17 food doctors urge men to eat

These foods are rich in essential nutrients that specifically support the health of men.

One of the easiest ways for men to take control of their health is to eat a dense nutrient diet. According toAcademy of Nutrition and Dietary, a "healthy" diet for men comprises at least 2 cups of fruits and 2½ cups of vegetables, whole grains, at least 38 grams of fiber per day, two to three portions of fish per week, unsaturated fats and 3,400 milligrams a day. potassium fruit, vegetables, fish and dairy.

If all this looks like too much to make sense, not a problem. There are some foods you can make sure to eat regularly who help you meet all these recommendations. So we asked doctors to choose the best foods they think that men should be sure to eat more daily. Here are 17 of them. Read on and for more weight on how to lose weight, you will not want to missThe best ways to lose belly fat for good, say that doctors.



rice cake and avocado

"Lawyers are aGood source of healthy greases. Given thatcardiopathy is the leading cause of death for men and women, everythinghealthy foods of the heart are important to integrate into the plan, "saysNatasha Bhuyan, MD, Practicing the family doctor in Phoenix, Arizona.

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"Eating grenades can help reduce your risk of prostate cancer. They also constitute a good source of antioxidants that can help keep the arteries cure and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease," saysSophia Tolliver, MD, MPH, FAAFP, Professor of Clinical Assistant of Family Medicine at the Wexner Medical Center of the State University of Ohio State.



whole almonds cutting board

"Almonds are a natural superfood. They are densely packed with nutrients that can help with the mass of brainopop and muscle. The regular consumption of almonds can have positive effects on the general well-being of a man. Make sure You eat the recommended amount per day (20 almonds), "saysAmy Shah, MD, a medical doctor with double planning specialized in immunology, nutrition and well-being toVerv.



chicken liver pate spread on toast
Goskova Tatiana / Shutterstock

"Beef liver contains essential vitamins such as vitamins A, B and folate and minerals such as zinc, copper and iron. The nutrient density of beef liver helps the use of red blood cells that canincrease endurance, "saysGabrielle Lyon, do, Functional medicine doctor in New York.



Fresh blueberries plastic pint

"Blueberries are high in antioxidants as well as other nutritional benefits, such as fiber, vitamin K, magnesium and vitamin C. They can also help reduce inflammation," says Dr. Bhuyan.



ginger juice

"This super-upstream can accelerate gastric emptying and reduce indigestion. In addition, ginger contains a substance that can help decreaseRisk of colon cancer, says Dr. Tolliver.



Salmon with veggies and beans

"This fish can be cooked and served in different different ways. Salmon is extremely high in omega-3 fats that can help cardiac health, reduce thoracic pain and provideAnti-inflammatory properties. Incorporate this healthy fish into the heart of your diet with sushi, a grilled salmon and more, "says Dr. Shah.

Add Dr. Lyon, "EPA and DHA, the two-primaryomega-3's Found in salmon, can help raise neurotransmitter dopamine. Although dopamine plays many roles in your health, an important function helps to increase desire and sex drive. "



venison steak on cutting board

"The beef is an excellent source of complete protein to help build lean muscle. Steak provides a natural source of carnosine, which has been demonstrated to increase physical performance," says Dr. Lyon. "Steak is also a rich source of creatine for performance and recovery of exercise. It is an excellent source for L-carnitine, which can help cardiovascular health and increase the production of nitric oxide, which plays a essential role in erectile function. "


The flax seed


"Linaux linen are omega-3 fatty acids made from packed plants, which can help reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases and raising dopamine levels in the brain that trigger the men's sexual response," says Dr. Bhuyan.


Olive oils

olive oil on bread

"Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats that have been demonstrated to reduce the risk of stroke. This special oil also contains a particular pain pain of properties similar to those of ibuprofen", explains Dr. Tolliver. (In touch:What happens to your body when you eat olive oil)



Cherry tomatoes on wooden cutting board

"Tomatoes are rich in an antioxidant called lycopene. Having rich lycopene foods in your diet, have shown men less at risk of prostate cancer. Incorporate tomatoes daily into your diet with salads, sandwiches and soup ", Dr. Shah.



Edamame beans

"Beans can help stabilize blood sugars and reduce your risk of diabetes. If blood sugars are stabilized, this can lead to less cravings and weight loss to scale," says Dr. Tolliver.



Washed baby spinach leaves

"Spinach have rich nutrient properties for men. It is extremely high in iron, anticancer, anti-inflammatory and can support your view. Add spinach to your diet with protein smoothies, salads or swirls," says Dr. Shah.

Add Dr. Bhuyan, "Spinach is the original Superfood and is packed with beneficial nutrients for men and women."




"The eggs provide an excellent source of vitamin D and cholesterol; hormones are made from cholesterol. Since stress and anxiety are two common causes of ED, it is important to help reduce them in all possible ways possible. ", Dr. Lyon declares. "Eggs contain B5 and B6 vitamins, two important vitamins to help your body regulate stress and cortisol."



grilled tuna steak

"The tuna contains vitamin D that can help strengthen your bones. Vitamin D can also help stimulate testosterone levels," says Dr. Tolliver.


Greek yogurt

yogurt with granola

"The Pro in Probiotics Anne Greek yogurt. Probiotics can help with intestinal movements, stronger immune systems and upper vitamin absorption. Start breakfast with aGreek yogurt-An a smoothie or a plain ate, "says Dr. Shah.




"Oysters are one of the best natural sources of zinc. A zinc deficiency has been linked as a contributing factor of impotence. Zinc plays not only a role in immune function as well as to strengthen testosterone, but also the Sperm production and cellular repair, "says Dr. Lyon.

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