13 foods women should ever eat

These are the main foods women should avoid at all costs.

In general, there is no "good" or "bad" food; Everything has its place with moderation. But there are foods that are worse for your health than others and should be avoided wherever possible. For women who are trying to conceive, seek to balance their hormones or want to keep the chronic disease away, there is a whole layer of health complications to consider.

Some of these foods are known hormonal disruptors, while others could increase your chances of developing chronic disease. And if you try to get pregnant or while breastfeeding, you will find major NOs on the list. Whether these foods are spoiling with your fertility or at risk of weight gain and heart disease, these are some of the most unhealthy options that should never be on your plate. Basically, it's the worst foods for women you are going to avoid. If you are looking for what youshould eat, make sure to check the50 best foods for women.

If you are trying to conceive


Whether you are planning a baby in five months or five years, make sure to stay away from these foods.




You know that drinking during pregnancy is a non-no. But enjoy a drink for adults (or more) when you try to get pregnant could also go. Women who drink at least one alcoholic beverage per day are at a risk of infertility of 50% of 50% compared to women who do not drink, according to a study published in the newspaper.Epidemiology. Exchange your favorite cocktail for sparkling water with fresh fruit, at least until you have finished breastfeeding. And before starting to integrate alcohol into your diet, be sure to read these20 tips for choosing healthy alcoholic beverages.


Red meat


If a juicy steak or crisp bacon is part of your regular diet, this could have a negative impact on your ability to become pregnant. Researchers from theHARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTHfound that women who ate the largest animal protein had a chance of 39% to be infertile. They even did a matter of abandoning any animal meat during the attempt to conceive; The same researchers have found that people who have consumed high amounts of herbal protein were less likely to encounter problems when you try to get pregnant. Make sure you always get your protein filling by checking these26 Best sources of vegetarian proteins.




Do not just take our word for that; The FDA listed swordfish as a fish to avoid, especially if you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant or breastfeeding. The question is with mercury levels, up to 0.99 parts per million, it is the second fish to the greatest mercury, after the tile fish. If you even think of getting pregnant, it's not worth it. Mercury's ingestion while pregnancy could affect the brain and nervous system of your baby. To opt forsafer fish such as catfish, plunges, salmon and tilapia, and enjoy 2-3 times a week.


Yogurt without fat


We are large fans of yogurt atEat this, not that!but we preferGreek yogurt with a little fat. And if it's simple, even better. Non-fat yogurt, especially flavored yogurts, can be sugar bombs that picking your blood glucose and insulin level. This can also affect your ability to become pregnant. A study published in the newspaperHuman reproductionhave found that women who have eaten large amounts of low fat dairy products were at a higher risk of ovulatory infertility of 85% compared to women who ate little with no low-fat dairy. You will better pick up a complete plainGreek yogurt And add your own fittings, such as fresh fruit or nuts.

If you try to lose weight


Between the hormones balance and treat with women's metabolic disorders, lose weight for women is particularly difficult. Here are the foods to avoid to lose weight.


White bread


You can think that the white bread is a better choice than, say, a donut, but they are both refined carbohydrates, and your body deals with refined carbohydrates as sugar. The refined carbohydrates have been stripped of almost all their fibers, which means they cause your blood glucose and insulin level to increase. This is particularly problematic for one of the 5 million women with polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOs.

Women with PCOs would probably have insulin resistance, which means that their bodies do not respond when insulin is produced to metabolize glucose, such as glucose that is delivered from refined carbohydrates. This leads to high blood glucose and weight gain, especially in the OH-SO-flattery area of ​​your belly. Another double-whammy for women is that the picture of blood glucose could inhibit ovulation, according to the school of the Harvard of Public Health. Women with PCO and insulin resistance should limit refined carbon socket, but if you have to reach bread, make the variety of fully whole grains (we offer options in ourbread ranking) and pair of a protein. The fiber combined with the protein will help stabilize blood glucose and insulin levels.


Soda without sugars


Think that Diet Soda is a great way to cut calories and stimulate weight loss? Still think. Of course, it's caloric and sugar-free, but it is filled with frightening chemicals and additives. And it's just as bad for your belly as regular soda; A study published in theNewspaper of the American Society of Geriatrics I found that people who drank dietary soda regularly had almost three times the amount of belly fat over a period of 9 years compared to those who have not drank dietary soda. Ditch the soda completely and sip on sparkling water with fresh fruit. Better yet, prepares one of our22 best teas for weight loss.


Fruit juice


People assume that fully natural fruit juice should be healthy since it is made from fruits. And of course, orange juice or fresh pressed grapefruit is packed with important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, but it is also responsible for sugar. Since heart disease is the number one killer of women - a woman on four dies of associated complications each year - these types of sugar bombs should be avoided. "I'm on a crusade against sugar," says Adam Splavel, MD, Clinical Cardiologist and Co-Founder of Nanoshealthassociates. "Everything that has glucose, fructose or any kind of sugar is bad for your heart because it increases inflammation and inflammation to generate cardiovascular disease."

Liquid sugar is even worse for your body, says Dr. Splaver. This will tang your blood glucose faster and promote an increase in insulin, which will make you firefighter on the books. Opt to eat the fruit itself, which contains an important fiber that will help you regulate your blood glucose.

For better cardiac health

Cardiac disease is the number one killer of women. Make sure to keep your heart health check by avoiding these foods thanTax your heart.


Frozen cookies


Since heart disease is the number one killer of women (289 758 women died In 2013 alone), women should pay particular attention to their cardiac health. Not only is sugar a major culprit for heart disease, but trans fat. Although the FDA banned the trans fat into the processed foods, they always hide in many packaged foods. A delinquent?Pillsbury Grands! Butter cookies. Although the nutrition label enumerates "0 grams" of trans fat, it is made with hydrogenated soy oil, which means that there are traces of this dangerous fat in the cookies. That does not mean that you can never have a cookie, but trymake your own from zero for occasional treatment. Otherwise, glue to bread products better for you, such asAlexia Whole Grain Cooks Keep your own and healthy arteries.

RELATED: YourAnti-inflammatory regime guide This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.




Another sneaky source of trans fat is the non-dairy coffee rack, which are often time carried out with hydrogenated fat oils. The ingredients of the original flavor of the coffee maker, for example, include: corn syrup solids, partially hydrogenated soy soybean seed and / or partially hydrogenated. Even traces of these transformed trans fats could be bad for your heart. You will better stick to a whole milk splash instead. Looking for something non-dairy products? Try a creamy made from almond milk and coconut milk, likeCrémal Nutpods without dairy products. They are made without sweeteners or artificial flavors and add a creamy boost from the flavor to your coffee.




As Cream Cream, butter alternatives like margarine are often made with partially hydrogenated oils, one of the most important sources of trans fat. This type of fat is not only related to heart disease, but it can also accelerate the aging of your skin! Trans fat makes the skin more vulnerable to ultraviolet rays, which can invite premature aging of skin and deep wrinkles - no thanks! Pass this food rich in cholesterol and stick with healthy heart olive oil or small amounts of butter fed to the grass instead, Dietitian Isabel suggests Smith.

For better overall health


From osteoporosis to fertility, these basic foods can have a negative impact on women's health in particular. Make sure to stay away from these bad for you food.


Extra large coffees

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Coffee, in general, is healthy; Studies have shown that it can help you live longer, reduce anxiety, and it's good for your heart, in addition to a crowd of othersHealth benefits. But it is possible to have too much of a good thing. "An adult can safely consume up to 400 milligrams of caffeine a day, which equates to four cups of 8 ounces of coffee, but drink more than that can cause calcium excretion, which, over time, Can lead to osteoporosis, »Dr. Mamta Mr Mamik, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at the Icahn Medicine School at Mount Sinai, says. Women are more at risk of developing osteoporosis; Of the 10 million Americans who suffer from osteoporosis, 80 percent are women. Enjoy your coffee, but try to stick to one or two cups.


Lightening milk


Milk is often enriched with vitamin D, an essential vitamin most Americans lack. Vitamin D can help boost weight loss, fighting depression, and preventing your bones from developing osteoporosis. But d is a liposoluble vitamin, which means he needs fat to be absorbed. The skim milk has had all the fat removed, you are better drinking 2% or whole milk to harvest the bone protection fruits of vitamin D. The skimmed milk has also been linked to infertility, so if you are trying to Getting pregnant, you are better choosing a milk that has a bit (or all) fat.


Canned vegetables


Canned vegetables make you whipping until dinner a breeze, but it could also be at the expense of your health. Many boxes are laced with bisphenol A, or BPA, an industrial chemical used in various food and beverage containers. A study published in the newspaperActs of the National Academy of Sciences found that the BPA can affect the function of cells in the brain and impact on the development of the central nervous system.

It can also be particularly harmful to women; Researchers at the University of Illinois have found that the BPA interferes with estradiol production, the essential sex hormone for reproductive development. Another study revealed that the mice exposed to the BPA has ceased to produce sustainable eggs even at a young age. And there are not only tin cans; The BPA is tapi in all kinds of plastic, too. Make sure to check your labels and only buy boxes and plastics that are specifically labeled without BPA. Without this, you will consume some of the50 unhealthiest food on the planet

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