Spice up your pork chops with grilled peaches

Spice-or should we say soften the plate of classic pork chops with grilled fruits.

Restaurantpork ribs Are usually a Flintstonian size and skirt with enough fat to keep a warm bear in winter. However, you can make pork chops a healthier dish passing through the leaner road. Our dish takes its tail of classic pork chops and pork apple compote, usinggrilled fruit and blue cheese to hit the flavor without skyrocketing the number of calories. You will save nearly 1,000 calories doing your own and commissioning one in a restaurant, and it will always make your water.

Nutrition:430 calories, 24 g of grease (8 g saturated), 530 mg of sodium

Serve 2

You will need

4 bone pork chops (1 "thick (1") (8 oz each; pre-packaged pork chops are cut too thin, so they dry easily. Make them cut off the butcher thick and on the 'OS, which confers moisture and flavor during cooking.)
Olive oil
Black salt and pepper
2 bodily peaches or nectarines, cut in two and stung
2 c. Pine pine trees, grilled
1 small red onion, finely sliced
1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese
1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar

How to do it

  1. Heat a hot grill.
  2. Brush pork with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
  3. To grill for 4 to 5 minutes on each side.
  4. The outside must be carbonized (not burned), but the meat must be pale pink in the middle.
  5. While copper chops, brush the halves with oil and add them to the grill, cut laterally.
  6. To grill for 5 minutes or until soft. Remove, slice and mix with pines, onion, blue cheese and vinegar; Season with salt and pepper.
  7. Top each chopper with half of the fishing mixture and serve.


As much as we love the combination of funky blue cheese and sweet caramelized nuggets, the ingredients are not placed in the stone. Blue cheese dear to your market? Try feta or goat cheese. Apricots or nectarines on sale today? Foster fisheries for one or the other. Too high pine prices for your budget? Almonds, pecans or walnuts all work well. The point is, there is always room to adapt. You can even exchange the pork chop for the chicken if you have already placed around your freezer.

RELATED: Theeasy way to make comfortable foods healthier.

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