11 simple habits to lose weight forever

Prepare for the success of the balance by organizing your environment in a way that will help you, without hindering your weight loss goals.

There is much more to weight loss than the eye. Spending these pagesky books does not consist in eating well and exercising regularly, but also create a space where you are more likely to do these things. Depending on your organization, your home will not always be where health is and your workplace may not work for you. But with some changes, you can help your environment help you. And while it certainly could not affect the possession of all40 things that healthy cooks always have in their kitchenThese tiny modifications will not even need a trip to the store.


Keep your healthy snacks in clear containers

Store strawberries and fruit in plastic containers

With regard to nutritious meals between meals, ditch the aluminum foil and store your healthy snacks in plastic bags or slide bags. According to a study in theJournal of Marketing, people are more likely to take care of treats in transparent packages. This means opaque wrapping for these brownies, but on the storage of one of these40 ideas of healthy snacks to keep you thin.


Do not leave snacks on your kitchen counter

clean counter

It's time to erase these kitchen counters. When Brian Wingink, a director of the Cornell brand and brand laboratory, watched images of 200 kitchens, he found a link between the weight of a woman and the food she leaves sitting in his kitchen. In fact, women weighed 26 pounds more than average when they decreased soda on their counters, 20 pounds more when they left cereals and 8 pounds when cookies were involved in relation to those with countertops Immaculate. Get all the junky out of sight and out of mind unless you want to expand your size.

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Eat your food small plates

Small dinner plates

Wansink did not just look at the counters. He also watched the dishes and what he found can have cut your dinner plate. It does not take a genius to understand that you will use less food when there is not as much space to put it. So, simply degrading a 12-inch plate 10 inches, you could actually give you 22% less food to start. And even better, if you use a tablespoon on a service spoon, you can free yourself from 14%. With less before you and less pressure to polish so much polish, starting with a smaller part, you can rethink that the second helping.


Ranger and organize your kitchen

kitchen pantry

Whether you consider yourself a clean monster or a slab, keep your cuisine tidy. According to a study inEnvironment and behaviorGetting your nibbling in a messy kitchen on clean cuisine can actually lead to eat 40% more. When women received cookies in cuisine overworked, newspapers and dirty dishes, they consumed almost doubling the calories that women eating in a spanish and spanish space. It looks like the ditch can be the key to thinning once and for all, then give it. What is the worst that could happen? You will have clean creaky cuisine anyway.


Prepare healthy food in advance

Vegetarian vegan meal prep with vegetables beans salad olives hummus

There is no excuse to indulge in sweet or salty snacks if you have cutting vegetables while waiting in your refrigerator. This is why the preparation of your meals (and your tissues) is so important. Chances are good that you will not be able to reach a bag of transformed waste or pick up fast food on the way to your return when you have already spent time whipping something else. Write your grocery list with that in mind. You can never be too prepared!


Define reminders on your phone

woman using mobile phone while sitting a couch at home with laptop computer.

Although we do not always recommend the screen time, there are ways to reduce your cell. By simply calling a friend to send motivation messages every week reminding you that your weight loss goals can be the key to finally reaching them. And if you want to go to yourself, set alarms for yourself with the counting of daily calorie count. It can feel stupid, but it's worth cutting! According to a study inPractice of health promotionPeople get weekly check-ins as it makes better choices during snacking. And it's justa of5 incredible ways of losing weight using your phone.


Eating without television on

woman holding tv remote

You must grill with more than your mouth - make yourself understand your ears. Thanks to a study published inFood grade and preferenceWe know that the sound of our diet has an effect on our consumption. Give yourself to your crack and swallow; Otherwise, you might find yourself in more calories. The researchers noted that this was the case when people blocked music consumption sounds from their helmet.


Ration your snacks

Portion crackers in plastic container

Do not be caught with your hand buried in the smart bag. Regardless of what you stick, it is always better to set aside the perfect part before digging; Otherwise, you risk consuming more than expected. In fact, the researchers at the University of Cornell have found that people gave a bag of 100 wheat trells eaten more than 20% more than those who gave four smaller bags from 25. So limit your SSH snack to L 'Advance to help you stick your daily calorie budget.


Keep your fridge organized

organized fridge colorful

It's not a secret that you are more likely to eat what is before and center. That's why your counter and your office should be free from junk food, and that's why you should consider reorganizing your refrigerator. Make sure the first thing you see when you open it is fresh products, aHealthy snack, or a meal you have prepared. By caching sweet stuff on the lower shelves or in the back of the drawers, you will forget these diet derailrs and go for gold.


Establish subtle healthy reminders

bowl of fruit countertop

An apple a day can keep the doctor away, but remembers to reach in their fruit bowl every day? This is not a vital part of your morning routine, like brushing your teeth or binding your shoes, so you have to force it in your morning methods. Start with sticking your desktop keys next to your fresh products. When you reach people on your fireplace, you will be more likely to bring a banana while you are there or grab a smith granny. Finally, forced action will become a healthy habit.


Keep snacks out of office

Work space with laptop, candies and woman hands

So you took care of the temptations at home, but what about unhealthy options at your office? Although you have not checked if the bowl of candies is set to the job, you have control of the frequency you are walking or what route you are taking to get to your cabin. You also have a say in what is on your own office. Keep your snacks safe by burying them in your bag so that you are digging only when you are hungry, not when you're bored, and getting healthy, stimulating lunches so you will not have caught the first thing you have found in the Caf. There are other means oflose weight at work, so do not let your daily grind yourself in the path of your goals.

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