A surprising thing hurting your heart that you have never seen coming

New research indicates that your own unhealthy habits may not be the only major concern.

For some people, poor cardiac health comes from aLack of access to good informationAnd on the right track is a question of education. Many of us, however, know what we should do to keep our hearts in good health-Get aerobic exercise, Stay away from some foods, maintain aHealthy sleep schedule, and so on, but we always have trouble making the necessary changes.If you seem to you, it may not be just your habits that are the problem. You may want to look at your partner's lifestyle too.

A recent study Of more than 5,000 couples found that in nearly 80% of relationships, participants shared mediocre or "non-ideal" heartbeat with their spouses. Even more striking: members of the eating habits of couples have overlap 95% with each other and their smoking habits have overlapped 86%. So, if you are in a couple and your heart is in danger, you could be time for teamwork.

"Rather than thinking about interventions for individuals, it may be useful to think about the interventions of whole couples or families," said Samia Mora, Mr.D., one of the authors of the study, told theHarvard Gazette.

Sure,If your partner is not as motivated As you are, change may need to start with you. To be inspiration. As Mora explains, "it is important for people to think about how their health and behaviors can influence the health of the person with whom they live. Improvement of our own health can help others".

Consider putting aside time for you and your partner to sit down and make a development planhealthy routines Together, asexercise andeat good foods regularly. After all, when it comes to well-being, your other other can be your biggest obstacle or your biggest ally. For more things about how to keep your twosome as healthy as possible, be sure to check10 surprising ways of your relationships influence your health.

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