What is the difference between beef cuts?
Are you a cute net or a person from New York?

"Beef. That's what's for dinner."
If you were around in the 90s, you probably remember catchy TV ad with a jingle rodeo and a western Draw of Sam Elliott. The message is always relevant today:Beef can be extremely versatile. From a cute juicy net to a slow dry friction handle and cooked to a T-OS steak for two, there are many options when it comes to beef cups.
To help you help with the meat of this case, we asked two chefs and a butcher to explain the variations between some of the best beef cups.
Filet mignon

Filet Cute is prized for his tenderness, his lack of fat and a light flavor, explains the rusty curves, the owner and the chief butcher atPine Street market, an entire craft butchery, and co-owner ofButcher's shop, a butcher's retail store and a breeding culture. This steak cut comes from the smaller end of the net, which is under the ribs next to the spine on the cow, he explains.
The high price tag for mignon net comes down to the basic economy. He has a lot of fans, and the director can only produce a small amount, explains Joseph Paulino, executive chief toWall Street Grill At New York. Paulino recommends cooking a thread of eight ounces by saving it in a hot pan for three minutes on each side. Then place it in an oven at 400 degrees for eight minutes and let the meat rest for 10 to 12 minutes.
And if you want a steak tendant cut for a little less money, go with a flat iron cut. It's cheaper than cute net, but is even tastier than other beef cuts, says Bowers.
New York Strip

The New York band steak comes from the back of the cow and likes the mignon net, it is on the highest activity of the price balance. The short silt consists of a muscle that does little work, making it a particularly tender cup of beef, says Bowers.
Like a cute net, New York Strip's steak is perfect for fast and hot cooking. "What I like about this cut is that it has a big hood that protects and lowers the meat as it cooking", explains Bowers. Expect a little chew at this cut, says Paulino. And know that the more he walked, the more tender it will be. The chef also suggests grilling a New York strip steak on a shook to lock in steak juice.
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"This giant and shared steak is the cross-section of the New York band and the cute thread connected to a T-shaped bone, explains Bowers. What it means: it is the best of both worlds, from the short birth.
Because T-Hulking bones, high quality cuts, you will see a price tag on the upper end to reflect that. When cooked on the bone, they enjoy an additional wealth, says Bowers. Like the New York Strip, T-Bone steaks are perfect for fast and hot cooking.
Eye on the coast

The eye of the coast comes from, you guessed it, the section of the cow coast. He has an alias on some menus and can be known as aDelmonico steak, taking his name famous New York City restaurantDelmonico. Price-Sage, the steaks of the coast eyes are on the upper end.
The boneless steak is rich, tender and juicy, and it has a lot of marbles, indicating its high quality. In addition, the fat content is high in a coast eye steak, "says Chief Joseph VollerIL NIDO Restaurant in Marlboro, New Jersey. "The steak of the coast is suitable for quick cooking onmelting or fire, "he says. An ideal temperature for a coastal steak," he says, is 135 to 138 degrees.

Of course, the chest may appear as a cup of robust beef, but with patience, it can become a tender roast. The chest comes from the cow's chuck area, just above the front leg, says Bowers. It also tends to come at a more moderate price price than some of the other popular beef sections.
This cut is perfect for "slow and low cooking" that breaks down the connective tissue and rich grease. The traditional hot-meltic cooking style makes the chest to the chest a roast butter and tender can be sliced or shredded. And, of course, it's a star onBarbecue menus.
Bowers recommend grilling or smoking at a lower temperature (about 220 degrees) for 12 hours. You will know that the Brisket is cooked when the internal temperature reaches 185 degrees for the sliced chest and 195 degrees for the shredded chest.
"Pro Tip: Once this comes from the grill or the smoker, place it in an isolated box, like aIgloo coolerAnd let the temperature go down slowly for about two hours, "says Bowers. With the appropriate cooking methods, the chest should have a rich and juicy and sturdy flavor.

The wearhouse and T-OS steaks can be very similar, but they are not the same. The net of a porter is thicker, measuring 1 1/4 inch or more than more diameter. The Porterhouse comes from the short silt, which consists of the stripin and sections of Filenoin, connected by a T-shaped bone, explains the executive head WADE EYBEL ofPark Hyatt Beaver Creek and 8100 Bar & Grill Mountains in Colorado.
"One end of the short silt has a bigger part of Filenoin and Striploin, and that's where the Porterhouse comes from," Explains Eybel. The Porterhouse is well marked and is a classic of Steakhouse. As the T-Bone, the Porterhouse will take longer cooking, because it's a thick and bone cut. Porthouse steaks are usually on the upper end of the pricing scale. It is because of the size of the portion and the amount of thirty fillet in the cuts, says Eybel.
Porterhouse is quite tender and enjoys quick cooking and serve higher temperature temperature, says Voller.

Chuck Roast, who comes from the cow's shoulder, is part of the cheapest beef cuts you can buy, says Bowers. "Chuck Roast is like the beef version of pork buttocks," explains the butcher. "It's a bigPot roast or chopped beef. "
Bowers recommend burning roast on high heat and adding it to a bull pot withbone broth and roasted tomatoes. Add a touch of Dijon mustard, a rosemary strand and a couple of garlic cloves to take it at the next level. With patience, Chuck Roast is good for taking the flavor in which you are wanking, "said Paulin.

Cut the back leg of the cow, it is an inexpensive, rich and tasty cut. He makes an astonishing of roasted beef, says Bowers. Roast roast must have a soft flavor and you can give it a good crust on your oven or grill.
The Bowers recommend cooking a round roasting on your grill at 500 degrees at an internal temperature of 115 degrees to keep it rare. This lean fit is juicy and tender to rare rare medium, he says. But a round roast can become difficult to moreWell-completed levelsSo, you do not want to cook it on 120 degrees. Before cooking, the butcher recommends to season it generously with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper and letting it rest at room temperature for 30 minutes per pound.
Whether you are a seasoned master grill or a beginner chef, it's always good to know more about what you buy and how to better prepare your favorite beef cuts. You do not need to buy the most expensive option to have a delicious dinner, either. If you know how to cook every type of beef in a good way, the possibilities are endless.

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