you can support your local food companies without leaving the comfort of your home.


Learn the facts

food delivery

If you are afraid to contract the restaurant's coronavirus, keep in mind that the states of the CDCThere is currently no evidence to support this fear. The virus is no longer contractual to order the take-out or delivery than to go to the grocery store and make stocks on pantry products. It does not have evidence to argue that coronavirus is transmitted through anyone from one person to another. Learn more about coronavirus-related food securityhere.


Buy a restaurant cards - or a pile

gift card

Despite the fact that restaurants are much less business, most are still responsible for payingRegular operation expenses such as rent and taxes. Purchase of gift cards for your favorite restaurants, gives you not only something to hope when coronavirus is finally in our past, but will also play a crucial role by giving these spots a chance to survive.

ARally for restaurants Campaign was launched byToast, Inc., a restaurant software based in Boston, Massachusetts, if you choose to buy a local restaurant gift card.All you have to do is post a photo of the gift card you buy on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag#RallyForRestaurants And challenge your friends to do the same thing. With each Tagged Post, Toast will give $ 1 donation to catering charities, includingCentral cuisine of the world,Restaurant Community Workers Fund, and others. So, this way you can not only help your local spots, but restaurants across the United States and around the world.


Support mom and pop joints

takeout delivery

NumerousRestaurants are open from now for delivery and take-out orders, so enjoy it! Savepantry objects For later, and skip thechain restaurants. If youcan order local mom and pop spots instead, provide them with business will be a huge help at a time when each command counts.



tip jar

It's not because you do not dinner, it does not mean that you should not let a tip. Although you may not have left a take away under normal circumstances, any account today. If you hope to have all your favorite restaurants open when we can finally go out to eat again, tilting is a great way to help do this happen. We are all in the same boat.


Make a donation

make donation

Many restaurants have started proactivelyGOFUNDME PAGES OR CONFIGURE VENMO ACCOUNTS TO HELPpay for their employees. So, some die in your local favors and see if they have set up an account. Otherwise, the next time you receive your delivery or your fingerprint, give something a little more.


Pass orders during peak hours

place order

One thing you may not have considered during this pandemic is that restaurant kitchens can still be invaded by delivery and take-out orders despite the fact that restaurant services have been arrested. This does not mean that you should stop placing your orders because your local restaurants still need your support.Instead, try placing your orders at peak moments so that cooking demands remain manageable.

RELATED: Your ultimate survival guide and supermarket is here!

Eat this, not that! Constantly monitoring the latest foods for COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safely and to your knowledge (and to answerYour most urgent questions) here are theprecautionsYou should take the grocery store, thefoodyou should have by hand, theMeal delivery services andRestaurant chains offering an imprint You must know and the means to help you support those who need . We will continue to update these new information that develops. Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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