Reason # 1 for which you do not lose weight

For frustrated vegans by weight gain instead of loss, scientists can have an easy solution.

You would think that the adoption of avegan diet would offer a fast and healthy way toweightloss. After all, the vegan diet is entirelyplants, what do nutritionists say perfect for maintaining a healthy weight. However, according toA new study outside the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment,It turns out that the vegan diet can inadvertently lead to a weight gain.

The reason? The vegan diet offers little things in the path ofiodine, a key mineral of the thyroid function.The thyroid function is essential to keep the metabolism working effectively. Thyroid dysfunction, a hypothyroidism AKA is associated with weight gain. (In touch:21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.)

The scientists of the Institute wanted to compare vegan and non-vegetable regimes in terms of frequency to which each provides vitamins and essential minerals, including iodine. The body does not manufacture iodine, according to theAmerican Association of Thyroid. This means that the maintenance of sufficient levels depends on the diet (or supplementation). Unfortunately for vegans, iodine dietary sources are largely based on animals (exceptions are algae, soy and iodized salt).

Led by Dr. Cornelia Weikert, MPH, the research team recruited 72non-obese Adults with 36 men and 36 women aged 30 to 60, half of whom was vegan (18 men and 18 women). Each has completed a questionnaire regarding their demographic use and supplement. Each had their height, weight and other vitals measured at the beginning of the study. And everyone has taken into account what they have consumed over a period of three days.

At the end of this period, participants provided blood and urine samples for nutrient analysis. What this analysis revealed is that vegans had significantly higher levels of dietaryfiber, Vitamins E and K,madnessand iron, but significantly lower than iodine as non-plants. In fact, one third of the vegans were deficient of iodine, based on thresholds set by the World Health Organization.

No significant difference between vegans and non-vegetables were noted forVitamin B12Which Dr. Weikert team found Noworthy because theThe vegan diet tends to be low in vitamin B12, as it is in iodine. However, 92% of the vegans of the study regularly reported B12 supplements. On the other hand, only five of the vegans reported having taken iodine supplements.

As a result, the authors of the study concluded that there may be a lack of awareness of the need to supplement the vegan system with iodine. Given the role of iodine in metabolism and weight control, sensitizing that sensitization could prove to change of play for vegans discouraged by unexpected weight gain. That being said, here is6 things you need to know before adding supplements.

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