Coca-Cola launches its first alcoholic drink in 40 years

The Giant Soda starts on board with weak ABV drinks.

Coca-Cola had announced this year that they would becut their portfolio low-performance marks to focus on their commodities. (For example, in July theyinterrupted the popular line of Odwalla smoothies.) But it seems that innovation is not completely out of the table for the giant drinks. The company will beEnter the alcoholic beverage market for the first time for nearly 40 years With a new product that is ready to hit the shelves of American supermarkets next year. (Find out how the Coca-Cola Sodas ranking on our list of108 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.)

According toMarketing,Coca-Cola launches a hard seltze as part of the Fan-Favorite Topo Chico brand. The low-grade drink in ABV was inspired by the popularity of their Mineral Waters Topo Chico as well as the increased popularity of the Hard Seltzers issues rival societies like Sam Adams. Topo Chico Hard Seltzer will be released in Mexico and Brazil at the end of the month, but American consumers will have to wait until 2021 for the hand to be maintained.

Related:13 drinks that you will not believing belonging to Coke

Sales Hard Seltze exploded in recent years, the millennia being the driving force of the surge in popularity.These drinks contain less alcohol at volume than a beer and are also much clearer in calories. According to the data cited byUnited States todayUS consumers increased their purchases from the 200% alcoholic beverage in 2019. Although Coca-Cola noted that their Seltzer hard product is an experimental enterprise, there are many reasons to be optimistic about the reaction of The youngest consumption base.

"The interest of consumers in the Hard Seltzer comes from a combination of health / well-being (low glucania / calories) and mines of a seam that exists between the demand of consumers of wine and spirits compared to beer "Business Analysts of the Bank of America written in February. And it seems that the trend has only been strengthened this year with the pandemic growing more consumers to enjoy alcoholic drinks at home.

In 1978, during the wine boom of America, Coca-ColaPurchased several wineries to capitalize on the trend. But because of tight margins that the company was not used to in their SODA activity, the valuation was short-lived and the Giant of the SODA ended the retirement of the products by 1982.

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