Here's how to avoid a coma from Thanksgiving food

There are some simple tips that will let you do not feel raw after sharing a feast with your family.

What would beThanksgiving Without the day of celebration? May your family serve the lunch or later in the evening, you probably expect the classics: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, buttered little loaves, and of course, pie. The only problem?Too much to eat all this food not only leaves you with food coma After taking advantage, but he can also leave you a groggy and raw feeling.

Fortunately, he should not be like that. We consulted with dietitians to ask for advice from experts to avoid feasting thanksgiving feedback that the results in most of us fall asleep on the couch after the big meal.

What is a food coma?

There are some theories about what exactly causes the induction of "food coma", or its scientific term of postprandial drowsiness (after somnolence meals).

One of which is the type of meal you eat, others understand the diversion of blood from other muscles to focus on digestion of the meal that has just been consumed.

"Although there is not an exact cause that has been scientifically proven, the physiology tells us the answer we are looking for can put in the nervous system of the body," saysKristi king, MPH, RDN, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

According to King, here's how it works. The nervous system has two main parts:

  1. the parasympathetic nervous system, which is known for our mode "rest and digest" and
  2. the sympathetic nervous system, which is used for stimulation ("fight or leak").

"When you consume a meal, especially a large meal, increases your function of the parasympathetic nervous system. This thendecreases Your answer from the sympathetic nervous system, which equates to a tired you! »

Another way to watch: you have overwhelmed your body with the huge amount of food you have just eating.

"Eat too much Can induce what looks like slowness and fatigue that blood is diverted from the brain and ends to the gastrointestinal tract for digestion, "says Monica Austlander Moreno, MS, R & D, LD / N, Dietitian and Nutrition Advisor forRSP Nutrition. "It can also occur as a result of a fall in blood in the blood. Once you eat, blood sugar increases, but after high-teased / sweet meals, it can quickly fall, and this decrease can also cause fatigue. »

RELATED: The easy way to make comfortable foods healthier.

What can you do to avoid food coma?

Here are 8 tips to prevent you from feeling out after your Thanksgiving meal.

1. Fill your plate with the color. are fruits and vegetables your colorful foods. "These providefiber which contributes toFill you But also great antioxidants for health in general "says the king. Make half of your fruits and vegetables plate. Try to avoid creamy vegetables, but if you can not resist, just add a spoonful to your plate. "

2. Clear throughout the day. "Many people are hungry on the action of graces to" save "for the big meal, but it is a recipe for the food coma. You are 100 percent going to eat too much, "says Auslander Moreno. She offers you to treat thanksgiving as any other day, wise meal. It means you need a fullhealthy breakfast and a full lunch, and even aPre-meal puzzle. (Or you will eat all 17 of the hosts at your host).

"You can have your (hope-it) nutrient than the usual breakfasts and lunches that have protein, plants and fibers," says Auslander Moreno. "And if you eat quite late, I often have asnack that contains proteins, Like an apple with almond butter, on the path of the meal. In this way, the coast I can in full transparency, while the turkey roasts for three hours ".

3. awareness. "It keeps your portions in check and can prevent you from eating more fat foods," says the king. "Ask yourself on a scale of 1-10, how are you hungry? Focus on the foods you eat, savor taste, aroma and texture. »

4. Eat slowly.Try to put your fork between two bites at your own pace. "Rest assured that you do not need to clean your plate at the table, you must first finish everything on your plate," says the king.

5. Pass the dessert marathon. "Since a rapid increase and a decrease in blood sugar can cause fatigue, stick to your one or two preferred desserts of medium size, and pair them with proteins (such as milk or yogurt) to slow down the glycemic response AUSLANDER MORENO said. "The propagation of dessert is certainly a marvel, but in reality, be honest with yourself and choose one by twoThanksgiving desserts that you like the most. Take the home of rest and gel ".

6. Drink a lot of water. To do this, before and during the meal. "When you are dehydratedYour body can become slow and tired too, says King. "To be dehydrated will only contribute to your food coma."

7. GB for a post-meal walk . "It will help redistribute the blood flow to the rest of your body and annoying you," says Austlander Moreno. "Just get a foot in front of the other! Engage the whole family - Everyone should enjoy a nice college event outside, take dogs and tea."

8. Paste with a plate. "It is better to prevent them first by stimulating throughout the day and avoiding the second (or third) contributions to meals," says Austlander Moreno. "An affiliate is enough. Your eyes are bigger than your stomach."

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