15 ways to boost your immune system during Covid-19

Give your body's natural defenses a serious support against coronavirus.

Life continues to lock or lock. We are all afraid of becoming infected by coronavirus and wondering what will happen if we do it. To fight Covid-19, we all need the same thing: a strong immune system, which works on all cylinders.

As human beings, we only exist by our immune system. Every day, our bodies are invaded by foreign organizations. Cell division goes wrong and we produce early cancer cells. If our immune system has not started in action, we would not be there to tell the tale. So, how can you support your immune system today and every day? Read it and find out.


Have full of sleep

woman sleeping in bed

Did you know yourimmune systemis extra busy while you're asleep? Your natural body clock - the circadian rhythm - is configured in this way, presumably, so that while you sleep, your rest body can use its energy for immune clearance.

While you are asleep, your body also deals with oxidative stress and the neutralization of free radicals that can damage cells. The experts say that adults should have seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Make sure to adopt a good sleep model and get your quota recommended!

RELATED:Sign up for our newsletter for new coronaviruses, food safety and daily recipes - just in your inbox!


Get more physical exercise

Asian women exercising in bed in the morning

Exercise can really boost yourimmune system. At short thickness of moderate intensity exercise, the body releases immune cells such as monocytes, neutrophils and natural killer cells. Exercise also counterclaims chronic inflammation. In2012 study, a group of exercisers has been found that a larger response of antibodies to an anti-pneumococcal vaccine than a control group.


Go swimming cold water

Face of a female triathlete swimming

Did you know how to immerse yourself regularly in cold water increases yourimmune system? Cold stress results in a noticeable increase in T cells and natural killer cells in the blood. In a study, the regular cold swimming over five weeks has resulted in an increase in molecule levels that combat inflammation. It has also been proposed that the regular swimming of cold water could have aanti-tumoreffect.


Drinking red wine responsibly

woman sitting on couch having raised glass with red wine in hand

Resveratrolis a polyphenol found in grapes, rhubarb, blueberries and peanuts. It is known to have a variety of positive effects as an antioxidant agent, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-cancer. FollowingRecent Researchshowed that red wine can also increase your gut microbiome too!

Before becoming too excited, please drink only in moderation. You only need a glass of red wine a week to see an advantage. Maximum, theAmerican Heart AssociationRecommends one to two drinks a day for men and a glass a day for women. It is defined as a 12 ounce beer, 4 ounces of wine or 1 ounce spirits at 100 trials.


To eat chocolate

Portrait of a delighted brown haired woman with bright makeup eating chocolate bar

CocoaAlso contains a large number of powerful antioxidant polyphenols. In animal studies, it has been shown that cocoa has had an effect on responses to cellular mediation and immune system antibodies.

And there is evidence of dark chocolate can haveadvantagesfor many other aspects of health. In a2018Randomized controlled study of patients with type 2 diabetes, those who have eaten 30 grams of 84% cocoa solid chocolate for eight weeks, while lifestyle guidelines have shown improvements to inflammatory markers, compared to To the control group who received only lifestyle guidelines.

Experts recommend eating dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa solids. But do it in moderation: chocolate also contains large amounts of saturated grease and sugar. Any advantage of cocoa will be quickly canceled because the weight increases!


Be kind


Empathy and psychosocial well-being are associated with lower levels of inflammatory markers. In a study of people living with HIV, religious and social support resulted in an improved number of CD4 (immune system marker), less psychological distress and better quality of life. From the opposite perspective, poor psychological on oxidative stress. What can you do during the Pandemic of Covid-19 to be kind enough?


Of stress

Profile of a beautiful woman relaxing lying on a couch at home

Any acute stress causes an immediate extension of inflammatory mediators in the body. Chronic stress means that these mediators cause inflammation when they have to be extinguished. This has serious consequences for your long-term health because this process underpins atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer. Treating stress becomes even more important than we get older because our immune response is naturally lower.

So, de-stress! Turn off your mobile phone! Learn to breathe! Relaxation is so important. There are many ways to do it at home: hot baths, scented candles, listening to music, you immerse yourself in new hobbies and interests.

If you suffer from anxiety, consider cognitive behavioral therapy. You can buy a self-help book quite at a lower cost online.


Improve your microbiome

Kimchi being prepared

Your gastrointestinal tract contains 10 to 100 trillion of organisms known asmicrobiome. These are bacteria, fungi and protozoa that happily exist in the intestine walls. Many research has examined the integral relationship of intestinal microbiome with health.Basically, as long as your GUT microbiome is complete and diversified, your immune system will operate optimally. But if the intestine microbiome is lacking in diversity, you risk an increased risk of infectious diseases.

How can you improve your GUT microbiome? Eat a healthy diet (like theMediterranean diet, do you completeSuperfoods,and takesprobiotics. If you feel need, you can test your GUT microbiome, using a variety of online test kits.



Man relaxing with bourbon whiskey drink alcoholic beverage in hand and using mobile smartphone

Without a doubt,excessive alcoholConsumption has a negative effect on your immune system. The alcohol damages the microbiome of the Gut by modifying the intestinal flora. This also makes the Gut 'fleeing ", allowing pathogens to cross the blood circulation; causes chronic inflammation of liver; and damage cilia in the respiratory tract, making the lungs more susceptible to infection.

Know your security limits. TheAmerican Dietary Directives for Americans 2015-2020Recommend that alcohol is consumed with moderation, up to a glass a day for women and two drinks a day for men.


Will embrace trees

Happy senior man walking and relaxing in park

TheInternational Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology reported an interesting study in2008. The authors concluded that "Visiting a forest, not a city, has increased the number of natural killer cells and the expression of anticancer proteins". The authors suggested that phytoncids, which are naturally liberated from trees, with a decrease in the stress of the trip, could explain the discovery.




Did you know that restricting your food consumption to an eight-hour window not only leads to weight loss, but also benefits for your immune system?

A lot of interest has grown on the benefits ofintermittent fastfor health and weight loss. It takes a minimum of12 hoursFor your body to begin to break down the grease when the liver glycogen store is exhausted. The5: 2and16: 8Plans have a lot to recommend them.

Research (although largely in animal studies) found that intermittent fasting is beneficial for health, the improvement of glucose metabolism, the reduction of blood pressure, the improvement of cardiovascular health, resistance growing stress and disease cells and reduce inflammation.

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Woman wearing a protective mask is walking alone with a dog outdoors because of the corona virus pandemic covid-19

Researchers believe that pets reduce stress and has a positive effect onimmune function. Petting a dog was found associated with the release of oxytocin, a stronger effect with a pet a strange dog. Having a dog also lowers adrenaline levels and hormonal stress cortisol. The lowering of these hormones has an anti-inflammatory effect (although more research in humans is needed).



couple working together in home garden

Researchers have recently published ato studyon the physiological effects of gardening on human health. From a microbiological perspective, gardening involves regular interaction with a wide variety of microbial antigens and other other foreign antigens, which can have a positive effect on the immune system over a lifetime. Gardening can have a positive effect on the microbiome, which is tightly integrated with the function of the immune system. And stress and anxiety are often reduced by gardening.


Clean your teeth

Man brushing teeth

Did you know that bad oral hygiene is linked to cardiovascular disease, and this is due to the effect of periodontal disease on the immune system?

Regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste, plus dental floss and visit of the dentist, are crucial to stay good. The reason is that if you do not take care of your teeth and gums, a chronic low year infection in (a.k.a.periodontal disease), and this causes chronic inflammation in your body. This can lead to the development of atherosclerosis, the leading cause of cardiovascular disease, including angina angina, heart attack and stroke.

You can help support your immune system byclean your teethCarefully as part of your daily routine.


Stop smoking

stop smoking

Whether it's the first time or used, tobacco smoke takes a big hit on your immunity. Smoking has an aging effect on the immune system, increases the number of pro-inflammatory cells of the body and increases your risk of developing allergies or asthma. Smokers also have lower levels of B lymphocytes (Bregs), which are extremely important in the immune response. Do you have a favor during the lock and take advice on how you can stop smoking .

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 50 things you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus .

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