This vitamin deficiency could increase your risk of death from Covid-19

Having low levels of this vitamin could be an underlying cause of serious coronavirus symptoms.

At this point, you probably heard thatVitamin D May be useful for preventingUnfavorable symptoms of COVID-19, as it is known to support theimmune system. However, there are several other vitamins and minerals that help to enhance immunity, one of which is known as cobalamine or vitamin B12.

However, having a B12 deficiency right now can be a serious problem. In fact, it "can increase the mortality rate of this pandemic, especially in the elderly," said Sally M. Pacholok, Rn, BSN, a nurse who is currently taking the eve of Covid patients -19 and the co-author ofCould it be B12? An epidemic of diagnosis.

A deficiency in B12 is often misdiagnosed, but the consequences of this can be fatal, especially for those who have contracted Coronavirus and are already high-risk, "said Pacholok. Inadequate B12 levels can remove theimmune system and inhibit the body's ability to produceantibody with viral infections. Severe failures can even causehyperhomocysteinemia, a condition that can cause fatal blood clots to form in the brain, the lungs and the lower leg.

RELATED:5 ways to stimulate your immune system naturally, according to health professionals

More people suffer from low vitamin B12 levels that you might think. In fact, Pacholok says that up to 6 Americans of 1 out of 6 are deficient. "The B12 deficiency strikes all ages, races and socio-economic classes," she says.

Unfortunately, this deficiency has been neglected during the determination of the cause of the death of COVID-19, because clinicians fail to display it for patients at risk and symptomatic patients. Always theCDC says This "vitamin B12 deficiency can be detected and diagnosed quite easily", it still remains under diagnosed.

Foods rich in vitamin B12:

Now that vitamin B12 is on your radar, it may be useful to know which foods are the best sources. Vitamin B12 isnaturally in animal products, such aseggs, milk, fish and meat. However, many breakfast cereals are reinforced with vitamin. Nutritional yeast is also equipped with B12, which is useful for vegans they are inevitably at high risk of disability.

Some examples of foods that pack a lot of B12 are:

  • Clams (cooked)
  • Liver (beef)
  • Red salmon
  • Trout
  • Tuna
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Swiss cheese

Symptoms of deficiency B12:

In anotherEat this, not that!article onVitamin B deficiency,Sydney Greene, Mrs., RD ​​says that the elderly are at high risk of deficiency in B12 because "as we get older, we lose the ability to absorb vitamin B12 of food."

Symptoms include extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, fast heart rate, numbness, tingling or burning in the hands, legs or feet, and develop ulcers or wounds in the mouth. Even psychological changes can be an indicator of low vitamin B12 levels.

Of course, the best way to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency is fromEat rich food in her. However, Greene said, "I always recommend that my victims of oral contraceptives speak to their doctor to start a complex b, especially if they know sudden jumps with low energy consumption or mood", control Births are known to exhaust vitamins B2, B6 and B12.

For more, check theBest ways to strengthen your immunity against coronavirus.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Coronavirus / News / tips
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