25 ways to organize your kitchen to succeed in weight loss

Do not miss these infallible means to make your kitchen a haven of time and a happy place to prepare your food.

It is so easy to let your kitchen become a magnet for chaos, especially when it takes feedback to your list of more tasks. Clean the refrigerator, Retravail how your space is organized, decalcutting cabinets - which has the time of an appropriate cooking organization? We really understand that it seems to be a lot of work, but we also know that crazy cooking can dobalanced diet much more difficult. That's why we compiled the concrete advice you need to do the job - and your space - much less overwhelming. There are really simple ways to get your kitchen under control so you can easily find everything you need. Snacks with gadgets, having a space you feel sane can help you ensure a healthy lifestyle with a minimal effort once you are all set up!

We asked the experts to reveal their peak tips and proven hacks to make your kitchen a place that promotes weight loss, while being one of peace and harmony instead of mess and stress. Once you are ready to organize your kitchen, get a week of smarter movements with our guide forPreparation meals Sunday: 25 tips for cooking once, eat for a week!


Literate your spices.


Have you ever wanted your pantry looking for a particular spice to go out and buy a new - and find the one you originally looking for later? Yes, U.S. too! An easy solution: alphabetize your herbs and your spices! "It really helps! We have definitely struggled more than once to find the right spice and finish by buying a supplement of something we already have," says Karena Dawn and Katrina Hodgson to tone. "Get your spice drawer organized for easy access to all the flavors that your food may need - and have fun with it. You can also choose fun pots and become creative with labels." The girl of spices right now is turmeric; to find14 reasons why people are obsessed with curcuma!


Have several cutting boards.

If you do not have cutting boards in your line of sight, it's hard to get your fresh fruit and sliced ​​vegetables, dice and ready for action. Tricia Griffinin, RD, CSSD suggests keeping a range of different cut cutting boards stacked and supported against your backsplash. "That's how I remember using fresh vegetables and fruits in my meals," she reveals. Go ahead and flex on those you find aesthetically nice - Choose colors that you feel good looking!


Buy multi-purpose devices.


With regard to appliances, there is an overload of options that make all mix, mix, steam and boil at your counter-summit. Although it's easy to think that you need everyone, it's better to take a more practical and troublesome approach - with your device collection. "I love things like a stove of 3 in 1 brunned, slow cooks or pressure thiefs," recommends Dr. Robert Silverman, DC of Ny Chirocare. "Healthy cooking does not need to take a lot of your precious time or countertop." Speaking of gadgets, fallen a glance of these20 cooking gadgets health engineering And see which you can not live without!


Use mason pots to organize your pantry.

Keep your pretty and functional pantry while maintaining nuts, seeds and grains in mason pots. This is what the tone of daughter daughters swears by! "Not only does it keep your pantry more organized, but it gives you a better sense of the amount of everything you have left," suggests Karena and Katrina.


Organize your refrigerator.


Your refrigerator is one of the most important parts of the kitchen to stay organized. But store it's not enough; You must have easy access to healthy items. Marissa CIORCIARI, MS, RD, LD / N, CLT, Functional Nutritionist with Carillon Miami Beach suggests keeping portable containers of roasted vegetables and salads, and a pitcher of water with sliced ​​products. The detoxification (think that the infused water of lemon and lime slices) are excellent options to help you help these21 healthy ways of detox without juice.


Keep your roots and fresh aromatics.


"Sweet potatoes, onions and garlic need dark spaces to stay fresh," says Karena and Katrina. "If you have an empty empty drawer in your kitchen, head with parchment paper, and store all these items in it." Speaking of things you need to stick in your refrigerator, discover these11 surprising foods you should keep in the fridge.


Get your sharpened knives.

Another important part of the reduction of fruits, vegetables, meats and more? Knives! "Ask your favorite knives, so it's effortless to cut and chop your vegetables," says Ny Health and Wellness Lisa Avellino's physical condition. "Keep them on a magnetic block so that they are easy to reach, too!" Bonus: A magnetic band mounted keep your drawers without big knives - and possibly be more difficult to reach for the youngest family members.


Discard the old and broken utensils.


Do you keep random utensils because you might need them a day? Have you received two of the samePizza Cutters of your wedding register and you are convinced that you could have a giant party a day when you need them? Stop what you do and discard all broken or duplicate utensils that you have not used in two years, as well as random things that you never want in the first place. "Simplicity is the highest form of sophistication. So keep everything clean, fresh, modern and new," says Avellino. "When you are inspired by a new color palette, you are more likely to make better healthy choices in the kitchen. When he is stressed or overestimulated, we tend to rush and grab something. So slow down. You, be discerning and literally clean. House. "


Write your menu for the week.


"Out of sight, far from the mind" is a motto that does not apply when you try to plan your meals for the week. According to Avellino, the best addition of your kitchen is a chalk or a dry erasure board. "You can plan healthy meals in advance to handle your kitchen and win the support of the whole family."


Create areas in your kitchen.


You can go crazy about zipper around the kitchen to all drawers and cabinets that collect the supplies you need to do things like making coffee or break a post-trainingagitation of proteins. Jennifer Marcus, owner of a clutter design, has an easy way to keep things for an "activity" all together while keeping healthy: create areas!

"If you are a coffee drinker, create a" coffee area "where all your supplies are within the reach of the other", suggests Marcus. "Use hooks under a cabinet to hang your cups right next to your coffee maker, add a decorative container next to the manufacturer with your favorite sweetener." According to Marcus, you can do it with any kitchen task you are doing with regularity. For example, if you like cook, do not keep your flour and sugar on the other side of the kitchen of your mixer and bowls. Create a cooking zone using a wardrobe or drawer to shelter all ingredients and supplies.


Ditch the package.


Food packages are of different shapes and sizes, which can take more room than necessary in your cabinets. "Remove food from their boxes and place them in individual containers, similar in size, not only are you going to save room, but using clear containers, you will know when you are low and you have to restore your stock" , suggests Marcus. If you do not want to forget the brand / exact instructions / nutrition information of the elements, cut out the box label and adhere it to the containers. Marcus also recommends that you can add a small hook to the container and suspend a spoon to measure right on the container if it is a food that you should always measure. But while we are careful about packaged products, please make sure you do not eat any of these26 worst foods in America 2016!


Adjust your cabinets and refrigerator shelves.


Repeat this mantra: you can operate your kitchen for you! "In most cases, your shelves in your cabinets and your refrigerator are adjustable! Put them to meet the needs of the items you want on them, "says Marcus. "Do not only agree that you have to put an object somewhere annoying simply because it does not suit you. You are flexible and your kitchen is both."


Label your freezer.

It sounds simple enough, and yet so many people do not do that. If you are all about doing extra food, so you have left to freeze for later, you just know that some frozen things, like bread (whichThe transformor into resistant starch! -Marcus says to be sure to label it with the date you jumped into the freezer.


Grow your own herbs.


There is nothing like satisfaction (and the Zen effect) to develop your own food. Herbs are one of the easiest things you can cultivate yourself, even if you do not have a garden for a full garden. Keep small grass pots planted like mint, parsley and basil around your kitchen and washbasin. You will always have fresh flavors and on-site fittings to throw a meal or dessert at any time, "says Griffin. And better yet? This will give your kitchen at the same time an attractive look and an aromatic touch!


Place your snacks in a specific area.

Make an area designed for snacks in the pantry. "I recommend having this as a closed space instead of leaving free air," says Ciorciary. "Inside, keep objects you feel are tasty and healthy enough, but those who do not trigger a" snack attack "and let you escape control. Of the view, out of sight. If you Know it's a trigger food before you buy it, let it be in the store for a while before leaving the rental space in your kitchen! "For good options, check out these25 best new clean meals you can buy online.


Consolidate how your work is.


Less is really even more when it comes to many items you could "hesitate" in your kitchen. Sarah Harris, MS, RDN and founder of Simplectic Nutrition, says there are several things you should get rid of immediately. "Throw all food containers that have no matching lids. They take a valuable space in your cabinets! And discard or give them all but three sheets of cookies. You should not have more cookie leaves than you n. Do not have room for a time in your oven! "She says. "Throw or abandon the pans that are not not sanctuaries. They ruin foods like 90% of the time because everything is yours. Finally, do not keep as many pots as you have room on your cook at a time . It would be, in a typical cuisine, a maximum of four pans. "Fyi, the same goes for Pots-stick to four, max.

RELATED:To learnHow to deposit your metabolism and lose weight the intelligent way.


Know what is worth buying.


There are so many simple solutions that are waiting for only to be discovered in places such as bed, bath and beyond, and yet many people consider these items as not necessarily. But Turst we; The $ 10 for this plastic cabinet bag carrier on the inside of the interior are virtually changing life. The thing that keeps your pots and your lids stoves of a neat small row? It's awesome. Another victory: the Susan lazy mini to stick inside your wardrobe for your small jars and items of non-spices. No, we do not say buy random things! But if you know that something will certainly make your life easier to a daily or weekly basis, it's probably worth reaching the extra torque.


Buy a fruit bowl.

Courtesy of Sarah Koszyk

"Get a cute bowl to go on your counter and fill it withfresh fruit! It's a simple change, but can be so effective to add healthier food to your day, "suggests Jen FlachBart, Ms., Rd." When we are hungry, we are likely to reach something practical and scope. You will be more likely to stop you at your counter for a healthy snack instead of searching your cabinet for these cookies! "


Have a "just in case" offer.


You know these weeks when there is just not enough hours in the day and get to the grocery store seems to be an impossible exploit? "Always have" emergency food "in frozen frozen vegetables, fruits, vegetable burgers and rice," says Amy Gorin, MS, RDN. "In this way, there is no excuse for ordering to take away!" Move it, not that! The team can be linked to this advice if we have compiled a list of35 occupied foods busy people are stored!


Put the upper jerk on the shelf.


These foods that give you this fast sugar solution? Do you know, guilty like cookies, crackers and sweets? Do not accept so easy to give in to temptation and development by hand! Make a challenge by putting them up in the cabinets, so if you really want one, you have to work for that by breaking a stool to reach them!


Take advantage of cooking technology and applications.


We live in the future not so far away, so enjoy all high-tech cooking gadgets at your disposal, suggests Avellino. There are applications that preheat your oven while you are in your car on the way back or sensors who know if these eggs are always good - and other people who can literally tell you the exact date and time that You opened a pot that sits in the refrigerator. They are fun to use - but the best of all, help prevent waste and help you make the most of your grocery store and enjoy these25 ways to use almost spoiled foods.


Have a kitchen tablet only.


If you are ready to upgrade your personal tablet on the next generation, think twice before you get rid of your old one. Instead, consider making it a dedicated tablet just for cooking. Get rid of clunky cookbooks and even stacks of old recipes and get them all in a simple faucet or slide on your kitchen tablet.


Group of healthy food in groups together.


All of these healthy foods like spiralizers (for things like zoodles), high power mixers for smoothies, your food ladder, and more to stay easily for easy access if they are tools that you use regularly. "Keep them carefully placed on counters so you still have basics in fast food preparation," said Ciorciary.


Consider an additional mini-garbage.

Instead of moving constantly between your counter and the main trash while preparing and cooking your meals, consider giving you a small garbage chassis container that you can put on your counter temporarily or permanently for access Seamless for getting food tips.


Get strategic with your coffee maker.

Why have to worry about another container or something else to clean if you really do not have to be? Rallie McAllister, MD, MPH and co-founder of Momdguides.com have the simplest solution when it comes to your morning buzzing. "Put your coffee machine close enough to your sink to use the retractable faucet to fill it," she says. "No picchet required!" Love coffee? Then you will love these 21 foods that you can add coffee to !

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: Cooking Tips
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