5 major mistakes you do when you go to the restaurant

Here are five things you should stop doing on dining so that everyone involved remains safe.

Restaurants do their best to give customers the best possible restoration experience during these difficult times. However, this is almost impossible for staff to reach when customers do not cooperate with them.

Several states areRestaurant reopening In response to a peak in cases, and more often than establishments that always work are fighting to stay open. However, it depends on whether clients are willing to comply with the resolve rules to ensure that staff remains healthy and safe.

Below you will see five mistakes you do when you go out in a restaurant.

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Wear a mask in a restaurant.

outdoor dining

InSan FranciscoIt is now legally necessary for outdoor dining customers to wear facial masks, with the exception of food consumption or drinking actively. Once again, it's forOutdoor dinner.In many other cities, restaurants have signs or written on Crachets "Please wear a mask" when entering and roaming around the installation.

California's servers in Florida reported that they had met several clients refusing to wear a mask while dining inside and out. A server in Burlington, Vermont saidHuffPostAfter asking a dinner to wear his mask as he walked tables spent toward the toilet, he turned away and said, "It's a fucking bullshit."

ManagementWest egg coffee in Atlanta, Georgia had so tired of the guests who do not respect the rules of social distribution and ignoring their suggestions on masks that wear masks when they are now going to refuse customers who try to enter withoutcoating.

The key is: Wear a mask when you come to a restaurant - and even you wait for your meal to arrive - is a sign of respect for restaurant staff and other guests. This is particularly the case now with new research suggesting thatCoronavirus is airborneWhich means that places like restaurants could be a livestock ground for Covid-19.


Tap the servers more than you would normally.

dissatisfied with tip

A dieThe worst error servers said they lived in reopened restaurants are a drop of failover. A server that works at Mac Daddy's in Cross, South Carolina said she recently received a tip of $ 5 on a $ 100 tab because customers were not satisfied with new restrictions.

"Customers have not changed at all," she said. "I worked the hardest I have ever had as a server and that I'm as much money I guess. [I am barely able to pay invoices so that I can be done by people who do not take my health seriously. "

According to a survey of theNYC Hospitality Alliance, 75% of restaurants and bars could not afford to pay their full rent in June, soGripsuggests that the guests are at least 50%.


Calling members of the Congress to defend the best working conditions.

woman on phone

One of the most effective ways to change is to contact people who have the power to make a difference. Randy Cohen, author of "Being good: how to browse the ethics of everything" RecountHuffPost That if a dinner sees that restaurant staff are not supported properly during this period, it is the work of this person to inform someone in power who can make sure it changes immediately.

"Are you writing to your congressperson requiring decent conditions for workers? You have to do it," he said.

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Stay longer than the suggested catering time.

outdoor dining

If a restaurant asks you to stay only 45 minutes, do your part and conform to you. It is not necessary to stay longer than necessary to finish your meal. Also avoid being impatient with servers. As Tanner Agar, owner of Rye Restaurant in McKinney, said TexasToday,"Our industry had to change the business models and the rules are constantly rewritten" and "," we want you to come here - it is literally our career to serve you, but please, cut us a break. "

For everyone's safety, enter, be polished, then kindly exit.


Report restaurants that do not respect the coronavirus rules.

server taking notes for group of friends with drinks

There are restaurants across the United States that flagrantly do not know allCDC guidelines And do not requiring servers or cooks to wear masks, let alone encourage customers to have them. For example,Basilico pasta e vino In Huntington Beach, California posted a Facebook graph of two masked faces with a red circle and a line drawn through it with the legend#Nomasksallowed.If you see an institution, refusing so as to adhere to the coronavirus rules, it is imperative to report them. Make sure to read on That's exactly how you report a restaurant that does not follow the CDC guidelines So, you know exactly who calls or send an email.

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