This vegetable is the key to stimulating your immunity

There are tons of ways to get more in your diet!

Eat moreWhole foods and plants is a great way to get more nutrients in the diet that can help prevent disease. But not twovegetables and fruits Are the same - flavor, texture and vitamins and minerals. There is a particularly good vegetable to stimulate the immune system - Shiitake mushrooms!

This specific type of fungi contains immunity construction substances such as polysaccharides, according toSatellite. A portion of four shiitake fungi has nearly 40% of the daily value of copper. In addition, 33% of the daily value of vitamin B5. Copper is responsible for "melting free radicals", according toHarvard Health. Vitamin B5 also helps the immune system producing and releasing antibodies, depending on theWashington University.

RELATED:Keto Thai Scallop Curry with Zucchini Noodles and Shiitake Mushroom Recipe

Shiitake fungi also contain amino acids and an active hexosis correlated compound (AHCC), according to theMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Cancer Cancer. AHCC can also help support the immune system. "Laboratory studies suggest that AHCC can improve the activity of certain types of immune cells," they say. "In some human studies, AHCC's enhanced liver function in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis and a reduction in blood levels of some tumor markers".

Need another reason to eat Shiitake mushrooms for immune system health? A studyPublished in 2015 I found that eating 5 to 10 grams of fungi daily for an improved month immunity responses in 52 adults.

But eating it is not the only way to get their advantages.Mushroom and AHCC supplements quickly go over the grocery rays because of their popularity. In the spring of 2020, sales of mushroom supplements increased by nearly 900%.

Discover to complete or try thisRamen chicken with shiitake mushrooms and spinach For a delicious and immune meal supporting a meal!

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