This daily vitamin can actually be useless

If you do this for the healthy health benefits, you risk wasting your money.

When it comes to filling nutritional gaps and make sure you have enough vitamins and minerals, appear to beDaily multivitamins Just seem to make sense. But does it really give your body the nutrients he needs or you do not feel better because you think it happens? As it turns out, anew study suggests that it can simply be this second option.

Search published in the newspaperBMJ Open notes that several clinical trials have not identified the health benefits of clinically measurable multivitamins andsupplements with several mineral formulations. Get data of just over 20,000 people,Researchers have not found differences in history of chronic diseases or health problems between those who take vitamins and those who do not. However, about one third of those who take these supplements report better overall health than non-users. (In touch:21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.)

In short, proof that multivitamins and mineral formulas work to improve health are not conclusive at best. Although researchersmade Recognize that the study has limitations, with regard to the reliability of self-reported data. Nevertheless, it is not the first study to question the benefits of multivitamins.

For example, a study on cardiovascular results published inAnnals of internal medicine found that multivitamins, as well as other nutritional supplements likeomega-3s and folic acid did not seem to have a significant effect oncardiac health. In the same way,report From the US Preventive Services Working Group revealed "limited evidence" supporting claims such as vitamin and mineral supplementation could help prevent cancer or cardiovascular disease.

So, does it mean that you should stop taking supplements? Some experts believe that it depends on whether you are in the group who believes it is useful.

"There is a lot of value thinking that a supplement is to improve your health," says the Vitamin researcherSafi Khan, Mr.D., from the University of Western Virginia. "It can lead to other healthy decisions, such as increasing your level of physical activity, sleep or eat healthier meals."

In other words, just because it can be "everything in your head" does not mean that psychological reinforcement should be ignored. However, as Khan says, if you take these supplements simply because you think you should not have health benefits, it may be time to rethink your vitamin habits.

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