Do it just a few minutes a day to sleep like a baby, tell the doctors

Take a deep breath and read.

There is nothing more frustrating than throwing and turning at night, only to feel groggy and miserable. According toNational Sleep FoundationAdults aged 18 to 64 should have seven to nine hours of sleep every night to stay healthy. But if you are like one third of the adults of the US, you probably do not get anywhere near the suggested closure. Read to discover how to improve your sleep simply - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these16 "health" tips to stop following immediately.

Lack of sleep can lead to health problems threatening life

The CDCWarning that constant sleep deprivation can lead to chronic diseases, such as depression, obesity, heart disease and type 2. drowsiness can also cause errors at work, car accidents and swings. unpleasant mood. "Average-age adults reporting symptoms of insomnia and sleep less than six hours per night can be at increased risk of cognitive impairment, according to a study by Penn State College of Physic doctor," ReportsDoctorxpress. "The results can help health professionals understand that patients who report insomnia are at greater risk of dementia development."

To sleep better, you can follow some current guidelines, such as limiting your screen time, drink a cup of hot decaffeinated tea or lower the thermostat. But there is a better solution proven to your sleep problem.If you take 15 minutes of your day to meditate and complement deep breathing exercises, you may be able to find much more easily to fall asleep and stay asleep all night. That's how it works.

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Meditation of mindfulness

Take 10 to 15 minutes to focus on calm and being in the moment when throughout your day. Take this moment to relax and think allows your body to spark the relaxation response. The more you can drive your body to press this relaxation response, the easier it will fall asleep at night as soon as your head strikes the pillow. According toDr. Herbert Benson, MD, from the Benson-Henry Institute, "the idea is to create a reflex to bring out a feeling of relaxation more easily. In this way, it is easier to evoke the relaxation response at night when you can not to sleep."

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Perform the breathing exercise of 4-7-8.

When you install in your bed for the night, take a minute to perform the 4-7-8 breathing technique. This will also allow your body to relax, get rid of harmonious thoughts and focus on sleep. To complete the exercise:

  • Exhale completely through your mouth.
  • With a closed mouth, inspire your nose for a number of four.
  • Hold your breath for an account of seven.
  • Exhale completely for a number of eight.

Repeat the cycle three times more with your eyes closed.Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D., Creator of this Respiratory Exercise calls it "a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system". When you can calm your nervous system, you can easily fall asleep quickly after lying down.

By taking only a few minutes to practice conscious meditation and breathing exercises, you can take control of your brain, which facilitates the formation of yourself to fall asleep. Use these techniques and get in a full hour of quality Z!And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss:This supplement can increase your risk of cancer, tell experts.

Categories: Health
Tags: Health Tips / News / sleep
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