Celebrities warn the risk factor for Covid in the new PSA

Your favorite TV players are gathered to educate.

We have known since the first stages of the pandemic thatobesity has a significant impact on the severity of COVID-19 complications. In fact, in September 2020, theDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC)Expanded their list of risk factors to simply include "overweight" as well. Each extra book, it seems, can potentially exacerbate your symptoms of this deadly virus.

RecitalFour out of ten Americans are currently obeseit's a major problem right now, soA group of actors and comedians of some of your favorite television programs met for a PSA video on the dangers of obesity with regard to the severity of CVIV-19 infections.(In touch:Why obesity is so dangerous with COVID-19)

The60 seconds stain, created by the Creative Coalition, a non-profit advocacy organization of the Arts and Entertainment Community, presents Emmy Prime-nominated actor and the president of the organizationTIM DALY,Break Norris,Law and order TUNIE TAMARA,The good doctor Nicholas Gonzalez,Community Yvette Nicole BrownEmmy award-winning comedianJudy Gold.

In the PSA, each actor explains that obesity is the number one risk factor to develop a serious case of CVIV-19 in people under 60. (That said, there ismany other pre-existing conditions, such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease and other people who can aggravate your symptoms and even lead to hospitalization.) The actors urge those affected by the obesity to register with their health care provider for Learn what they can do to protect yourself during the pandemic.

ThePSA Is part of the Spotlight initiative of the Coalition of Creation, which aims to show how the arts can bring social protection problems in light.

Fortunately, Covid risk aside,new search Suggests that more Americans seek to control their health. For some helpful tips on how to do this, be sure to check these50 foods that can help you lose weight.

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