Avoid this food to prevent cancer, say new guidelines

The new Council of the American Cancer Society recommends avoiding this classic entrance.

The American Cancer Society has just publishedUpdated guidelines On the diet and physical activity of cancer prevention, a classic entrance is a great entrance no-no for those who want to prevent cancer:steak. It's true, the consumption of red meat, includingtreaty red meat, likeHot Dogs-And too much alcohol, are directly related to an increase in the rate of cancer.

The specific modifications of the "regime and physical activity guidelines" the CAs recommending to include more physical activity, to eat less (or not) treated andRed meatand avoid alcohol or drink less (PSST:Here's what can happen to your body if you drink every day) The new guidelines make it possible to list the following best practices to avoid obtaining cancer:

  • Go and stay at a healthy body weight throughout life. If you are overweight or obese, even lose some books can reduce your risk of cancer.
  • Adults need to get 150-300 minutes of moderate intensityphysical activity per week, or 75-150 minutes of physical activity of vigorous intensity, or a combination. Get 300 minutes or more will give you the health benefits.
  • Children and adolescents should get at least one hour of moderate activity or vigorous intensity every day.
  • Spend less time sitting or lying down. This includes time by looking at your phone, your tablet, your computer or your TV.
  • Eat a colorful variety ofvegetables and fruits and many whole grains andBrown rice.
  • Avoid orLimit the consumption of red meats such as beef, pork and lamb, and processed meats such asBacon, sausage, meat cold cuts and hot dogs.
  • Avoid or limitSweet sweet drinks, highly transformed foods and refined grain products.
  • It is better not to drink alcohol. But if you do, women should not have more than one drink a day and men should not have more than two. A glass is 12 ounces of regularBeer5 ounces ofwine, or 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits at 80%.

It turns out, staying at a healthy weight, remaining active throughout life, sticky with a healthy eating plan and avoiding or limiting alcohol reduces your risk of developing or dying fromCancer.The ACA report reveals that at least 18% of all cancer cases in the United States are directly linked to a combination of these factors. Other than not smoking, these lifestyles are the most important behaviors that people can control and change to reduce the risk of cancer, says ACA.

For more, be sure to read these30 things that can affect if you get cancer or notand make sureSubscribe to our newsletter For healthier feeding tips.

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