Should you try lactation cookies?

These cookies are made with alleged ingredients to increase the production of breast milk and reconstruct key nutrients for new mothers. Dietitians weigh on the basis of these claims.

If you are a nursing mother, you probably noticed a new product on the shelves calledLactation cookies. They help they help women increase and maintain their breast milk production.

In the USA,50% of women believe that they do not produce enough milk. And according to theCDC, 60% of women were not going so much as they originally wanted. With these statistics, it is not surprising that many breastfeeding moms plan to add breastfeeding cookies to their breastfeeding plan.

But do lactation cookies actually work? We asked for two dietary nutritionists registered for the reduction of weakness.

What are lactation cookies?

"Breastfeeding cookies are cooked with ingredients that allege the lactating moms allegedly in the production of milk (milk volume)," says Monica Austlander Moreno, MS, RDN, LD / N, dietary nutritionist recorded atNutrition gasoline In Miami.

Galactagogues-ingredients have thought of stimulating milk supply - are the basis of lactation cookies. Examples of galactagogue foods include:

  • Oat
  • The flax seed
  • beer yeast
  • Wheat germ
  • Fenugreek

"Galactagogues are substances that help increase the production of mammal's milk," saidSandra AREVALO, RDN, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Although lactation cookies are based on the hypothesis that galactagogues work, the proof of support are inconclusive.

What does science say?

Honestly, there is not much research there and studies that do not exist are inconclusive.

A2015 study Found that galactagogues, especially Fenugreek, have been noted to increase milk production. But oneREVIEW 2016 Out of 6 studies on galactagogue use of milk production revealed only 1 studies showed a significant difference in dairy production compared to placebo.

"None of the studies I know has found conclusive evidence that these foods / substances work as desired," says Arevalo. "However, there are moms who attesting that some of these substances worked for them. I think there could be a placebo effect in the place or other practices that occur on the side that helps to increase The production of milk that we do not look. "

Lactation cookie recipe with low sugar

Homemade lactation cookie recipe

If you want to try lactation cookies, keep an eye on the sugar content.

"The problem with cookies (breastfeeding) tends to add sugar. Cooking with banana, mango, very dark chocolate chips (92% cocoa or more) and halve the quantities of sugar called in a recipe can help a recipe Few sugar to go a little sugar., Says Auslande Moreno.

If you want to try to do a person at home forAvoid excess sugarIt recommends this lactation cookie recipe:

Home lactation cookie ingredients:

  • 1.5 rolled oatmeal cups
  • 2.5 TBSP brewer yeast
  • 2 cup of dark chocolate chips (92% cocoa or more)
  • 0.5 cup of dark coconut sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 vanilla teaspoon
  • kosher salt
  • 1.5 tablespoon of flaxseed
  • 1 spoon wheat germ
  • 1/4 c. Soda bicarbonate tea
  • Pinch
  • 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond butter


  1. In 2 large bowls, whip dry ingredients and wet ingredients separately.
  2. Fold back into dry ingredients and mix with your hands (knead). You may need to add more oats to carry out the dough.
  3. Cook at 350 degrees for 10-14 minutes to Golden and Toasty on the top.

Bonus: You can freeze them and zap them in the microwave for later.

Do you have to try lactation cookies?

The jury is always about whether lactation cookies will actually stimulate milk production. But if cookies are packed with nutritious ingredients, there is no harm in giving them an alley.

"Lactation cookies, while they may not be validated in the scientific literature, contain ingredients that nursing moms may fail to optimize their nutrition and contribute integral vitamins and minerals that can help optimize the 'milk supply and nutrition for nursing moms in general, "Austlander Moreno said.

"Many mothers are so rinsed as long as the consumption of eating can be a challenge. So, if we can pack nutrition in easily accessible, delicious and embarrassing portions for later!), Which also promote access to nutrients (especially during power supply when metabolic needs increase), we are all for that. "

Of course, if you feel like you have difficulties in milk production, see an authorized dietitian can help.

"If you feel that your milk is not enough, you shouldConsult a registered dietitian Which is also a certified lactation consultant, "said Arevalo." He / she could answer all your questions and evaluate your plan to make sure you eat all the nutrients you need. "

RELATED: Pregnant? This is your guide forWhat you should and should not eat when you wait.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: cookies / women
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