The gross side effect of high protein and carbohydrate schemes

Trust us, it's an article that you will regret to jump.

After starting a low carbohydrate diet andlosing weight, Your new confidence helped you land a date with your long-standing crude. The date has increased well, but as you lean for a good night kiss, you realize that your breath is awful. Talk about a buzzkill.

Do not blame your dentist for your malicious mouth - blame your diet. Low carb,hyper protein Plans such as Atkins, Paleo and Dukan increase the chances that your body will go into a state of ketosis (a metabolic state in which the body pulls its energy from the ketone bodies into the blood), which can cause a stinky breath. There are more: if you work - maybe a little too much to accelerate your weight loss, you might also be dehydrated, which means that there is less saliva in the mouth to clean the plate and Bacteria causing odors. In brief: it does things in your mouth even worse.

The fix

Do not be afraid, Dieteras. You do not need to reach your weight loss and training plan in your quest for better breath. Although your first instinct can be to reach mints and gum, it is not the answer. Sugar in these products adds only fire fuel, creating more bacteria. And varieties without sugar causeblocker.

"For most people, doubling the amount of water they drink would immediately heal their bad breath," said Dr. Uchenna Okoye, Clinical Director of the London Smiling Dental GroupThe daily mail. And of course, obvious habits: good brushing and dental silk habits. Another easy to do hotfix: "Chew crunchy and raw food like carrots and apples ... Clear [s] plate and stimulate the production of saliva", explains Okoye. The addition of spices like cinnamon and herbs such as parsley, fennel and dill of your diet can also improve bad breath because they contain compounds that kill the bacteria caused by the smell.

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Categories: Healthy Eating
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