50 easy resolutions to change your life

To eat more healthier to feel happier, here's how to identify a positive that you can perfect.

Love "em, hatred" em, try "em, refuse" that your relationship is with New Year's resolutions, there is a good chance that you have an opinion about them.

Since weight loss is statistically the most popular in America resolution, we have here at Eat this, not that! Are happier to help people reach the thin ambitions down that a new year brings.

That being said, weight loss (and fitness!) Are often accompanied by many other objectives. These small, hyper-concentrated resolutions are worth a big deal, especially since small habits of life often have an impact of greater things.

So even if you are in perfect condition and a happy weight, you can always improve your life by identifying and focusing on at least a small positive change. Check out this list of the top 50 resolutions to think in 2019, and do not missThe Top 10 rules to follow every day to lose 10 pounds.


Walk more

Couple walking

It is easy to adapt in several stages, either by jumping the staircase of the shopping center for the stairs or by the parking further from the entrance of the grocery store.


Try a new week every week

Woman putting on roller blades

It can be a tastyrecipe lawyer, A dance class, a new road for the work, anything! But no, a new television show does not count.


Get organized

Man with mop

Easier to say than to do, but studies show that organized can relieve stress and stimulate productivity two great things to conquer other goals!


Cook at home more often

Man chopping vegetables in kitchen

The city dwellers, we love seamlessly as much as you, but you can do it! Start with these40 things healthy cookies always have in their kitchen.


Stop smoking

Cigarette butt

With lots of evidence how little smoking is harmful to your body and secondary smoke is others, it has also become one of the most taboo, unacceptable habits between American society. Get rid of this repugnant as soon as possible.


Spend more time with the family

Family hanging out around couch

When it comes to taking people for granted, it is often the ones we see as family members continues everywhere. Tailing more time with them even if it's just a little more FaceTime call or fast check-in.


Stop drinking soda

Soda in cup

Speaking of vices: research shows that drinking soda to a weight gain, but can also cause diabetes, heart disease and cellular aging increase at the same pace as smoking. Leave the habit or in the least, the cutting back. And if you decide to indulge from time to time, make sure to stick to one of these better for youa soda choice.



Team volunteering outside

From a stop experiences such as the cleaning of community centers with coherent commitments such as school quality mentoring, your commitment to volunteering this year can be as flexible and as wide range as you like. Check out sites like idealist.org for ideas.


Drink more water

Woman pouring water into glass

A 2015 study shows a larger amount of weight loss for participants who consumed up to 16 ounces of water 30 minutes before a meal than those who do not drink water before meals. Start by sipping slimming. And if you get sick of plain ol »h20 check these50 best detox waters for fat burning and weight loss.


Become stronger

Woman holding onto TRX row

People who focus on the physical benefits of exercise are less likely to stay with a fitness program than those who are intended to improve their health and strength. So, set strength goals (strongis The next sexy, after all) and use them as motivators to stick to your program. Work, but not to see the results? Here,Expert Fitness Explain Why


Travel plans

Walking with luggage

Book this big trip already it will be one of your best moments of 2019!


Start or to a garden tends

Woman gardening

Imagine fresh herbs and vegetables you might have to go from garden kitchen table!


Eat a vegetable at each meal

Making stock

Do not worry unwanger from your diet, which will simply make you feel poor. Instead, focus on adding things like vegetable health on your plate. When you prioritize healthy things, you automatically eat fewer "bad" things without private feelings.


Give at least compliment each day

Men greeting each other at bar

Making other good atmosphere people will make you feel good. And who would not want to feel happier and more satisfied with the new year?


Read at least one book a month

Woman lying down reading book

Let your mind escape. Take a pause of work, family and social obligations and immerse yourself in a fantastic world.


Say "no" more

Man staring at computer

Do you often feel that you are pulled in 10 directions at a time? You often do everything for everyone than your own needs and needs neglected. Learning to say do not make you selfish. It simply means that yourself the value as much as you value the others.


Do more coffee at home

Grinding coffee

One day $ 2.00 cup of coffee adds quickly (and double if you are a afternoon caffeine drinker too). Pass the line and save your money by brewing your own mix at home.


Fit in 10 minutes of exercise every day

Woman crunching on inflatable ball

You will be surprised by that even 10 minutes every day can do. Whether your 10 minutes turn into 30 or you stay there 10, it is even more activity than you could otherwise do. Why not try?


Less attention to your phone

Woman staring at phone

Preserve your future "turkey neck" and put your device. Or better yet, do not pick up so in the first place!


Watch the television less

Man watching TV

If there is nothing you die of want to watch, turn off the tube. And if there is, think about the degressiveness of the other shows you want to watch, too.


Keep current events

Man reading tablet and drinking coffee at cafe

Our favorite secret weapons to manage the constant developments of what is happening in the world? The Skimm Electronic Bulletin andThe week. You're welcome.


Present plan for people ahead of time

Couple giving gifts on Christmas

To be generous is proven to be one of theHappy people habits. You will probably be a better donor gift, too, if you are not waiting for the last minute.


Do more yoga

Woman doing up dog yoga pose

It is one of the best activities you can do for your stress level, back pain, and overall health. Get your "OHMS" on already!


Drink less alcohol

Hard alcohol

Not only alcohol packaged with calories, it also makes us more sensitive to food aromas and less likely to withstand indulgent tariff. In fact, a study revealed that drinking alcohol pushes people to eat one day 384 additional calories, on average! If you do not want to completely cut alcohol, at least modify your alcoholic drinks with water. It will help you consume less together every time you drink. In addition, discover the14 things that happen when you drink alcohol!


Wash your face before bed

Man staring at face in mirror

Just as there isFoods you get olderThere are bad habits (like not to wash your face!) Who does not make your skin favors.


Stop using plastic water bottles

Woman drinking out of plastic water bottle

It is great that you have made an effort to drink more water, but the BPA is plastic bottles has actually been linked to a weight gain. Not to mention everything that plastic is bad for the environment. Switch to a bottle of reusable water without BPA stay full and hydrated, without the negative consequences.


Go to bed earlier

Woman cuddling with cat in bed

Not only can sleep on sleep making it harder to show your boss how intelligent and together, you are really, it can also hurt your weight loss efforts. In fact, losing only 30 minutes of sleep has been linked to an increase in appetite and weight gain. Discover the30 things to do 30 minutes before bed to lose weight!


If you hate your work, leave

Woman frustrated at work late at night

Obviously, you want to have a backup concert that you can do fun things like paying bills. But if you hate your work, there is no point in suffering through it. Take control of your life and get rid of everything that is to make you fall.


Make a "career resolution"

Women shaking hands at business

Maybe he's atultimatelyLearn to edit the video. Or to clean your contact list. Or find a mentor. All you intended to do it, singular on her do you never know what your new career realization could lead to!


Stop eating fast

Fast food burger next to laptop

You know it is filled with doubtful ingredients and it's not good for your health, so why not want to give this year? If you really can not afford with Ronald or Arby, allow you to deliver once a month and use our exclusive report,The # 1 menu option worse at 41 best restaurants to stay on the right track.


Be a better listener

Two people having conversation at a bar

It is so easy to let our spirits wander when we are on the phone or listening to a friend's vent about her / her day. However, in a world where everyone is so distracted, one of the most wonderful feelings is to know that you are really heard.


Keep a scheduler

Calendar planner

Let's admit it, life is a marathon. We run from one bond to another and barely stopping to catch our breath. Keeping a scheduler allows you to better manage your time and plan in advance.




It's easy to forget the things we need to do. Make lists not only assure us to do everything, but it also makes us feel accomplished. Start every day leave on the right foot with these30 The best breakfast habits to lose 5 books.


Be more observing

Woman doing yoga with dog in park

In a world where everyone is glued to a screen, strive to take in your entourage, compliment a person on their new haircut, somewhere from the reader to watch the sunset (or rising). Do not be there; to be present!


Annex "me time"

Woman sipping tea

Spending time alone allows you to rest, think and restart. It also allows you to develop a better relationship with yourself.


Validate people in your life

Two women laughing drinking out of mugs

Remember important people in your life they are important. It is so easy to take our friends and family for granted. This year, try to make more efforts to validate their presence because your life would not be the same without them.


Establish a budget and paste it


It's easy to spend too much. This year establishes a realistic weekly budget and consciously.


Establish a nighttime date and stick!

Couple on date

The researchers say that couples who spend time alone together at least once a week are 3.5 times more likely to report "be happy" in their weddings. And get this: They are also 3.5 times more "sexually satisfied" than couples who do not take time for each other. So, take a touch of happy couples and take dinner or hit the gym with your darling at least once a week.


Start a gratitude journal

Woman writing in a journal

Before going to bed at night (or try when you wake up), write a few things you are grateful for that day. This could become your favorite part of the day!


Make backups of your computer

Man drinking coffee and looking at laptop

Everything is fun and games until your laptop is no longer lighting. Plan a little time to save photos, music and more before it's too late!


Make more culture

Man at art museum

Hitting a museum, a folk festival, a screening of a documentary ... All that is outside your usual bubble is a good step forward to understand different cultures and psychographic of those around us.


Develop your vocabulary

Man on train eating lunch and working

Buy one of these Word-Day calendars or just start making a point to search for (and remember!) Words that you do not recognize and do not fully understand.


Have a better sex

Couple in bed

Better yet, ask your partner to do this resolution as well! Start with these30 best proteins for your penis.


Donate your business

Food donations

Clean your closet, your children's toy boxes, libraries, etc. Pack them carefully and take the time to take them or send them to an organization that needs more than you.


Reconnect with long lost friends

Two people talking at a restaurant

Why not? In a world where everyone is constantly connecting and making new friends online, there is something really unique about reaching out to an old pal and relive memories.


Be more punctual

Man looking at watch

People who are chronically late: you know who you are. Do this the year you stop doing everyone on the planet you expect.



Women talking

As saying Ol 'says: If you do not like something, change it. If you can not change it, change your attitude.


Find an active hobby

Woman playing frisbee in a park

Hiking, running, spinning, tennis - even photography requires more walking and exercise than you do not expect! Choose something that leads you and have fun. And then make sure you do not do one of the30 Flat belly mistakes women do.


Introduce yourself to a neighbor

Two people cooking in house

Bonus Points If it's someone you lived for a moment. Be brave!


Find your Personal Mantra

Travel diary

You do not need to be a big brand to find a great currency. Once you have your internal slogan, it can help guide other decisions that make your way in your daily life. Keep it short, keep it simple and keep it in mind.

10 Luke, the most prominent from the celebrities who participated in the announcement of a deep contrast.
10 Luke, the most prominent from the celebrities who participated in the announcement of a deep contrast.
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