8 ways to ruin your remains

When a meal is super delicious the first time, do not you want it to be so tasty the second or the third time?

Have you ever had a meal so delicious that you could not wait to enjoy theLeftovers From there the next day or two? The truth is most of the time, the remains of food that eat two or three days after its cooking, just do not taste as tender and tasty as the first time you morde. Or worse, he may have spoiled in the refrigerator because it was not too preserved or has been left in the camera for too long.

To help you call some of these mistakes when we are trying to store remnants, we consulted Meredith Careothers, a specialist in the technical inspection service of the USDA. Continue reading to know how much you can be ruining your perfect good food!


You leave the remnants of ambient food for more than two hours.

roasted potatoes

We know that the first thing you want to do when you're donepreparer meal Is sitting down and enjoy your food, leaving the rest to sit on the hob or counter. However, this could put your food at risk for bacterial growth.

"One of the most important ways that consumers kill their remains is by violating the 2 hours rule. Foodborne disease bacteria grow rapidly between temperatures of 40 ° F and 140 ° F, and only two hours at room temperature is enough time for food poisoning bacteria must reach dangerous levels, "says Carothers. "In addition, there are bacteria that, if they are allowed to multiply, produce toxins that can not be killed by your heating remains, so it is very important of safe remains are refrigerated in this time! »

The food security expert provides some tips on how you can keep your remains from dirty.

  1. Just before you sit for eating, wearing your remains in storage containers and place in the refrigerator.
  2. If you are worried about your hot items to place in the refrigerator, it is actually safe to place hot food directly in the refrigerator. However, you will want to cut important objects or divide large amounts of food into smaller portions to cool quickly.
  3. Define a timer so if you decide to sit down and enjoy your meal before remaining remnants, you do not sit too long!

Your remains have been in the refrigerator for too long.

Putting leftovers away

Did you know that cooked food is only good between three and four days after cooking? Carothers says that what is often the way consumers ruin their remains, leaving them in the refrigerator for too long until they spoil.

"To avoid killing the remains by leaving them in the refrigerator too long, either to consume within three to four days or freeze them to take advantage later. Remains will be safe indefinitely in the freezer, but will keep their best freshness and quality for three to four months in the freezer. Although frozen remains indefinitely, they can lose moisture and flavor when stored for more time in the freezer. "

How many times did you have to throw food because they were contaminated withfreezing burns?


Your refrigerator is not set to the appropriate temperature.

refrigerator thermometer

Carothers says that defining your refrigerator at the correct temperature is essential to prevent bacterial growth on food and feeding disease. You always want to make sureRefrigerator temperature is 40 ° C or below.

"Foodborne disease bacteria are starting to multiply at temperatures above 40 ° F and can reach dangerous levels that could make you sick," explains. "In addition, if the refrigerator temperature is greater than 40 ° F, it means that deterioration bacteria will begin to multiply."

This is problematic because it means that your food will probably be faster.


You do not send your remains in hermetic containers.

leftovers in open plastic containers

The way you store your remains is important for the quality of your remains will taste the three to four days after cooking.

"To maintain the best quality, it is recommended to be the hedging remains, wrap them in air-sealed packaging, or seal them in storage containers," says Cararhes. "These practices help keep bacteria, keep moisture and prevent remnants from gathering odors from other foods in the refrigerator."

Have you ever had pasta that kind of tasted like abanana? If you have left a half-eaten banana in the refrigerator next to a bowl of pasta with even not a plastic wrap on it, you have your answer to why your noodles smell like the banana of yesterday.

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You store your food remnants in Smelly plastic containers.

Premade caesar salad

If plastic containers are what includes most of your storage cabinets, it may be time to take a sniffing of each. Why? Unlike glass, plastic containers can actually absorb flavors of quills over time. Have you ever had a plastic container that is permanently colored with a sauce at Marinara garlic? Like the stain, the smell can also never dissipate, which means new remains that you store there canExperience a change of flavor. Raw! If you use plastic containers, make sure to edit them when they start repelling.


You warm soups and sauces in the microwave.

putting soup in microwave with hot pad

Are you warming upsoups and microwave sauces? Item number one! In an article on how to knowReturn of reheating remains, Brian Bennett, Executive Chief of the Meal Delivery Service A Front of HealthEat a clean brothersaid: "I warn them in a saucepan slowly on the top of the stove. I will usually add a little liquid, depending on the base of the soup or sauce," says Bennett.

The liquid it adds will be cream, milk or water, and it slowly agitates the mixture as it heats on the hob. Of course, you can put it in the microwave, but the sauce can become drier and the soup or sauce could explode during the microwave. The worst party? Half of the soup or sauce can still be cold, but your microwave is left a mess.


You do not warm up your residues in the microwave properly.

exploded food in microwave

Bennett had also shared that you should avoid stacking foods on each other during the microwave.

"The least dense thing that something is, the easier it will be to heat," he says, so you should avoid stacking this grilled chicken breast on this cold pasta bed! Instead, make sure that the entire food is uniformly extended through the plate, so it warms up at the same rhythm or turn to heat all different foods. Yesterdayhaving dinner Will be just as hot as it was then!


You store raw foods over cooked food.

lower shelves fridge

In addition, your refrigerator is a problem in itself because you risk inhibiting cold air from moving correctly from all foods of the device correctly. But keeping the raw food (like meat cuts) near the foods cooked in the refrigerator is also concerning. For example, let's say you're stacking some slabs ofRed meat On the shelf above the food already cooked. Depending on how the shelves of your refrigerator look like, you could run the risk of franchise juice of the gross encounter to see in your remains. This, of course, could cause a series of health problems if it is consumed, so be sure to place raw meat on one of the lower shelves forGood refrigerator organization.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: tips
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