16 healthy recipes of house protein bars

Jump the options purchased from the store and make your own healthy protein bars in your own kitchen!

Check the packaging of many protein bars and you will find a list of ingredients that look like a scientific experience. Record the extra -ols and isolates for the laboratory and make these homemade protein bars in your own kitchen. These delicious bars are packed with protein (instead of sugar!) To give you hours of energy without the subsidy of sugar mid-afternoon. Faqueon a lot This weekend for a week of snacks that will remain complete and concentrated - and much lighter than your usual distributor choice. Many recipes below call protein powder; You can use your favorite, but we strongly recommend checking our exclusive guide toThe best and worst protein powders.


Healthy Fudge Fudge Protein Bars

matcha protein bars

Serves: 10
Nutrition: 130 calories, 5 g of grease, 0.5 g of sat, 9 g of carbohydrates, 4 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar, 15 g protein

Jump the belly bloating bars You can go to the store and get a lot of these homemade protein bars at home superfausses. They do not just receive the natural color and flavor ofMatchta But also use vegetable vegetable proteins that will not cause undesirable belly bulge like Whey. Water slightly with dark chocolate to really trigger the texture inspired by cookie dough. You will not find more deliciously to do the middle of the afternoon.

Get the recipe forDesserts with advantages.


Caneberry-almond protein bars

cranberry almond protein bars

Serves: 8
Nutrition: 312 calories, 22.3 g of grease, 4.8 g of Sat, 24.4 g of carbohydrates, 5.2 g of fibers, 13.4 g sugar, 8.8 g protein

We are big fans of kind bars (we even haveClassified each kind bar!), but sometimes you need a breakfast in Grab and Go is a little more substantial. These bars strike all the same notes, seeds and a touch of sweetness - with a little more talent to make you go for lunch fully and targeted. Looking for a little less sweetness? Everything you need is enough honey and syrup to contain all the natural ingredients together, so do not hesitate to go backward the suggested amount in this recipe.

Get the recipe forOven gimme.


Triple chocolate protein cake bars

triple chocolate protein cake

Serves: 9
Nutrition: 116 calories, 4.5 g of grease, 1.2 g of Sat, 11.9 g of carbohydrates, 2.0 g of fibers, 2.9 g sugar, 8.3 g protein

That you appreciate these bars as a snack or a healthy dessert alternative, you will have more than eight grams of protein from a combination of lactoseumsprotein powders, Nuts and Greek yogurt. If you are a healthy eater with a soft spot for the candies, you will love this ingenious in the classic protein bar.

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Raspberry chocolate protein bars

raspberry chocolate protein bars

Serves: 8
Nutrition: 234 calories, 10.4 g of grease, 2.1 g of sat, 25.7 g of carbohydrates, 3.8 g of fiber, 14.4 g of sugar, 11.8 g protein

Sweet, Fluffy and overflowing with energy, these homemade protein bars are your delicious solution to this pesky 3 pm. MArasme. Choose your favorite protein powder, we are pea protein fans and use these bars to exchange your daily bar in Granola in charge of sugar. With just a touch of honey added and zeronon-natural sweetenersThese bars benefit from a natural flavor of fresh berry flavor.

Get the recipe forDelicious easy.


Chocolate bars with mint without cooking

mint chocolate protein bars

Serves: 12
Nutrition: 157 calories, 5.8 g of grease, 1.2 g of Sat, 16.6 g of carbohydrates, 2.4 g of fiber, 10.3 g sugar, 12.5 g of protein

Just seven ingredients and 20 minutes are all you need to prepare a lot of homemade protein bars inspired by the girl scouet that will feed you through two weeks of work - if you can keep others from your hiding place . Do not count on it, however, these healthy bars have a dessert taste, but are naturally sweet with dates and packaged more than 12 grams of muscle building protein.

Get the recipe forHealthy maven.


Vegan Peanut Butter Cooktop Bars

peanut butter cookie dough protein bars

Serves: 8
Nutrition:200 calories, 11.3 g of grease, 2.2 g of Sat, 19.4 g carbohydrates, 1.8 g of fiber, 10.5 g sugar, 8.2 g protein

If your sweet preferred indulgence is a cookie of mellow peanut butter, it is the ideal protein bar for you. They are packed with a lot of creamy peanut butter and boast of many complete vegan protein to keep you lunch until dinner. They are sweet with dates and just a touch of maple syrup, so you do not have to worry about strange sweeteners or sugar alcohols when the snack moves.

Get the recipe forA leader of ingredient.


Healthy red velvet fudge protein bars

red velvet fudge protein bars

Serves: 12
Nutrition: 180 calories, 8 g of grease, 0.5 g of sat, 12 g of carbohydrates, 3 g of fibers, 2 g of sugar, 17 g protein

First of all, it's not an artificial color that you see; These homemade protein bars get their stop color of the puree of healthy beet of vitamins. But trust us: you do not guess it. Vanilla dough powder and chocolate protein combine for a classic flavor inspired by the cake that will make you forget everything about beets. Even better, you will get 17 grams of protein and only two grams of sugar for less than 200 calories.

Get the recipe forDesserts with advantages.


No potato pie protein bars cook

Serves: 10
Nutrition: 239 calories, 7 g of grease, 2 g of sat SAT grease, 36 g of carbohydrates, 6 g fiber, 9 g sugar, 10 g protein

These homemade protein bars have good taste as your favorite classical American dessert, less all unnecessary greases and sugar. With an impressive 10 grams of protein per serving, they are the ideal mid-morning snack to retain you until lunch. Arman, the Mastermind behind this peak recipe, says they have the best taste when they are frozen and thawed for 10 minutes.

Get the recipe forThe world of great man.


No cook cinnamic roller roller bars

Serves: 8
Nutrition: 120 calories, 5 g of grease, 1 g sat, 11 g of carbohydrates, 3 g of fiber, 4 g of sugar, 9 g protein

Whipping up A lot of these bust bars is as simple and fast as possible and is totally worth it. Scoom boostingcinnamon Stabilize your blood glucose and remove insulin spikes, which means they will keep you longer. Take one or two of these sweet bars for a afternoon snack and you will not look twice at the vending machine of the rest room.

Get the recipe forThe healthy Maven.


Vegan Picked Pic Protein Bars

Serves: 8
Nutrition: 172 calories, 8 g of grease, 2 g of sat, 20 g of carbohydrates, 5 g of fibers, 13 g of sugar, 8 g of protein (calculated with the protein powder of the cup)

With a premium of benefits as a slowdowndigestion And helping your skin to look younger, we are always looking for more ways to sneak from the pumpkin into our diet. These homemade protein bars make it super easy to do, which is in the form of a delicious snack without guilt that keeps you full for hours after the devour.

Get the recipe forNutritionist in the Kitch.


German chocolate protein bars

Serves: 12
Nutrition: 230 calories, 11 g of grease, 29 g of carbohydrates, 5 g of fiber, 14 g sugars, 8 g protein

This decadent protein bar is a guaranteed winner. Rich black chocolate, shredded coconut and medjool dates naturally sweet reacforms together so wonderful, you will have trouble stopping once you have dug!

Get the recipe forMy vegan darling.


No banana protein bars to fuck

Serves: 12
Nutrition: 208 calories, 6 g of grease, 1 g of sat, 31 g carbohydrates, 6 g of fiber, 8 g sugars, 9 g protein

You will not miss the astronomical quantity of calories and sugar that are usually associated with banana bread when you dorce in this alternative to protein. Eat one of these homemade protein bars for breakfast - the high fiber content that comes from naturally mild, ripebanana You will keep you fully and focused through these morning meetings.

Get the recipe for The world of great man.


Moka Protein Bars

Serves: 8
Nutrition:123 calories, 5 g of grease, 3 g of sat, 26 g of carbohydrates, 13 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar, 9 g protein

Infused with coffee and arterial pressure by preserving cocoa, this protein bar is aantioxidant Powerhouse who ensures you to give you the extra energy kick you need to start your morning and pass through these meetings from Monday morning. And do not forget to choose a raw cocoa powder to make sure you reopen all the benefits of health, you have been found in chocolate!

Get the recipe forChillo Chilli Mango.


Peanut Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chip Protein Bars

Serves: 12
Nutrition: 276 calories, 13 g of grease, 20 g of carbohydrates, 3 g of fibers, 10 g of sugars, 17 g of proteins (calculated with 2 tbsp. Chocolate chips)

There is a reason why this flavor combo is a classic, it's so good! Packed with vegan protein powder, cottage cheese and organic peanut butter, this bar has an impressive amount of protein, which makes these homemade protein bars a great post-training snack. Munch on after spinning or lifting weight to make sure your body is properly reconstructed.

Get the recipe forCupcakes and chips chips.


Sweet potato protein bar

Serves: 8
Nutrition: 184 calories, 7.4 fat, 1.9 fat sat, 17.2 carbohydrates, 1.7 fiber, 9.9 sugars, 13.3 g protein

Sweet potatoes Make an unexpected-but delicious appearance in this protein bar recipe, giving these bars their wonderful orange tint and offering you a generous amount of vitamin A, a nutrient that helps in immune function, vision, reproduction and Cellular communication.

Get the recipe forLean green bean.


Snack the lemon protein bars

Serves: 10
Nutrition: 225 calories, 13 g of grease, 5 g of sat, 17 g carbohydrates, 7 g of fiber, 7 g sugar, 12 g protein

If you have one thing for lemon cookies and cake, you will absolutely like these perfectly sweet-pies energizing bars. Take advantage of this knowledge the lemons This gives them their irresistible flavor are the most nutritional fruits on the planet, packing more than 100% of the recommended daily consumption of vitamin C.

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