This diet can cause cancer, a new study says

A high diet in this type of food is linked to obesity and cancer.

Processed foods have been known for a long time to be less healthy than whole foods. They include heated things, frozen, diced, juice, etc., says theAmerican Heart Association. Cornultra-transformed Foods or things with added colors, flavors and emulsifiers are still worse. And new research confirms this.

ARecently published study In the BMJ indicates that a high diet in ultra-transformed foods can cause cancer. This includes things like non-alcoholic beverages, chips, candies and ready-to-microwave foods. The lack of nutritional value and higher amounts of sodium, sugar, grease and non-natural additives are a bad combination, according toHarvard Health.

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In the new study, food records of nearly 105,000 adults in France have been studied. They found that those with 10% or more ultra-transformed foods also had more than 10% more chest risks and other cancers. This result was found even though the authors of the study removed other cancer risk factors. These include things like age, corporal mass, family history and smoking.

"It was quite surprising, the strength of the results", Mathilde Touvier, the co-author of the study, said:According to CNN. "They were really strongly associated and we have done many sensitive analyzes and adjusted the conclusions of many co-factors, and always the results here were quite concerning."

There was an important search on the ultra-transformFood and obesity,heart problems,Diabetes, and otherChronic diseases. They generally contain a lot of calories and the long-term effects of additives to maintain foodStable on shelves are not yet known. Many of these foods have done on our list of the100 instantaneous foods on the planet.

If you try to eat more integer and natural dishes, here's21 things happening to your body when you stop eating transformed food.

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