What eats a bad meal made to your body

Think that this lessenger indulgence every two days does not hurt to hurt? Still think.

If you want ahealthy metabolismIt is useful to understand some bases of biochemistry and remember that your cells do two things after eating your food: they build things to store them, usually as gross, and they break things to create energy. It's a process called "catabolism", and it's basically the internal power plant in your body. And if you eat the right foods, your power station will operate at the tip of the efficiency, maximizing the decomposition and release while minimizing storage.

But let's say you eatbad foods. Everyone has a bad day at work from time to time seems stressed and uses it as a perfect excuse to engage in a bold seamless order. (You have won well, right?) Now, if you regularly eat a healthy and balanced diet, there is no problem in, let's say, in a large sausagePizza sometimes. Dark. Do all the time? Not so good. Your body will make aparcel More storage than it makes fall. If you are curious to know why, we explain here whata A bad meal made to your body - and also what will happen if you make a sausage pizza a regular thing.

So read and for healthier food tips, do not miss this final list of the21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Your body immediately goes to work.

3 hands pulling slices of pepperoni pizza

After swallowing this first bite, the enzymes of your digestive system become busy decomposing the heavondal crust of carbohydrates into this pizza in simple sugars (or glucose), the cheese and sausage proteins in amino acids and the greases locked in The sausage and olive oil in fatty acids.

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Your digestive system goes for nutrients.

last piece of pizza

Throughout your gastrointestinal track, you have microbiomes - all kinds of small organizations that will take a lot of nutrients from the pizza and, according to Florence Comite, MD, a clinician-scientist and founder of the precision medicine center and In New York, "they will use them in different ways to transport them in the body or to develop or shrink or save everything that is needed to make the body healthy." The decomposed components of your pizza will be released in the blood, which is where your hormones come into play. (And to optimize your intestine health, make sure you are aware of the25 unwanted habits for digestion.)


Your interior radio broadcasting system becomes work.

Hand on stomach full belly after eating

Now, if your central nervous system works like analog machines - your brain tells you to recover this slice of pizza through a signal sent directly to your muscles via the inner wiring of your body, your endocrine system, the scientific name of the scientific Hormones of your body, works more like an old school radio.

Your pancreas, liver, kidneys andEven your grease and your intestineAll work like small AM / FM stations creating hormones and liberals in the blood, where they flow freely in the body until they are picked up again if another part of the body awaits them. Your body is incredibly complex and there are countless stations that transmit countless messages all the time.

As it concerns yourdiet, the only most important hormone - the one that turns out the entire system when you eat - is insulin. When you eat pizza, your insulin, produced in the pancreas, gets up immediately. Bite after the bite of this goodness sausagey causes insulin in the bloodstream to direct all this blood glucose, amino acids and fatty acids in your muscles and tissues, where it will be burned as an energy or stored in the form of energy or stored.

If you eat too much pizza, it's not great for you and the reason less to do with this savory sausage and this delicious cheese - which, for our purposes, we will assume however that the Gunde is not treated. (For what it is worth, most amino acids that your body can not simply use the body as waste.) However, the real reason has more to do with the crust.


Your insulin army wakes up.

Sugar in bowl and spoon

Excess sugar, refined sugar andbad carbohydrates-The type contained in the pizza crust at the mercy of the merger of the mill on your body. When you flood your blood circulation with too much sugar, especially "free sugars", which means that everything that is added to food by a cook, a manufacturer or a consumer, your pancreas explains essentially and frees more and more Insulin and continuously detracts these radio waves.

This insulin army sucks all this blood sugar, leading to a condition called hypoglycemia - a sugar accident. Once all these sugars are out of your bloodstream and thrown into your tissues, your cells can not handle it, so it is not burned as energy (remember catabolism?). It is stored as fat. And for more eye opening facts on weight loss, do not miss theseSneaky weight loss towers that actually work.


Just as bad, it starts a cycle.

unhealthy junk food

To aggravate things, the sugar crash triggers an incredible amount of hunger, and the process starts again. It's not the end of the world if it's an occasional pizza, but when you'reflood your body with too much insulinToo often, you will eventually become insulin resistant, when your muscles, your fat cells and your liver cells do not respond as they would normally do. This, of course, leads to diabetes.


Over time, your body behaves strangely.

measuring belly

What is really bad is that when you eat more and more sugars of food, but your body stores as big, your body, believe it or not, think it'shungry.

Fat starts building up to such high levels that it prevents insulin from working properly in your liver. The countermeasure of your body is then released glucagon, the pancreatic alteration of insulin, which, under normal conditions, light the lipolysis, the process by which your body takes the fat and burns it. Instead, it turns on a process called gluconeogenesis, the manufacturing processFollowing Glucose naturally. So, you do more sugar as well as eating it!

"At the end of that, your body starts storing fat in places where it would not normally not, like in the liver and in your muscle tissue," said David Guelsdorf, Ph.D., Professor at UT Southwestern Medical Center and a leading expert on the science of metabolism. "And when your insulin levels increase higher and higher in your bloodstream, they are problematic for causing cell growth - and not always in a way.Cancer, in particular, loves insulin. "


So, eat more whole, less processed foods.

whole foods

If you eat a high diet in processed foodsFrozen meals and pizzas, packed meats, box cereals, instantaneous pasta, foods rich in margarine and any other food that added chemicals, sugars, high fructose corn syrup and any artificial ingredient - it There are clear and compelling evidence that you put your power plant on the way to store more than burn. And for more good advice, make sure you are fully up to these200 best weight loss tips of all time!

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