11 greens salads underestimated - and how to eat them

Your salad gets familiar with popular greens such as Romaine, Kale and Roquette. But there are other greens of nutrient nutrient salads themselves in the farmers' alleys and markets. Go ahead, turn on a new sheet and discover your new green.

Green salad are nutritional stars: they are full of vitamins (including A, B and K) and are rich in minerals whose body needs (such as potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium). The pigments of the salad, known as carotenoids, can reduce the risk of cancer and keep your bones strong. In addition, a cup of green box clock vegetables in at least 10 calories. !

Not only can we vote more chances to succeed in your diet, but the salad also super versatile are; They make a healthy base for your salad, they can give your sandwich a crisis, they can be shattered in jumping or pasta dishes, and even replace a hamburger roll! Really, they are game for anything.

Since you should eat more green vegetables (your mom agrees with us), there is no reason to limit you to the usual suspects. And while we love the curly cabbage, there are other options that are so low on the Nutritional Totem (Ahem, Iceberg Lettue!) That we try you insist a green you do not get used to your fork in. These less known leafy vegetables are worthy of an invitation dinner as the basis of these30 salad recipes to lose weight!


Mustard leaves

You do not need to season your mustard leaves because they come naturally with a high-punch of pepper. mustard leaves count as a cruciferous vegetable, says Jackie Newgent, RDN and author ofThe entirely natural cookbook of diabetes. This means that the Greens have anti-inflammatory properties and cancer prevention.

"You can actually enjoy these greens as you could spinach, but when you want more of a peppery kick," says Newgent. "They are the best when it is prepared with olive oil or other healthy grease and a pinch of salt to balance the high tasting of" bite. »Do you prefer to make a salad vinaigrette? So do not miss these12 tips for making healthy healthy!




Popeye, if you are tired of spinach, bettes give a try. Same thing for all those who are looking for a good source of iron. Beet to Carde is in the same family as spinach and is plentiful enough to be skipped. In addition, it is naturally loaded with polyphenolic antioxidants, including syringic acid (which can help manage blood sugar levels) and kaempferol (which can play a cardiac protective role in the food), Newgent Explain. His suggestion: Shred or finely chop like a green salad, then to match it with a dry fruit, nuts and cheese. Think Calm Be Tits with dried cranberries, grilled pistaches and goat cheese, as well as a vinaigrette of choice.


lettuce butter

mmm, Butter. Trust us, this green does not seek to duplicate, whether, with its indulgent name. Butter lettuce has a soft and creamy texture (for lettuce, which is!) And is almost sweet, says Tara Coleman, clinical nutritionist. It is also rich in vitamin A, which helps you maintainhealthy, bright skin, she says. A portion of a packet cup more than half of your daily vitamin K needs, which helps maintain healthy bones.

"Butter lettuce is small, making it a table for sandwiches and easy to shred for salads," says Coleman. "However, its shape and flexibility make it an ideal candidate for lettuce wraps. Its creamy flavor completes a more salty dish and it holds a lot better than other crunchy lettuce. »


Beet Verts


Let your other green vegetables know only "the beet it. While the red beet itself has amazing health benefits, the green beet have actually a nutritional value greater than the root, says Jaime Anton, certified nutrition advisor. "Greens have a higher percentage of iron than spinach, as well as providing huge doses of vitamin A, which can help reduce free radicals and strengthen the immune system," she says. BETTERAVE GREENS also pack a good amount of vitamin K, which works with calcium to increase bone resistance. "You can mixgreen beet With your salad, or use them in soups for an additional nutrient boost, "suggests Anton.


The dandelion leaves


You may have had dandelion leaves in a tea or nutrient powder purification before. Move to the big leagues and put them in your bowl of salad! Greens dandelion are one of20 natural diuretics And is a blood purifier too. "In fact, the arguments have been made that the Greens dandelion eat regularly can help reduce the risk of cancer as well as liver disease," says Anton. "These Greens have a higher calcium content than curly cabbage and are loaded with iron and vitamin K."

Be careful, however: the greens of dandelion can be a bit bitter. Anton suggests adding them to the salads mixed with less bitter vegetables such as spinach or Roman lettuce. "Adding to soups and teas is also a great way to get your dose of these amazing green," she says.



Escarole does not come from grudge: it's a lot less bitter than other family members in the endive family. But it always promotes the benefits of bitter foods and is a natural way to improve digestion, according to the University of Bastyr. (PSST! Endives Sortuces ranked higher than Kale on a list of 47 superfoods in a study from William Patterson University!)

So go ahead, sprinkle with an olive oil or even the pair with fish that have healthy greases. The researchers at the University of Purdue have found that by adding at least three grams of monosaturated fat, your body will better absorb the carotenoids of vegetable vegetables.

Do not miss:How to prepare food to get the most nutrition



Radicchio: it is not just a pertussis; It is full of substance. "The charming red and purple hues of this low calorie nutrient superfood are a gift that this leafy variety of chicory vegetable class is an extraordinary antioxidant power," says the nutrition and fitness-shaped expert Janet Brill, author of the author ofArterial pressure. Bonus: lactucopicrine, which makes the Amer Radicchio, can serve as natural analytic painting; Before blowing pills, maybe try a salad with Radicchio.

And the radicchio is the game not only for cold salads; He can also hold his on the grill. "Try to grill pieces, seasoned and flavored with extra virgin olive oil," suggests the franc. The bitter taste of Radicchio really rises when it is grilled or grilled.



Sounds well, yes? Well, this green is popular in France and is a little chic-schminancy with its curly greens. A member of the chicory family, frieze is also a little hazel. This could also be a rescue too; A single curly cup contains 235 mg of polyphenols rich in antioxidants, which can help you live longer. A study in theNutrition log have found that those who eat 650 mg of polyphenols have a greater chance of more than 30% to life longer than those that consume less.

Pro advice: Grill your curly to bring out its softness and hide bitterness - or tamper with a tangy vinaigrette.




Consider Collard Greens The Southern Gentleman you want at your table. Collard Greens is a family member of the Brassica vegetables against cancer, such as cauliflower and cabbage), says Brill. "Low in calories, but packed with impressive amounts of protein, fiber and tons of other vital nutrients, this traditional south side dish should appear on all plates of Americans for better health."

You can eat raw greens with salads, associated with a vinaigrette with dijon mustard. (But make sure it is not on our list of16 salad dressings worse than chocolate syrup!) Or, Brill suggests seasoning and backing up green in extra virgin olive oil, garlic and fresh tomatoes.



This dark green leaf with narrow white stems also goes with California pepper and AKA spider mustard. A cup of two-thirds of vitamin C you need for the day, according to Jessica Crandall, Rd and Nutritionist with the Denver Wellness Center. Mizuna is a little spicy, with a peppermight flavor - so you have enough of the salad, Crandall suggests adding it to a miso soup or a vegetable soup towards the end of the cooking time.




Cute and dark green leaves are often used as fittings. But they beg ", put me in a salad, coach!" You will get your daily dose of vitamin A and 90% of your vitamin C from only 1 1/2 cups of cresson, according to Crandall. It has a hint of tangy flavor and you can eat cresons like you look like soups, salads or sandwiches. You can also throw it in a salad with green vegetables, add it to a morcint to stir, or give your other leaves an absence leave of the mixer and throw the crate in your next green smoothie. For tons of inso smoothie that will cut you off, discover these25 Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes Best!

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