This type of wine now steals shelves now

Americans catch more bottles from this wine thanks to its advantages of versatility and health.

Another new year isFortunately around the corner. Yeswine sales Say anything on the year that was, then 2020 was a moment to pour a drink. Total wine sales since March 7 are increases compared to 2019, but cork plugs appear from certain types of bottles at a much higher rate than others.

Americans buy nearly 25% wine in 2020, according to the Marketing Research SocietyNielsen. At the same time, the wines with ABV levels less than 13.5% become more and more popular, according toEnthusiast magazine. (Connected: here's here13 flats of wine and cheese that you have to try.)

Although a growing number of viticulturists pivoting these less rich mixtures as demand increases, there are other reasons for explaining this phenomenon. Wines with lower abv levels are generally lighter in the body and less rich, such as a Pino Grigio compared to a Sauvignon Cabernet. Experts say that ABV low wines are more "food favorable", which means that they paid with a versatile range of dishes,including spicy foods.

The millennials concerned about health also continue toBUY LOWER ABV WINES. A representative for the WINEMASTER for Kendall-Jackson Wines declaredInternal business community Last year, the Millennials "seek options with a lower alcohol content, lower amounts of residual sugar and minimal carbohydrates." The Bank of Silicon ValleyState of the report of the wine industry 2020 called the impact of "negative health messaging" on alcohol.

Indeed, the wines with an Abv of 13% or less generally haveLess sugars and carbohydrates. It means that could be a dense drink with a dinner hashealthier option too. And who can withstand the best wine? For more ways to enjoy the wine without pain that come with her, here's5 hacks to avoid wine headaches.

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